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Abdominal (retroperitoneal ) cystic

Berdeaga Leonid, Cristian Livadaru, Liliana Gheorghe, Dragos Negru


Abdominal (retroperitoneal ) cystic lymphangioma; Adults; Diagnostic imaging; Histopathology; Surgical



Lymphangiomas are rare benign tumors of lymphatic origin. They are preferentially located in
the head and neck (75%), and axilla (20%) in children. However, lymphangiomas in the peritoneal cavity
are extremely rare (5%), particularly in adults. In the abdomen, they are commonly of cystic type and
occur in the mesentery, followed by the omentum, mesocolon, and retroperitoneum. Retroperitoneal
lymphangiomas are rare and account for 1% of all lymphangiomas. Other than being rare they cause a
diagnostic dilemma with other retroperitoneal cystic masses. This report describes the rare case of a
cystic retroperitoneal lymphangioma in a 85-year-old female patient. The lymphangioma had progressed
to the point of inducing clinical symptoms of abdominal distention, abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea
and diarrhea. Radiological imaging revealed a large multiloculated cystic abdominal mass with
enhancing septations involving the right side of abdomen . Surgical removal of the cyst was
accomplished without incident. A benign cystic retroperitoneal lymphangioma was diagnosed on
histology and confirmed.

Material and Method:

case of a 85-year-old female patient who was presented in the Surgery Department of the ,,Sf.
Spiridon” Iasi Hospital

Clinical features abdominal distention, abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea and diarrhea.


Abdominopelvic ultrasound and contrast CT scan were done. US showed hypoechoic cystic mass
with fine septa but the origin was obscured, while contrast CT, revealed homogenous unilocular or
multilocular cystic mass with enhanced septa. It defines also the size of the mass, its anatomical location
and the adjacent organs involved.


From the above we can report that Abdominal (retroperitoneal ) Cystic Lympangiomas are a rare
clinical entity, and its resemblance to many other intra-abdominal cysts. Although US, CT are helpful
imaging tools, they can give only suggestive diagnosis of the disease; however, the definitive diagnosis is
made only after histopathological examination of the excised specimen. They can be treated with
complete surgical excision.
case of a 12-year-
old male patient
who was presented
in the Oro-
Department of the
„St. Spiridon”, Iasi

Clinical features:
facial asymmetry,
functional chewing
disorder and right
nasal obstruction

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