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a) The absolute acceleration response spectrum corresponds to record 1, because the absolute
acceleration is the sum of the ground acceleration and the relative acceleration, so the absolute
ac. (acceleration), is greater than the de ground ac. and the relative ac.. The record 2 could
correspond to the ground acceleration.

b) The record 1, has a higher peak (of almost 0.5 g), than the record 2 (0.25 g) and according to the
graph has and average acceleration higher than the record 2 because has a higher area under the
curve than record 2, so this gives more force to the earthquake on record 1 for the same amount
of mass according to Newton’s second law F=m*a. Finally, as the record 1 has more force than the
record 2, the deformation under the record 1 will be higher than under the record 2.

c) The absolute acceleration response spectrum of a seismic record is the total amount of
acceleration than the system will be experimenting during the seismic, this mean that is the
acceleration of the ground during the seismic plus the relative acceleration of the system

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