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What you believe about God and your money will determine how you pray and what

believe Him for. You say, �But
money is the root of all evil.� No, the Bible says, �The love of money is the root
of all evil� (1Ti 6:10). That means if you�re a
miser, God won�t give you more. �But haven�t some preachers used the Bible to
enrich themselves?� you ask. Absolutely�and
you wouldn�t want to stand in their shoes when they answer to God! But don�t throw
the baby out with the bathwater. The best
way to tell if a dollar bill is counterfeit is to place it beside a genuine one. So
here�s the question: Are you looking for a reason
to doubt God�s promises, or a reason to believe them? The Bible says, �No good
thing does he withhold from those whose walk
is blameless� (Ps 84:11 NIV). We all agree that providing for your family, getting
a promotion, educating your children, and
meeting other people�s needs are all �good� things. So when you �do what is right�
before God, you can expect Him to bless
you. John wrote, �Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in
health, just as your soul prospers� (3Jn 2 NKJV).
Only when our children reach maturity and demonstrate responsibility do we entrust
them with the keys to the family car, right?
So maturity must precede prosperity. When you demonstrate maturity, you can go to
God with confidence, knowing He�ll meet
your needs and bless you. Which raises the question: Are you growing and maturing

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