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0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
Weighing Criteria Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary
Problem Problem
Has the The problem Problem
statement/requirement/opp statement/requirement/opportu
problem/requirement/ statement/requirement/oppor statement/requirement/opp
20% ortunity has been defined nity has been defined and
opportunity statement tunity has not been ortunity has been defined,
but not clearly. Project project scope is clear to the
been defined? completely defined project scope is not clear.
scope does not exist. company and project team
Customer needs have been Customer needs have been
Have the customer Customer needs have been
Customer needs have not collected from a few collected from most of the
20% needs been collected from the interested
been collected. interested people of the interested people of the
collected? people of the company
company company
Data has been translated into
A variable/attribute has
a variable/attribute for
been defined and captures
Has the customer identified customers as
Customer needs have not A variable/attribute has the customer needs,
need been translated appropriate. Also, the critical
20% been translated into been defined, but does not however units are not
into a to quality tree (including
variables/attributes capturethe customer need established. There are no
variable/attribute sustainability tripple bottom
CTQ from internal
line metrics) has been properly
Some objectives are not Project objectives are clear
Establishing No objectives have been Some project objectives are
20% aligned with the project and aligned with the
objectives established unclear
expectations expectations.
Student develops a Student develops a clear and
Student does not develop a Student develops an
Developing a plan to marginal plan, and does not concise plan to solve the
20% coherent plan to solve the adecuate plan and follows it
solve the problem follow to conclusion of the problem and follows the plan
problem to conclusion
project to conclusion.
0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
Weighing Criteria Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary
Has the factor Factor stratification establishes the
There is no factor Factor stratification has
25% stratification been Factor stratification is weak focused problems including a stability
stratification been partially carried out
established? analysis.
Process mapping partially
reflects the real operations Process mapping fully reflects the real
Process mapping Process mapping does not of the company. The operations of the company -including but
There is not process
25% has been reflect the real operations of diagram lacks of hidden not limited to: hidden factories, bottle
developed? the company factories, bottle necks, necks, value adding, not value adding
value adding activities or activities.
not value adding activities.

The data collection includes: data

The data collection plan lacks identification related to the
The data collection
of one of the following criteria: response/critical variable, data type,
includes: data
Has the data data identification, data type, how it is measured, operational
There is no data identification, data type,
25% collection plan been how it is measured, related definitios (where applicable). Sampling
collection plan how it is measured, most
established? conditions, sampling notes -if scheme (error, confidence level and
of the sampling scheme is
applicable- where it is standard deviation) produces significant
ell defined.
recorded. samples. The student recognizes the
future use of the data.

The student shows evidence of data

Has the data There are no The student does not use the The student shows
reliabitity and accuracy. There is an
25% reliability been evidence of data appropiate tools to verify data evidence of data reliabitity
action plan to improve data accuracy if
verified reliability analysis reliability and accuracy and accuracy.
0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
Weighing Criteria Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary

The student properly

generates causes or factors
with the participation of the
The student is able to generate team or using the AMEF.
relevant causes or factors (with Causes have been properly
There is no evidence
The student identities causes or the team), besides non critical weighted. There is a plan for
of data, factors or
Analyzing data, factors without the participation ones following a methodology. cause verification and
100% cause generation,
factors, causes of the team. There is not proper Some of the causes have been students consistently followed
analysis or
analysis or verification. validated through statistics or it. There is enough evidence
gemba. The 5-whys presents of cause analysis with
some issues. statistics or gemba. Root
factors or causes are the
result of a proper use of 5
why's methodology.
0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
Weighing Criteria Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary

The student verifies and

There is no evidence of The student verifies the
There is evidence of model validates the model
40% Model translation model translation in model using the
translation in FlexSim developed in FlexSim using
FlexSim methodology
statistical analysis.

The proposed solutions are

Have robust solutions The students proposed
consistent with the relevant
been proposed to the solucions without The student proposed The proposed solutions are
causes/factors. The solutions
30% identified considering relevant solutions to some of the consistent with the relevant
are the result of the analysis,
factors/insights/restricti factors/causes, from the relevant factors/causes. causes/factors.
evaluation and priorizaton of
ons? previous phase (Analysis)

The implementation plan

The implementation plan lacks The implementation plan includes: the solutions, why,
of some of the following includes: the solutions, how, where and when must
criteria: the solutions, why, why, how, where and when be implemented. Also, who
Has the implementation There is no
30% how, where and when must be must be implemented. is responsable and the costs
plan been established? implementation plan
implemented. Also, who is Also, who is responsable involved -if any-. The
responsable and the costs and the costs involved -if customer fully understands
involved -if any-. any-. the implementation plan and
his/her feedback is evident.
0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
Weighing Criteria Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary

The solutions and/or

The students implemented The solutions and/or prototyes
Have the prototyes are
There are no solutions/prototypes without are fully implemented
40% solutions/prototypes been implemented without
implementations considering the plan, from according the plan and its
implemented/modeled? considering the plan
the previous phase priorization
and its priorization

The before and after data has

been technically compared and
The before and after data The before and after
Has the before and after The before and after data evaluated. The impact in other
40% has not been consistenly data has been
data been dispayed? has not been dispayed. areas (CTQ tree) has been
dispayed. compared.
identified and assessed
including sustainability factors.

Based on the objectives of

The control plan includes all the
the simulation project, has The control plan
There is not a control plan The control plan includes elements well supported.
the Control plan been includes most of the
20% established? (Elements are:
or none of the elements are few elements well
elements well
There is evidence of visual
well supported. supported. control implementation
what, who, why, how, supported.
when, where, how much)

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