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INSTRUCTION: Listen to the recording the verbs you hear are in bare form.

You have to complete the

following extract with the verbs in past simple tense in their correct form.

Student’s name: ____Pablo Ruíz Aquino_________ Grade: ___2°___ Group: ___”A”___

Last night I __hab_ a nightmare, all my family _Was__ asleep and I woke up because I __needed__ to

go to the bathroom. Then, I __Went__ to the kitchen, ___took___ a knife, because I ___thought____

I _Saw_ something. My sister woke up too, and she __told___ me to look everywhere.

Minutes later my parents woke up too, they ___asked__ us: __say__ (you) something?
It __was nothing. So, we __didn´t___ (not) much about it, and finally we ___went___ to bed again!

NOTE: In order to help you, I am writing you some verbs that are included in the audio, so you can choose the
correct verbs from the list below.

eat talk think learn help

say make leave look ask
go watch know live want
live have writes take tell
be do see buy need

SCORE: 7.6

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