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Cutting Plan Designer

© Rastislav Korytar, 1999-2002


Author Rastislav Korytar

Kamenna 8
915 01 Nove Mesto nad Vahom
Slovak republic


The OPTIMIK program is used for automatic design of cutting plans for manufacturers of furniture and other
manufacturers from flat materials (wood, metal sheets, glass, fabric), the product range of which is wide or
permanently varies (made-to-order production, etc.).

In addition to this basic task, it can automatically keep and maintain detailed records on materials and
individual formats, store sets and insert them into jobs, calculate costs for each job and set, and many other
“trifles” which will make your life easier.


The following main window is displayed after starting the program:

There are 5 icons in the left lower part of the window (as well as in other windows of the program) which
perform the following functions:

Enter a new record in the table

The function can also be activated by pressing the (+) key

Edit the current record in the table

The (*) key

Delete the current record or all the selected records in the table
The (-) key. In some tables, several records can be selected using the right mouse button

Print the table records

Different variants of printed reports are available in most cases

Data import from a text file

The text file structures will be described below
(individual data in one line are separated by the | - Alt+124 character)
1. Program Set-up...
In the window, which is opened after clicking on the icon , set the following:

Cutting plan printout:

Two identification items will be printed in the

upper part of every cutting plan. It can be
material description, job description on any other

To better differentiate the boards, usable cut-offs

and wastes, you can use different font colours
and types.

If necessary, the program can also write

description of the board on every board in
addition to its dimensions; print 2 cutting plans
onto one sheet, print an image of the material
used and print edge covering strips.

Other settings:

The header of every printed report can include 1

line containing any data (e.g. contacts to your
company, commercials, etc.). If you want to
show the current date in a line, replace it with
the $D characters and the current time replace
with the $T characters. For example: “Printed on
May 12, 2002 at 12:45” should be entered as
“Printed on $D at $T”.

A unit of length, which will be used in the

program, can also be set here. The following
can be chosen: mm, cm, dm, m, decimal
inches, inches, feet and inches

To avoid misunderstanding, set the dimension

you use as the first one when entering. The
horizontal dimension is designated as the
“Length” and the vertical one as the “Width” in
the program.

To speed up the manual entering of boards, materials, and other components, you can set „continue
entering automatically“. I.e. after entering the record into the table, the program reopens the input window
automatically for entering the next record without the need to click on the icon or press the (+) key. Despite
this setting, the program stores the last entered data and it enters it into the input window when entering a
new record thus speeding up the entire process of data entering.

More over, you can let the program warn you, if necessary, about the unsaved cutting plan and
unchanged material stock, after designing the cutting plan and returning to the main window.

The entire setting can be changed any time. If the unit of length is changed later, the program recalculates all
the dimensions automatically.
2. Entering the Materials...

After clicking on this icon (or pressing the M key), a window with records on materials will open.
A list of material types is shown in the upper table.
Formats of the current material are recorded in the lower left table and the summary of receipt and
issue of the current format are shown in the right lower table.

The list of materials, formats, and flows can be either printed or exported into (or imported from) a text file
with the following structure:

Code = M | Mark | Description | Minimum cut-off | Kerf | = (Oriented blister grain)
X (Without the blister grain) | Minimum cut-off dimensions | Minimum length of large format sizes | Price

Code = F | Length | Width | + (to be used in the design)

Code = P | Date | Description | - (Issue) + (Receipt) | Quantity

The following rules apply for import:

1. New formats (usable cut-offs created) will also be added to the list and the same mark as was used by
the “initial” format will be assigned to them. If such formats already exist, their stock will be changed.

2. If the imported file contains only formats, they will be assigned to the current material automatically.

3. If the imported file contains only records on receipts and issues, they will be assigned to the current
format automatically.

4. To ensure compatibility, all the dimensions are shown in millimetres.

After clicking on the icon (or pressing the + key), a window in which the following data can be entered
will open under the material table:

Mark – max. 15 characters

Description – max. 60 characters

Cut-off minimum – the width of the

narrowest strip of the material, which can be
cut off or removed.

Image – for better orientation, an image can

be assigned to the material.
Images (*.jpg) are stored in the Images
directory in the installation directory of the
program. The side ratio is 4:3 (112 x 84

Oriented blister grain – to be selected if

the material has oriented blister grain. Then,
the program will differentiate the formats
with such dimensions as 500 x 800 and 800
x 500 as two separate formats. Otherwise
the program will join them into a single
format automatically during automatic
completion (after finishing the calculation).

Smallest formats of usable cut-offs – the

cut-offs, which are smaller than the ones
shown, will be considered unusable waste
by the program.

Minimum length of large format sides –

the formats, which have both sides longer
than or equal to the specified dimension, are
considered „basic formats“ (written in red in the format table) and the program itself selects the most
suitable one out of them during the calculation. The other formats will be considered „cut-offs“ by the

Price – the price per m2 (ft2) of the material. WARNING!!! If the setting for a unit of length is changed (e.g.
from mm into inches), this price must be corrected manually!!!

If you do not know the square price of the material, the “calculator” will help you. Click on the icon (or
press the Ctrl key) to display the window in which the square price can be calculated using the following:

- Price per 1 kilogram of the material Or - Price per 1 table

- Material thickness - Dimensions of the table
- Material density

The calculation is activated automatically after entering every item into the box and leaving this box. After
clicking on the OK button, the window is closed and the calculated amount is entered into the Price box.
After entering a new material, click on the icon under the format table and enter the basic format of this
Initial stock – enter the current quantity, which is on stock. All
other later receipts and issues will be recorded in a separate
table. The current stock will be calculated as "initial stock +
receipts – issues“

Width – vertical dimension

Length – horizontal dimension
Note: Always indicate a 100% usable format (in the case of
basic formats, trimmed dimensions....)

To be used in the next job – here, the use of this format in the
cutting plan design is selected or deselected. Deselecting the
use is indicated with the X character in the last column of the
format table.

Negative stock allowed – if this box is selected, the program

will use this format in calculation in an unlimited quantity, even
if it should create its negative stock. The (-) signs in the last
column of the format table indicate the negative stock.

If this format is used in the cutting plan design, the program will change its stock automatically after the
calculation. It will also add new formats (usable cut-offs created) or change their stock if such formats
already exist.

Format stocks can also be changed manually any time – click on the icon under the table of receipts
and issues and enter the following:


Description – e.g. the job number, in which the format

was used, the supplier for purchase of the material, etc.


Type – receipt or issue of the specified quantity of


When entering all the dimensions in the program, the selected format and a unit of length are used.
If an individual dimension is to be entered using a different unit of length, pressing the following key can
change the mode of an input box:

Millimetres Centimetres Decimetres Metres Dec. inches Inches Feet and inches
3. Enter the Edge Covering Strips, as Appropriate...
After clicking on this icon (pressing the P key), a window with records on edge covering strips will
open. Edge covering strips are mostly used by the manufacturers of furniture and other products
made of chipboards to cover anaesthetic cutting surfaces.

Click on the icon and enter the following data:

Image – for better orientation, an image

of the material can be assigned to the
strip. Images (*.jpg) are stored in the
Images directory in the installation
directory of the program. The side ratio
is 4:3 (112 x 84 points)

Mark – max. 15 characters

Description – max. 60 characters

Price – price per 1m (ft) of the strip

4. There Is Time to Enter other Components...
After clicking on this icon (pressing the O key), a window with records on other components will
open. Here, all other materials (e.g. screws, hinges, etc.), overhead costs (electricity,
transportation, etc.), labour (assembly, cutting, etc.) and other components can be entered
according to your needs.

Click on the icon and enter the following data:

Image – for better orientation,

an image can be assigned to the
Images (*.jpg) are stored in the
Images\Components directory in
the installation directory of the
program. The side ratio is 4:3

Mark – max. 15 char.

Description – max. 60 char.

Price and unit of measure –

price for the unit of measure
5. Everything has been Entered, What’s next? Let’s Create the First Job...
If all necessary materials, edge covering strips, and other components have been entered, we can start with
creating the first job. In the main window, click on the icon (or press the V key) and you will get into the
window showing the summary of jobs:

Click on the icon and enter the following data:

Date – current date for the job entry

Mark – max. 15 characters
Description – max. 60 characters
Note – max. 45 lines
Processed – select if the job is processed. Unprocessed jobs are identified with X in the table.

After choosing a new job, “select“ it into the main menu by double-clicking, pressing the Enter key or simply
close the job window (Esc). The selected (current) job is then displayed in the upper part of the main

If more jobs are maintained, you can scroll among them even directly in the main window (without the need
to open the job window) by clicking on the icons (previous job) or (next job).
6. Now, We are about to enter All Boards, Strips, and Other Components, Which We
Need for its Realisation...

Click on the icon and enter the following data:

Quantity – number of pieces

Width – vertical dimension

Height – horizontal dimension

Do not rotate – select if you want to maintain orientation of

the board (direction of the blister grain)

Description – max. 60 characters

Set – max. 15 characters

Material – click on the button and the window with

records on materials will open. Select the required material
in the table by double-clicking or pressing the Enter key.

Edge covering strips – an edge-covering strip can be

assigned to each of the four edges of the board, (select
or click on the button and choose it in a similar way as
that for the material). Select the edge covering strips in the
following order – upper, right, lower, and left. For control, the
assigned strips are displayed around the image of the
material and also in the table in the main window.

If you want to enter other components into the job, click on the icon (or press the + key and keep the
Ctrl key depressed at the same time). In the window, which appears, enter the following data:

Item – click on the button and the window with records

on other components will open. Select the required
component in the table by double-clicking or pressing the
Enter key.

Quantity – enter the quantity in the current unit of measure

Set – max. 15 characters

The list of boards, edge covering strips, and other components can either be printed out or exported into (or
imported from) a text file with the specified structure:

Code = D | Mark of material | Quantity | Length | Width | = (Do not rotate – maintain the orientation) X (Any
orientation) | Description | Set | Strip material mark

Other components:
Code = O | Mark | Quantity | Set

If an unknown material, strip, or component is found in the data being imported, it will be added to the
appropriate list automatically. Except the mark, the program will not enter any other information about it and
therefore it is necessary to enter it manually after finishing the import.

When importing a job, the program will check the table first and find out if a job with the same number
already exists. If it does, it will only be updated.

In parallel with entering the components of the job, the quantities and sizes of materials, the lengths of strips,
and the quantities of other components used in the job are added automatically. The costs according to
current prices are also calculated (total costs are shown in the right upper corner). This data is shown in the
upper table in the main window:

Respective types of components are colour differentiated:

- Blue – material
- Yellow – other components
- Green – edge covering strips

The highlighted line in this table identifies which component is current.

The boards with current material, other components or boards in which the current strip is used are also
colour displayed in the lower table.

By clicking on the icon , the current component (material, strips, other components) can be changed and
a mass change to these components can also be done in the lower table.
7. The Job is Specified, so We Can Start with a Cutting Plan...
As the job may include boards out of an unlimited quantity of materials, first select the material for which the
cutting plan is being designed. The material is selected in the upper table and all the boards of this material
(i.e. those of which the cutting plan will be designed) will also be identified in the lower table.

Now, the only thing to do is to click on the icon to open the window in which the calculation will take
place. After opening of the window, we will focus on the following part

1.) Set the calculation rate – using this slider, the calculation rate
can be slowed down thus increasing the quality at the same time. It is
mostly used for smaller quantities of boards. However, in most cases,
the fastest calculation is sufficient.

2.) Select the cutting direction – if care should be taken to cut the
table in a certain direction (lengthwise or width wise). Otherwise, the
selection “Any cutting direction” can be active for which the best yield
of the table can be achieved in most cases.

3.) If you also want to use the cut-offs listed in the format table,
select this option and enter the minimum yield at the same time. I.e.
the particular cut-off will only be used if it can be utilised minimum up to
the percentage entered.

After setting all the required parameters, click on the “Calculation“ button. A window with a calculation
progress indicator will open and the formats used will be added to the table at the same time. First, the
program tries to use all possible smallest cut-offs and formats and then proceeds with larger formats. If the
program “consumes” complete stock of possible recorded formats, the calculation will be terminated
displaying a message on material shortage. To avoid such premature end of calculation, it is recommended
to select the “negative stock” option for at least one basic format.

When the calculation is over,

statistical data - quantity of
material used, quantity of new
cut-offs and waste, as well as
the total length of all cuts and
yield of the material – will be
shown in the lower part of the

Absolute yield of the material

represents the sizes of the
boards included to the size of
the material, expressed in

For relative yield, sizes of

usable cut-offs are added to the
size of boards.

Absolute yield of individual

formats is shown in the table.

After starting the calculation, the “No material formats available” message may appear if:

- There are no formats available for the current material in the list of materials;
- The formats are available, however, the programs considers them cut-offs (the “Minimum length of large
format sides” parameter is too big) and the use of cut offs in calculation is not activated at the same time.

When the calculation is over, the “Suitable material not available” message may appear if:

- Sufficient number of formats required is not available and the “Negative stock allowed” is not activated;
- Only the cut-offs, which cannot be utilised at least to the specified percentage, are available;
- The boards required cannot be “arranged”, under specific conditions (e.g. the “Cut-off minimum” or “Kerf”
are too big) on the formats available.

By clicking on the icons in the left part of the window (or by double clicking on the required format in the
table), you can view or print: the designed cutting plan, statistics on the cutting plans, the list of formats,
which were used, the list of boards including division into respective formats, and the list of cut-offs created.

After clicking on each out of these icons (and also after clicking on any icon in the program which is used for
printing), the window with a preview of a printed report will be displayed:
By clicking on corresponding icons and controls in the upper part of the window, you can:

- Print a printed report

- Display the required page of a multiple page report
- Move the printed report by a half page downwards (it is used when printing two short printed reports on a
single page)
- Switch the coloured printout on and off – if you use a laser printer, switch the colours off as some of
them might be too bright in a monochromatic version and thus difficult to read
- Zoom-in (enlarge) the preview
- Zoom-out (reduce in size) the preview
- Read the stored printed report from a file
- Store the displayed printed report into a file
- Export the displayed preview into a graphic file (*.bmp, *.jpg) using the current resolution
- Export the printed report data into a text file (this function is accessible only for some printed reports)

After successful calculation, two icons appear in the left lower part of the window at the same time, which
can be used to:

Save the entire cutting plan into a file.

Change the material stock,

i.e. reduce the stock of used formats and increase the stock by new cut-offs

Other two icons are located there permanently, which can be used to:

Open a cutting plan from a file. The program will understand it as if it were just calculated by it – i.e.
you can view it and print it (including all other lists)...

Change program setting – it can be used e.g. for a fast change in the setting for cutting plan printout,

When the “Cutting plan design” window is closed, the program will prompt you (if this option is selected in the
set-up) to save the calculated cutting plan (if you have not saved it so far). If you have not printed this cutting
plan out or you need it for archive purposes, do not forget to save it. However, when the window is closed, all
the data about it will be lost (pressing the “Calculation” button once more has the same effect).
You will also be prompted in the similar way to change the stocks in the warehouse.
The sets you produce in a series production (i.e. the same set even if with some differences – different
material, different external dimensions – is contained in your jobs more often) can be entered into the list of

These records will also save you more time because:

- The set and all its parts (boards, strips, other components) can be entered only once and always when
you want to use it in a job, simply move it from the list
- All materials, strips, other components, and external dimensions of the set can be changed very fast so
the particular set can be entered into the list only once. According to your customer’s needs, you can
modify it easily and move it, modified in this way, into a job.

You are a manufacturer of kitchen units. Enter individual cabinets and shelves, which will represent sets, into
the list of sets. If a customer places an order for a kitchen unit (which will represent a job), you do not have to
enter all components of the job elaborately, but simply select particular sets (cabinets and shelves) from the
list of sets after changes in materials and external dimensions as appropriate.

After clicking on this icon (in the right lower part of the main window), the window with the list of
sets will open. This list is very similar to list of sets and most of the functions have the same
meaning. The method and display of cost calculation is also identical.
To enter a new set, click on the icon below the upper table and in the window, which will open, enter the

Image – for better orientation, a

material image can be assigned to
the set. Images (*.jpg) are stored in
the Images\Sets directory in the
installation directory of the program.
The side ratio is 3:4 (150 x 200

Mark – max. 15 characters

Title – max. 60 characters

External dimensions – enter them

if you want to use automatic
recalculation of dimensions of the
boards in the set when external
dimensions of the set are changed

Then, to enter boards of the set, click on the icon below the lower table and enter the following:

Quantity – number of pieces

Width – vertical dimension

Height – horizontal dimension

Do not rotate – select this option if you want to maintain

orientation of the board (blister grain direction)

Description – max. 60 characters

Material – click on the icon and the window containing

the list of materials will open. Select the required material
from the table using double click or pressing the Enter key.

Edge covering strips – an edge-covering strip can be

assigned to each of the four edges of the board (select
or click on the button and choose it in a similar way as
that for the material). Select the edge covering strips in the
following order – upper, right, lower, and left. For control, the
assigned strips are displayed around the image of the
material and also in the table in the main window.
After clicking on the or buttons, the window in which automatic dimension calculation can be set will

Here, it is necessary to specify the external dimension of the

set (X, Y or Z) to which the board dimension will be related
and which values we want to subtract from it (or to divide the
remaining value by the number 2-9, respectively).

So, for instance, for the case of the width of internal shelves
of the set, we have to subtract two times the width of the
material (2 x 18 mm) and clearance (1 mm), if any, from the
width of the set (X dimension).
Then, the formula for calculation of the width of the board is
X-37 mm. It is entered into the window in the way shown in
the figure.

If you want to include other components into the set, click on the icon below the lower table (or press
the + key and keep the Ctrl key depressed at the same time). In the window, which then opens, enter the
following data:

Item – click on the button and the window with the list of
other components will open. Select the required component
from the table using double click or pressing the Enter key.

Quantity – enter the quantity in the current unit of measure


If you need to change dimensions of the whole set, enter the dimension you
want to change (X, Y, or Z), the new value of the dimension in the lower part
of the “Sets” window and click on the icon with a symbol of a calculator. All
the boards the dimensions of which are entered using this “calculation” will be recalculated.


If you need to transfer the entire set (i.e. all its parts – boards, strips, and other
components) into the job, just select the required set in the upper table, enter the
quantity into the box below the table (the quantities of all parts will be increased
automatically) and click on the icon next to the box.
Data Backup...

After clicking on this icon, the window will open in which you can backup all the data or restore the
data from the backup file if the computer fails.

Select the disk and the directory:

The DataFiles\SAVE directory is a default directory for backup

files, which can be found in the installation directory of the
program. It can be changed, if necessary, and the data can be
backup into any directory on any disk.

Backup file name:

All the data, which can be found in the program, will be stored
into one file with the extension *.opa, the name of which can be
changed or edited as appropriate. The program offers current
date as a default name. Backup is initiated by clicking on the
“Saving the data” button.

Viewing backup files in the selected directory:

All the backup files (*.opa files) in the directory on the selected
disk will be displayed here automatically. After selecting one of
these backup files, the “Refreshing data” button is activated.
After clicking on this button and confirming, all the data will be
restored from the selected backup file. However, it is also
recommended to backup data before restoring. As the data will
be permanently deleted after restore!

About the Program...

After clicking on this icon, a window will open in which you can find the number of a current version
of the program, address and contact information of the author and distributors, sorted by country.

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