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Yarmouk University

Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology

Department of Computer Engineering

Training Report

Arob Abu-Lubbad 2014980115

Supervised : Dr. Atef Nsour

Training Period : 23/06/2019 to 23/12/2019

Training Place Network international-Jordan


First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank God and my sweet family
without their blessings and care I wouldn't have achieved anything

Second, I would like to thank my supervised Dr Atef Nsour for his cooperation,
advises and help during my training period, and my special thank and respect for
Engineer: Areej abu- shehab and Tasneem ayasrah , for all their help and support
during this period and they don’t save any effort to deliver the correct information
for me, They introduced me to the Project Management world and taught me new
skills in real life.

Finally, thanks to our dearest department Computer Engineering for having a

unique training course for engineer students and to all the engineering professors
for their wide education as teaching us our courses.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................... ii

Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1

1.1 NI Overview ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 PMI Overview ................................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2 : Project management professional (PMP) .............................................................. 3

2.1 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 3

2.2 Project Lifecycle ................................................................................................................ 5

2.3 Process Groups ................................................................................................................ 12

Chapter3:Agile Methodology .................................................................................................... 13

3.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 13

3.2 Agile Manifesto ............................................................................................................... 14

3.3 How it`s Work? ............................................................................................................... 15

3.4 Agile Methodologies ....................................................................................................... 17

3.5 Comparison between Agile & Waterfall (PMP).............................................................. 19

Chapter 4: IT Project Management In NI.................................................................................. 21

Chapter 5: NI Training Experience ........................................................................................... 25

5.1 VX MasterCard Certification .......................................................................................... 25

5.2 Efwateercom Hot Site ...................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 6: Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 29

References ................................................................................................................................. 30

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 NI Overview
Established in 1994, Network International LLC is the largest acquirer in the UAE,
and a leading payment solutions provider in the Middle East and Africa region
(MEA), servicing more than 65,000 merchant partners and 220 financial
institutions in over 50 countries

The company’s service offering comprises a comprehensive range of payment

products and services for both the Issuing and Acquiring segments of banks,
financial institutions and retail merchants including end-to-end consultancy
ranging from planning and designing to developing of new card and consumer
finance products and services.

In addition, the company offers several value-add products including data

analytics, scoring and loyalty solutions. Network International has operation
centers in the UAE, Egypt, Jordan, South Africa and Nigeria, with its corporate
head office in Dubai.

In 2016, the company acquired Emerging Markets Payments Holdings Limited

(EMPH) and continues to invest in strategic partnerships that will increasingly see
its influence spread across the region.

As the first independent vendor certified by both Visa & MasterCard for card
payments in the Middle East, Network International is a Principal Member of Visa
International and MasterCard International in the UAE and enjoys extension of its
MasterCard License in other key countries.

It is also a member of JCB and Union Pay card schemes, and it owns and manages
the Diners Club International Franchise in the UAE, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan.
Network International is a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI
DSS) certified company.

1.2 PMI Overview
Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world's leading association for those
who consider project, program or portfolio management their profession.

Through global advocacy, collaboration, education and research, They work to

prepare more than three million professionals around the world for the Project
Economy: the coming economy in which work, and individuals, are organized
around projects.

Their professional resources and research deliver value for more than 2.9 million
professionals working in nearly every country in the world to enhance their
careers, improve organizational success and further mature the profession.

They offer eight certifications that recognize knowledge and competency,


 Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification – renowned as the

global gold standard. Salaries and career opportunities for PMPs show that
employers recognize the value delivered by trained practitioners.

 PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® - Created for those who

believe in and apply agile principles and practices on projects. It requires a
combination of training, experience and an exam. It also bridges agile
approaches such as SCRUM, XP, LEAN and Kanban.

According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), a methodology is

defined as ‘a system of practices, techniques, procedures, and rules used by those
who work in a discipline. Lean practices, Kanban, and Six Sigma are project
management methodologies examples.’

The point of selecting a project management methodology is to maximize the use

of resources and time.

Chapter 2 : Project management professional
2.1 Definitions
Project is temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or

A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and
therefore defined scope and resources.

And a project is unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of
operations designed to accomplish a singular goal. So a project team often includes
people who don’t usually work together – sometimes from different organizations
and across multiple geographies.

The development of software for an improved business process, the construction

of a building or bridge, the relief effort after a natural disaster, the expansion of
sales into a new geographic market — all are projects.

And all must be expertly managed to deliver the on-time, on-budget results,
learning and integration that organizations need.

Every project must have the following components:

 Goal: What are you trying to achieve?

 Timeline: When are you trying to achieve it by?

 Budget: How much will it cost to achieve?

 Stakeholders: Who are the major players who have an interest in this

 Project manager: Who is going to make sure everything that needs to be

completed gets completed?

Project management, then, is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and
techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.

Project managers, are organized, passionate and goal-oriented who understand

what projects have in common, and their strategic role in how organizations
succeed, learn and change.

They work well under pressure and are comfortable with change and complexity
in dynamic environments. They can shift readily between the "big picture" and
the small-but-crucial details, knowing when to concentrate on each.

Project managers are change agents: they make project goals their own and use
their skills and expertise to inspire a sense of shared purpose within the project

Project managers are found in every kind of organization -- as employees,

managers, contractors and independent consultants.

In short, project managers are responsible for the planning, executing, monitoring,
controlling, and completion of projects.

A project management office (PMO) is a group or department within a

business, agency or enterprise that defines and maintains standards for project
management within the organization.

There are 3 basic types of PMO. Each has its own level of influence and

1- Supportive PMO

2-Controlling PMO

3-Directive PMO

2.2 Project Lifecycle

Regardless of what kind of project you’re planning, every project goes through the
same stages, more or less. Although each project will require their own set of
unique processes and tasks, they all follow a similar framework. There’s always a
beginning, a middle, and an end. This is called the project lifecycle.

The project lifecycle helps provide some predictability, and gives the project
manager a way to tackle tasks in distinct phases. we’ll explain what you need to
know about each phase.

1-The Initiation Phase

The initiation phase is the first phase of the entire project management life cycle.
The goal of this phase is to define the project, develop a business case for it, and
get it approved.

This phase mainly composed of two main activities:

 Develop a Project Charter

 Identify Stakeholders

All the information related to the project are entered in the Project Charter and
Stakeholder Register. When the project charter is approved, the project becomes
officially authorized.

By the end of this phase, the project manager should have a high-level
understanding of the project purpose, goals, requirements, and risks.

Project Charter

The Project Charter defines the project's main elements:

1. Project goals

2. Project constraints and Problem statements

3. Assign project manager

4. Stakeholder list

5. High-level schedule and budget

6. Milestones

7. Approvals

How to Create a Project Charter

1. Understand project goals and objectives. Identify the project vision and
determine the scope of the project

2. Define project organization. List all of the essential roles for the project,
including customers, stakeholders, and day-to-day project team.

3. Create an implementation plan. Outline major milestones, dependencies and

timeline for the entire team and stakeholders.

4. List potential problem areas. No one wants to be a downer, but adding

potential risks and issues to the project charter helps everyone think ahead
should the worst happen..

Identify Stakeholders

A stakeholder can influence the success and failure of the project. To note down
the information about the stakeholder, a Stakeholder Register is used.

The stakeholder register will have information like:

1. Type of stakeholder

2. Expectation of stakeholder

3. Role in Project ( Business Analyst, Tech architect, Client PM)

4. Designation (Director, Business Lead, etc.)

5. Type Communication ( Weekly/Monthly)

6. Influence on the project (Partial/Supportive/Influential)

The other activities involved in initiating process group are:

 Assigning the project manager

 Define the project success criteria

 Make sure that the project is aligned with the organizations strategic goal

2-The Planning Phase

The planning phase is critical to creating a project roadmap the entire team can
follow. This is where all of the details are outlined and goals are defined in order
to meet the requirements laid out by the organization.

During this phase, project managers will typically:

 Create a project plan

 Develop a resource plan

 Define goals and performance measures

 Communicate roles and responsibilities to team members

 Build out workflows

 Anticipate risks and create contingency plans

Create a Project Plan

Contracts have been signed, hands have been shaken, and a new project is
officially underway, with you at the helm. But when it comes to planning a new
project, you may not know exactly where to begin. What is a project management
plan? How do you accurately predict how long tasks will take? How do you
translate stakeholder expectations into concrete deliverables? What if something
goes wrong?

Your project management plan is the key to a successful project, with minimal
stress. and these steps to create a thorough project management plan, and
execution will be much smoother.

1. Meet With Project Stakeholders

Meet with project sponsors and key stakeholders to define their needs and
expectations and establish project scope, budget, and timeline. Remember,
stakeholders include anyone who’s affected by your project, including customers
and end users.

2. Define Goals & Deliverables

Now that you understand stakeholders' needs, boil them down into specific project
goals and prioritize them. Then identify the deliverables you need to produce in
order to meet those goals. You can then estimate due dates for each deliverable
before finalizing deadlines when you sit down to create your project schedule.

3. Create Your Project Schedule

It’s a good idea to involve your team in some of the planning process, since they
have important insight into how work actually gets done, how long each task will
take, and who on the team is best suited for a particular task. Once you have an
estimated schedule, you can input all your deliverables, dependencies and
milestones to see a visual timeline and get a better understanding of how your
project will progress.

4. Complete a Risk Assessment

No project is completely risk-free. What issues do you know will affect your
project? Can you prevent certain risks from happening, or limit their impact on
your work? Conducting a risk assessment is a good way to prepare for the
unknown and keep your project on track, even if a problem does occur.

5. Plan a Project Kickoff Meeting

A project kickoff meeting is where you get your team together to establish roles
and responsibilities, the logistics of team communication, decide which tools
you'll use, and so on. Setting the right tone from the start help your team motivated,
energized, and focused.

Develop a Resource Plan

What is resource allocation in project management? Resource allocation is the

process of assigning and scheduling available resources in the most effective and
economical manner. Projects will always need resources and resources are scarce.
The task therefore lies with the project manager to determine the proper timing of
those resources within the project schedule.

Define Goals and Performance Measures

Project objectives are goals, plain and simple. These are the business objectives
that you want the project to accomplish. Within project management, it is of

utmost importance that a project's objectives are stated clearly as these will impact
every decision in the project lifecycle.

Project objectives must be measurable and contain key performance indicators that
will be used to assess a project's success. These indicators will often encompass
areas such as budget, quality, and time to completion. So what are project
objectives in project management? Simply put, they are the specific goals that you
hope to accomplish with your project..

3-The Execution Phase

This stage is where the meat of the project happens. Deliverables are built to make
sure the project is meeting requirements. This is where most of the time, money,
and people are pulled into the project.

a kickoff meeting is held to mark the official start of the execution phase. A kickoff
meeting agenda might look something like this:

 Introductions: Who’s who?

 Project background: Why are you doing this project? What are the goals?

 Project scope: What exactly will you be doing? What kind of work is

 Project plan: How are we going to do this? What does the roadmap look

 Roles: Who will be responsible for which elements of the project?

 Communication: What kind of communication channels will be used? What

kind of meetings or status reports should your team expect?

 Tools: What tools will be used to complete the project, and how will they
be used?

 Next steps: What are the immediate action items that need to be completed?

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4-The Controlling and Monitoring Phase

This phase happens in tandem with the execution phase. As the project moves
forward, the project manager must make sure all moving parts are headed in the
right direction at all times and in a coordinated manner. If adjustments to the
project plan need to be made due to unforeseen circumstances or a change in
direction, they may happen here.

During the controlling and monitoring phase, project managers may have to do
any of the following:

 Manage resources

 Monitor project performance

 Risk management

 Perform status meetings and reports

 Update project schedule

 Modify project plans

At the end of this phase, all of the agreed project deliverables should be completed
and accepted by the customer.

5-Project Closure

The closing phase is a critical step in the project management life cycle. It signals
the official end of the project and provides a period for reflection, wrap-up, and
organization of materials.

Project managers can:

 Take inventory of all deliverables

 Tie up any loose ends

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 Hand the project off to the client or the team that will be managing the
project’s day-to-day operations

 Perform a postmortem to discuss and document any learning from the


 Organize all project documents in a centralized location

 Communicate the success of the project to stakeholders and executives

 Celebrate project completion and acknowledge team members

Now that you understand each stage in the project life cycle, choosing the right
project management tool for you and your team is critical to project success.

2.3 Process Groups

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Chapter3: Agile Methodology

3.1 Definitions
Agile is a time boxed, iterative approach to software delivery that builds software
incrementally from the start of the project, instead of trying to deliver it all at once
near the end.

It works by breaking projects down into little bits of user functionality called user
stories, prioritizing them, and then continuously delivering them in short 2-4
weeks cycles called iterations.

Agile project management methodologies are growing in popularity thanks to the

increased pace of innovation and a highly competitive business environment. In
general, agile methodologies prioritize shorter iterative cycles and flexibility.

There’s a big focus in the Agile software development community on

collaboration and the self-organizing team.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t managers. It means that teams have the ability
to figure out how they’re going to approach things on their own.

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It means that those teams are cross-functional. Those teams don’t have to have
specific roles involved so much as that when you get the team together, you make
sure that you have all the right skill sets on the team.

3.2 Agile Manifesto

The Agile Manifesto was signed in February 2001, by 17 leading software
developers. It is considered the key reference for all Agile practices. It also acts as
a set of guiding principles and practices for Agile Software Development.

The contents of the Agile Manifesto is read as: “We are uncovering better ways of
developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we
have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working
software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over
contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while
there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”

There are 12 Agile Principles given in the Agile Manifesto, such as:

1-“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through the early and continuous
delivery of valuable software.”

2-“Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes

harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.”

3-“Deliver working software frequently, from every couple of weeks to a couple

of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.”

4-“Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the

5-“Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and
support they need, and trust them to get the job done.”

6-“The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and

within a development team is a face-to-face conversation.”

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7-“Working software is the primary measure of progress.”

8-“Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers,

and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.”

9-“Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances


10-“Simplicity, the art of maximizing the amount of work not done, is essential.”

11-“The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-

organizing teams.”

12-“At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.”

An agile mindset is the set of attitudes supporting an agile working environment.

These include respect, collaboration, improvement and learning cycles, pride in
ownership, focus on delivering value, and the ability to adapt to change. This
mindset is necessary to cultivate high-performing teams, who in turn deliver
amazing value for their customers.

3.3 How it`s Work?

Agile does the same thing you and I do when faced with too much to do and not
enough time.

You Make a List

Sitting down with your customer you make a list of features they would like to see
in their software. We call these things user stories and they become the To Do list
for your project.

(User stories are features our customers might one day like to see in their

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You Size Things Up
Then, using Agile estimation techniques, you size your stories relatively to each
other, coming up with a guess as to how long you think each user story will take.
( Sizing stories relatively means not worrying about exactly how big a story is, and
worrying more how this story's size compares to others.)
You Set Some Priorities
Like most lists, there always seems to be more to do than time allows. So you ask
your customer to prioritize their list so you get the most important stuff done first,
and save the least important for last.
You Start Executing
Then you start delivering some value. You start at the top. Work your way to the
bottom. Building, iterating, and getting feedback from your customer as you go.
( An Agile iteration is a short one to two week period where a team takes a couple
of their customers most important user stories and builds them completely as
This means everything happens during an iteration. Analysis, design, coding,
testing. It all happens here. The beauty of working this way, is every couple weeks
the customer gets something of great value (working software), but it's also a great
way to track progress (measuring the rate at which the team can turn user stories
into production ready working software).
You Update The Plan as You Go.
Then, as you and your customer starting delivering, one of two things is going to
happen. You'll discover:
You're going fast enough. All is good.
Or, You have too much to do and not enough time.
At this point you have two choices. You can either a) do less and cut scope
(recommended). Or you can b) push out the date and ask for more money.

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3.4 Agile Methodologies

Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive

problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest
possible value.

SCRUM Values:

 Courage.

 Focus.

 Commitment.

 Respect.

 Openness.


Kanban methodology is light on process, flexible, doesn’t have prescribed roles,

and simply tries to improve throughput by increasing the focus of the team on the
things that really matter.

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eXtreme programming (XP) is a software development project management

methodology which defines values and processes to improve software quality and
ensure responsiveness to evolving customer requirements.

XP values :

 Simplicity: We will do what is needed and asked for, but no more.

 Communication: Everyone is part of the team and we communicate face to

face daily.

 Feedback.

 Respect.

 Courage: is needed to share (knowledge, codes , defects)

“SCRUM, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP) are all varieties of Agile
frameworks for product development.

They are all consistent with the principles in the Agile Manifesto.

While there are some notable differences between them all, they do share some
common elements: short coding cycles, improved communication, just-in-time
planning and prioritization, facilitation of learning and improvement, and
adaptation in order respond to change in the business environment (i.e.,

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3.5 Comparison between Agile & Waterfall (PMP)

o Waterfall, is all about taking things slow and steady. Under the Waterfall
methodology, you’re aiming for one big outcome at the end that came as a
result of careful planning of each task step-by-step.

o Agile on the other hand is simply an iteration based methodology. The ideology
behind it is that if a team breaks down the delivery into manageable chunks(
sprints) , that delivery of smaller packages drives faster delivery and in some
cases a better product.

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Chapter 4: IT Project Management In NI

The purpose is explaining the project management procedure and processes that
will be followed to plan, execute, monitor, and close projects in NI Jordan.

The Procedure

The success of a project and the quality of project deliverable depend heavily on
the project life cycle and the unique combination of phases, steps, processes and
roles participating in the project to create the output.

The project life cycle is the way by which we manage a project to ensure quality,
predictability, and visibility into the project progress.

The Purpose of Project Management Methodology (Life Cycle):

The project life cycle comes at the center of running projects to build the required
discipline and consistency to run several projects using the same steps to ensure
best practices are always considered and consistently applied.

Once established, a project life cycle will serve as a standard that can be audited
for compliance, revised to add new steps or improve existing processes, or
streamlined to remove bottleneck.

without define a project life cycle , project are run using different steps depending
on who runs them and based on the situation ,and hence any effort to improve the
process will be difficult due the lack of consistency.

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Project methodologies in NI

The PM methodology is designed based on several stages, each stage contains a

set of project management and technical activities to plan and execute the project.

a) IT projects methodology – FULL

This methodology is the most comprehensive approach to manage large and

complex projects as follow:

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Discovery Planning Build & Test Deploy & Closure

Discover & Adjust Develop & Coding/ Prepare test Run project
discuss client schedule review FSD configuration/ environment closure
requirements (milestones) for customer's checklist
testing (if
needed )

Develop & Resource Evaluate Coding/ Conduct End- Document

review planning impact to configuration/ user training lesson
business surrounding (if needed) learned
requirement systems

Evaluate Stage 2- Draft test Finalize test Customer ---N\A---

feasibility & Design gate plans plans & test testing(SIT,
vendor (SIT,UAT, scripts UAT) & UAT
environment & performance acceptance
Define project ,security ….
priority etc.)

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b) IT projects methodology – LITE

This methodology is designed to manage medium size projects as follow:

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Discovery Planning & Build & Test Deploy , Launch

Design & closure

Discover & discuss Adjust Configuration / Prepare test

client requirements schedule Integration environment for
(milestones) customer's testing
(if needed)

Develop & review Resource Activate changes Conduct End-user

business planning on test training (if needed)
requirement environment

Evaluate feasibility Draft test System testing Customer

& vendor plans by eChannes testing(SIT, UAT)
environment & (SIT,UAT, &/or application & UAT acceptance
Define project performance teams (SIT)
priority ,security ….

Identify Draft or Conduct internal Apply pre-

stakeholder list and reuse test testing production
RACI scripts checklist

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c) IT projects methodology – XPRESS

This methodology is designed to manage small and quick projects as follow:

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 3

Discovery Design , Build & Deploy , Launch & closure


Discover & discuss Draft or reuse test Prepare test environment for
client requirements scripts customer's testing (if needed)

Develop & review Configuration / Conduct End-user training (if

business requirement Integration needed)

High level design Activate changes on Customer testing(SIT, UAT)

workshop (including test environment & UAT acceptance

High level planning Conduct internal Apply pre-production checklist

(Duration & financial testing including
) eChannes &
application testing

Develop & Review Stage 2- Deploy ORAP final approval

SOW ,Launch and closure

SOW Sign off by ---N/A--- Activate changes on

customer production environment

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Chapter 5: NI Training Experience

5.1 VX MasterCard Certification

 It was applied with LITE- Waterfall (PMP) methodology.

 Project brief description: NI has kicked off this project to certify their VX
models terminals with MasterCard scheme for contact and contactless card.

 Project Life Cycle:

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 Project Schedule:

 Identify Stakeholders:

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5.2 Efwateercom Hot Site
It was applied with Full- Agile methodology.

Project brief description: As online payment solutions improve day after day,
the dependency of giving continues services is being a major and sensitive
challenge for both clients and provider, E-fawateercom become one of the biggest
online payment services on Jordan, that’s why NI has consideredto implement this
project in order to provide continuity with stability as a service.

 Project Life Cycle:

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 Project Schedule:

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Chapter 6: Conclusion

Training has given me an opportunity to improve trust myself, my skills and

professional communication skills with others.

I took a wide view about project management, and how to deal with projects, I
learnt how to work in a team under a supervision of a team leader, how to respect
other members in the team, and how to deal with all of them to pass.

Project management is very diverse and project manager should be well versed on
limitation and factors surrounding initiation, execution , and completion of

Changes in projects are likely to slow down the progress of the project but with
good leadership and management skills, it will be easy to complete it within the
allocated resources and time.

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-notes from my trainer

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