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Vol. 54, No. 11, November 2006, pp 3564–3572

DOI 10.1002/art.22173
© 2006, American College of Rheumatology

Patients With Juvenile Psoriatic Arthritis Comprise

Two Distinct Populations

Matthew L. Stoll,1 David Zurakowski,1 Lise E. Nigrovic,1 David P. Nichols,2

Robert P. Sundel,1 and Peter A. Nigrovic3

Objective. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in children is than twice as long to achieve clinical remission (23
clinically heterogeneous. We examined a large popula- months versus 9.2 months; P ⴝ 0.044). Cluster analysis
tion of children with juvenile PsA for evidence of identified largely overlapping subgroups but suggested
phenotypic clustering that could suggest the presence of that the presence of dactylitis, rather than age, has the
distinct clinical entities. greatest capacity to predict essential features of the
Methods. We reviewed the medical records of 139 clinical phenotype.
patients meeting the Vancouver criteria for juvenile Conclusion. Juvenile PsA comprises 2 distinct
PsA. To identify segregation into phenotypic groups, we populations of patients. Although the pathophysiologic
compared younger patients with their older counter- correlate of this finding remains undefined, future
parts and subjected the whole population to 2-step studies should avoid the assumption that PsA in child-
cluster analysis. hood constitutes a single etiologic entity.
Results. Among patients with juvenile PsA, the
age at onset is biphasic, with peaks occurring at approx- The classification of pediatric rheumatic disease
imately 2 years of age and again in late childhood. is hampered by a limited understanding of the patho-
Compared with children ages 5 years and older, younger genesis. Hence, patients have traditionally been grouped
patients are more likely to be female, exhibit dactylitis according to clinical disease pattern; such grouping has
and small joint involvement, and express antinuclear important implications for research and clinical care.
antibodies. Progression to polyarticular disease (>5 One such diagnostic grouping is juvenile psoriatic arthri-
joints) is more common in younger children, although tis (PsA). Juvenile PsA was initially described in children
joint involvement remains oligoarticular in the majority with arthritis who at some point in their disease course
of children. In contrast, older patents tend to manifest exhibited frank psoriasis (1–5); however, it is now well
enthesitis, axial joint disease, and persistent oligoar-
accepted that juvenile PsA may be diagnosed in patients
thritis. Uveitis is equally represented in both age
without the classic skin rash but meeting other criteria,
groups. Despite a higher utilization of methotrexate
including typical skin/nail changes and a positive family
therapy, younger patients required, on average, more
history of psoriasis (6–9). Using this standard, juvenile
PsA is diagnosed in ⬃5% of children with arthritis seen
Supported in part by the Samara Jan Turkel Center for in pediatric rheumatology clinics, a prevalence slightly
Pediatric Autoimmune Disease. Dr. Lise E. Nigrovic’s work was higher than that of rheumatoid factor–positive juvenile
supported by a National Research Service Award grant (T32
HD40128). polyarticular arthritis (10).
Matthew L. Stoll, MD, PhD, David Zurakowski, PhD, Lise Both the Vancouver criteria for juvenile PsA (6)
E. Nigrovic, MD, MPH, Robert P. Sundel, MD: Children’s Hospital and the International League of Associations for Rheu-
Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; 2David P.
Nichols, AM: University of Chicago and SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois; matology (ILAR) nomenclature for juvenile idiopathic
Peter A. Nigrovic, MD: Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical arthritis (JIA) (8) consider PsA in children to represent
School, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. a single clinical entity. In several published series, how-
Mr. Nichols owns stock and/or stock options in SPSS.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Peter A. ever, clinical and genetic differences have been observed
Nigrovic, MD, Rheumatology, Children’s Hospital Boston, 300 Long- between younger patients and older patients, although
wood Avenue, Fegan 6, Boston, MA 02115. E-mail: pnigrovic@ small patient numbers have prohibited formal analysis
Submitted for publication March 13, 2006; accepted in revised for subpopulations (6,9,11). Recognition of this hetero-
form July 24, 2006. geneity resulted in a call for a more detailed clinical

Table 1. Vancouver criteria for juvenile psoriatic arthritis* dermatologist or other physician; rashes noted by the examin-
ing rheumatologist and thought likely (but not definitively) to
Major criteria
Arthritis represent psoriasis were considered psoriasis-like. Polyarticu-
Psoriasis lar arthritis was defined by the involvement of ⱖ5 joints
Minor criteria cumulatively at any point over the course of observation.
Nail pitting Oligoarticular arthritis was defined by involvement of ⬍5
Dactylitis joints. Small peripheral joints were considered to be the
Family history of psoriasis in a first- or second-degree relative metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the hands
Psoriasis-like lesion and the corresponding joints of the feet. Large peripheral
* Definite juvenile psoriatic arthritis (PsA) ⫽ 2 major criteria, or joints included the wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles. Axial
arthritis plus 3–4 minor criteria; probable juvenile PsA ⫽ arthritis plus joints included the temporomandibular joints, shoulders, cer-
2 minor criteria (for review, see ref. 6). vical or lumbar spine, sacroiliac joints, and hips. Dactylitis was
defined as digital swelling extending beyond the margins of the
joint. All patients with dactylitis were considered also to have
small-joint arthritis in the corresponding digit(s), although
subgrouping within juvenile PsA, but more than a de- specific attribution to proximal interphalangeal or distal inter-
cade later this has not been accomplished (11). The phalangeal joint involvement could not always be made. En-
identification of subgroups would be of considerable thesitis was defined as any tenderness at tendinous, ligamen-
interest, because it would enable more accurate pheno- tous, capsular, or fascial insertions into bone, as determined by
typic classification of patient groups for the purposes of the examining attending pediatric rheumatologist. Remission
was defined as the absence of clinically evident synovitis or
scientific investigation. Furthermore, distinct patient enthesitis, on or off medications; laboratory parameters were
groups might be expected to respond differentially to not employed. Remission off medications was defined as
treatment, potentially permitting more accurate thera- remission in any patient not actively receiving therapy, exclud-
peutic decision-making. ing nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs taken as needed but
Accordingly, we studied our patients with juve- less often than daily. Antinuclear antibody (ANA) values were
considered positive if they were above the upper limits of
nile PsA to determine whether they constitute a single normal for the laboratory in which the test was performed. A
population or multiple populations. Here, we report that Steinbrocker class was assigned by the rheumatologist review-
juvenile PsA constitutes 2 distinct patient subgroups that ing the chart, on the basis of functional restrictions reported at
are distinguished by age at disease onset and the pres- the final visit (13). Institutional review board approval was
ence of dactylitis and are differentiated by sex ratio, obtained for this study.
Statistical analysis. We compared categorical data and
joints affected, laboratory values, and clinical course. proportions using the chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test, as
These findings suggest that current diagnostic criteria indicated. Means were compared with Student’s t-test, and
capture 2 disease entities and indicate that PsA in medians were compared with the Mann-Whitney U test.
children is more complex than previously appreciated. Analysis of normality was performed with the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction, with a significant P
value indicating evidence of non-normality. Because this was
an exploratory study, we elected to display differences signifi-
PATIENTS AND METHODS cant at a 2-tailed P value of less than 0.05, uncorrected for
multiple comparisons (14,15). The more conservative Bonfer-
Patients. We reviewed the charts of every patient seen roni correction was also applied, and the resulting significance
at the rheumatology clinic of Children’s Hospital Boston thresholds are shown in the footnotes of the respective tables.
between January 1997 and February 2005, for whom the To analyze our data for clinical subsets, we applied
International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision codes 2-step cluster analysis using log-likelihood distance measures.
were 696.1 (psoriasis), 696.0 (PsA), or 756.11 (spondylar- For this analysis, we selected the following 8 clinical and
thritis). laboratory variables: sex, presence of psoriasis, dactylitis, en-
Patients were included in the study if they fulfilled the thesitis, axial disease, oligoarticular onset, and ANA positivity
Vancouver criteria for probable or definite juvenile PsA (6) (all expressed as categorical variables), with age at onset as a
(Table 1). These criteria were selected instead of the ILAR continuous variable. Only patients for whom complete infor-
criteria for psoriatic JIA (8), because many patients met mation was available were included. The goal was to identify
criteria on the basis of rashes that were judged as being clusters that minimize differences within groups and maximize
psoriasiform but were not formally diagnosed as psoriasis; such differences between groups. The first step involved a preclus-
a presentation is especially common in younger children (12). tering routine that arrayed patients into a cluster feature tree.
We reviewed the medical records for pertinent historic The initial patient defined a subcluster, and each additional
elements, physical examination findings, and laboratory values. patient was added either to the existing subcluster or to a new
When available, studies obtained elsewhere that were con- one, depending on the degree of similarity to patients in
tained in the medical record were included in the review. existing subclusters. In the second step, subclusters within the
The following definitions were used to categorize cluster feature tree were grouped using an agglomerative
findings from chart review. A patient was considered to have hierarchical clustering algorithm designed to identify the opti-
psoriasis if that diagnosis had been given definitively by a mal number of clusters (from 1 to 15) based on functions of the

Table 2. Clinical characteristics of patients according to subclass of juvenile PsA*

Probable Definite
Total PsA PsA
Characteristic (n ⫽ 139) (n ⫽ 73) (n ⫽ 66) P
Female sex, % 59 49 70 0.015
Duration of followup, median (IQR) months 23 (8.5–49) 23 (9.1–42) 23 (6.2–55) NS
Psoriasis, % 25 0 53 ⬍0.001
Age, median (IQR) years 7.3 (2.5–11) 7.8 (2.6–10) 7.2 (2.3–12) NS
Joints affected, %
Any axial 20 25 15 NS
Temporomandibular 6.5 6.8 6.1 NS
Shoulder 2.9 5.5 0 NS
Spine 2.2 0 4.5 NS
Sacroiliac 0.7 0 1.5 NS
Hip 11 14 7.6 NS
Any peripheral large joint 80 77 83 NS
Elbow 13 14 12 NS
Wrist 25 27 23 NS
Knee 60 58 64 NS
Ankle 51 47 56 NS
Any peripheral small joint 57 56 58 NS
Metacarpophalangeal 18 15 21 NS
Proximal interphalangeal 24 25 24 NS
Distal interphalangeal 9.4 9.6 9.1 NS
Metatarsophalangeal 13 11 15 NS
Dactylitis, % 37 32 42 NS
Enthesitis, % 45 49 39 NS
ESR, mean ⫾ SD mm/hour 25 ⫾ 20 26 ⫾ 24 25 ⫾ 15 NS
C-reactive protein, mean ⫾ SD mg/dl 0.6 ⫾ 1 0.6 ⫾ 0.8 0.6 ⫾ 1 NS
Platelet count, ⫻1,000 cells/␮l, mean ⫾ SD 361 ⫾ 102 365 ⫾ 103 356 ⫾ 102 NS
White blood cell count, ⫻1,000 cells/␮l, mean ⫾ SD 8.7 ⫾ 3.7 8.8 ⫾ 4.1 8.5 ⫾ 3.3 NS
ANA status, no. positive/no. tested (%) 54/117 (46) 29/62 (47) 25/55 (45) NS
HLA–B27 status, no. positive/no. tested (%) 6/13 (46) 3/7 (43) 3/6 (50) NS
Treatment, %
Sulfasalazine 52 47 58 NS
Methotrexate 46 45 47 NS
Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors 12 8.2 17 NS
Any disease-modifying antirheumatic drug 74 68 80 NS
Disease course, %
Oligoarticular at first visit 89 92 86 NS
Oligoarticular at 6 months† 84 87 80 NS
Oligoarticular course† 77 82 71 NS
Uveitis ever, no. positive/no. tested (%) 6/76 (7.9) 3/46 (6.5) 3/30 (10) NS
Remission off therapy at last examination, %‡ 41 48 32 NS
Remission at last examination, %‡ 57 58 56 NS
Time to remission, median (IQR) months‡ 15 (4.1–42) 16 (5.3–36) 15 (3.0–48) NS
Steinbrocker class I at last visit, %‡ 81 79 84 NS

* Except where indicated otherwise, values are the mean ⫾ SD. Probable versus definite juvenile psoriatic arthritis (PsA)
was defined according to the Vancouver criteria (see Table 1). P values less than 0.05 were considered significant.
Bonferroni’s adjustment changed the significance threshold to P ⬍ 0.0013. IQR ⫽ interquartile range; NS ⫽ not
significant; ESR ⫽ erythrocyte sedimentation rate; ANA ⫽ antinuclear antibody.
† Among those with at least 6 months of followup (for probable PsA, n ⫽ 60; for definite PsA, n ⫽ 51).
‡ Reported for all patients with at least 2 visits (for probable PsA, n ⫽ 68; for definite PsA, n ⫽ 61).

Schwarz-Bayesian information criterion. Because the order of disease onset was 7.3 years, and 59% of the patients
patient entry into the cluster algorithm can affect the clusters were female. The duration of followup ranged from 1
formed, we ran the analysis 100 times with randomly scrambled
patient order to assess the robustness of cluster findings (16). visit to 8 years (median 23 months). Patients had be-
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (version tween 1 and 33 visits (median 6).
13.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL). Among the 139 patients, psoriasis was diagnosed
in 35 at some point over the course of observation.
RESULTS Among the 104 children without psoriasis, 73 (53% of
A total of 139 patients fulfilled the Vancouver the total group) met exactly 2 supplemental criteria, thus
criteria for juvenile PsA (Table 2). The median age at fulfilling the diagnosis of probable PsA, while 31 chil-

the population as a whole the results of the Kolmogorov-

Smirnov test showed clear evidence of non-normality
(Lilliefors-corrected P ⬍ 0.001). Division into 2 sub-
groups according to age, optimally younger than age 5
years versus age 5 years and older, as determined by the
assessment of multiple potential cutoff values, resulted
in 2 populations, each deviating nonsignificantly from
normal by the Lilliefors-corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test (P ⫽ 0.17 for children under age 5 years and P ⫽
0.20 for children 5 years of age and older).
Table 3 presents the clinical characteristics of
these 2 subpopulations. The younger patients (n ⫽ 49)
were significantly more likely to be female, to be ANA
positive, and to have polyarticular disease at the time of
presentation as well as at 6 months. Although the mean
Figure 1. Age at onset of juvenile psoriatic arthritis. The data for age
erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESRs) and levels of
at onset are inconsistent with a single normal distribution (P ⬍ 0.001 C-reactive protein (CRP) were similar between sub-
by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction), conforming groups, the mean platelet count was substantially ele-
best to 2 distributions (age at onset younger than age 5 years and 5 vated in younger patients, consistent with ongoing sys-
years of age and older [median ages 1.8 years and 10 years, respec- temic inflammation. (The mean white blood cell count
was also higher among younger patients, but this differ-
ence was expected as a result of the different mean ages
of the subgroups; in contrast, the platelet count does not
dren met 3 or more supplemental criteria. These 31 vary with age [17]). Older children were more likely to
patients, plus the 35 patients with psoriasis, constituted have axial disease and enthesitis. Uveitis occurred at a
the group with definite juvenile PsA. As shown in Table similar frequency in both groups and in most cases was
2, aside from the group of patients with definite juvenile asymptomatic and was discovered during routine oph-
PsA having a higher percentage of psoriasis (53% versus thalmologic screening; one child in the older age group
0% in the group with probable juvenile PsA; P ⬍ 0.001) reported associated photophobia.
and females (70% versus 49% in the group with proba- Younger children were more likely to be treated
ble juvenile PsA; P ⫽ 0.015), there were no differences with methotrexate, while treatment with sulfasalazine
in the demographic, clinical, or treatment parameters was far more common in the older children (Table 3).
between the group with definite juvenile PsA and the Despite receiving care that was relatively more aggres-
group with probable juvenile PsA. Thus, the patients sive, younger patients took substantially longer to enter
were grouped for all subsequent data analysis. remission (defined as the absence of clinically detectable
The distribution of joint involvement is shown in synovitis or enthesitis, on or off medications) compared
Table 2. In total, 28 children (20%) had some form of with their older counterparts (23 months versus 9.2
axial disease. Of the larger joints, the knee was involved months; P ⫽ 0.044). Overall, our patients had an excel-
most commonly, followed by the ankle, wrist, and elbow. lent functional outcome. At last evaluation, 81% of all
More than one-half of the patients exhibited synovitis of patients were in Steinbrocker class I, and the remainder
the small joints of the hands or feet, including dactylitis were in class II, with no differences between the age-
in more than one-third of patients. Enthesitis was diag- based subgroups (13). Both subgroups were equally
nosed by the attending pediatric rheumatologist in 45% likely to be experiencing disease remission at the last
of patients. Dactylitis was observed in 37% of patients recorded visit (60% of patients with disease onset before
and, when present, was typically evident early in the age 5 years versus 56% of those with disease onset at age
disease course: in 41 (80%) of 51 patients at the initial 5 years or older [P ⫽ 0.66]; for remission off medica-
evaluation and in 47 (92%) of 51 patients within the first tions, 40% versus 41% [P ⫽ 0.92]).
6 months of disease. Although age is a very important guide for clini-
A histogram showing the age at onset of symp- cians who are structuring a differential diagnosis, it has
toms is provided in Figure 1. Two distributions are limited appeal as the defining characteristic of a complex
apparent, with one peaking at approximately 2 years of clinical subgroup. To investigate whether age at symp-
age and the other peaking in late childhood. Indeed, for tom onset might serve as a marker of other clinical and

Table 3. Clinical characteristics of patients according to age*

⬍5 years ⱖ5 years
Characteristic (n ⫽ 49) (n ⫽ 90) P
Female sex, % 76 50 0.003
Duration of followup, median (IQR) months 23 (9.2–46) 22 (7.5–52) NS
Psoriasis, % 14 31 0.029
Age, median (IQR) years 1.8 (1.4–2.5) 10 (7.7–12) ⬍0.001
Joints affected, %
Any axial 10 26 0.031
Temporomandibular 4.1 7.8 NS
Shoulder 4.1 2.2 NS
Spine 0 3.3 NS
Sacroiliac 0 1.1 NS
Hip 4.1 14 NS
Any peripheral large joint 82 79 NS
Elbow 14 12 NS
Wrist 24 26 NS
Knee 61 60 NS
Ankle 59 47 NS
Any peripheral small joint 76 47 0.001
Metacarpophalangeal 18 18 NS
Proximal interphalangeal 26 23 NS
Distal interphalangeal 14 6.7 NS
Metatarsophalangeal 16 11 NS
Dactylitis, % 63 22 ⬍0.001
Enthesitis, % 22 57 ⬍0.001
ESR, mean ⫾ SD mm/hour 27 ⫾ 17 25 ⫾ 21 NS
C-reactive protein, mean ⫾ SD mg/dl 0.8 ⫾ 1 0.5 ⫾ 0.8 NS
Platelet count, ⫻1,000 cells/␮l, mean ⫾ SD 408 ⫾ 98 337 ⫾ 96 0.001
White blood cell count, ⫻1,000 cells/␮l, mean ⫾ SD 10.5 ⫾ 4.8 7.8 ⫾ 2.6 0.002
ANA status, no. tested/no. positive (%) 25/39 (64) 29/78 (37) 0.006
HLA–B27 status, no. tested/no. positive (%) 1/3 (33.3) 5/10 (50) NS
Treatment, %
Sulfasalazine 39 59 0.023
Methotrexate 59 39 0.022
Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors 10 13 NS
Any disease-modifying antirheumatic drug 74 74 NS
Course, %
Oligoarticular at first visit 80 94 0.007
Oligoarticular at 6 months† 69 92 0.002
Oligoarticular course† 67 82 NS
Uveitis ever, no. positive/no. tested (%) 3/38 (7.9) 3/38 (7.9) NS
Remission off therapy at last examination, %‡ 40 41 NS
Remission at last examination, %‡ 60 56 NS
Time to remission, median (IQR) months‡ 23 (11–49) 9.2 (3.4–37) 0.044
Steinbrocker class I at last visit, %‡ 82 81 NS

* P values less than 0.05 were considered significant. Bonferroni’s adjustment changed the significance threshold to P ⬍
0.0013. See Table 1 for definitions.
† Among those with at least 6 months of followup (for age younger than 5 years, n ⫽ 39; for age 5 years or older, n ⫽
‡ Reported for all patients with at least 2 visits (for age younger than 5 years, n ⫽ 45; for age 5 years or older, n ⫽ 84).

laboratory features, we applied cluster analysis, using the course of data analysis. For the purpose of cluster
age at onset as a continuous variable and sex, ANA analysis, we included only patients for whom complete
status, psoriasis, dactylitis, axial arthritis, enthesitis, and information was available. In practice, this led to the
oligoarticular onset as categorical variables. The selec- exclusion of 22 patients whose ANA status was not
tion of these variables was informed by our earlier contained in the hospital medical record.
exploration of the age-based subgroups but was driven Consistent with our earlier findings, cluster ana-
also by our assessment that they represent, to a substan- lysis detected 2 distinct populations within the data set.
tial degree, the clinical heterogeneity observed in prac- Allocation of patients to these clusters was highly robust,
tice. Variables were chosen prior to the application of remaining stable to random scrambling of patient order
the cluster algorithm and were not further amended in in each of 100 iterations. The clinical characteristics of

Table 4. Clinical characteristics of patients according to cluster assignment*

Cluster 1 Cluster 2
Characteristic (n ⫽ 40) (n ⫽ 77) P
Female sex, % 75 52 0.016
Duration of followup, median (IQR) months 27 (10–49) 24 (8.8–55) NS
Psoriasis, % 10 29 0.022
Age under 5 years, % 60 20 ⬍0.001
Age, median (IQR) years 2.7 (1.4–8.5) 9.5 (6.2–11) ⬍0.001
Joints affected, %
Any axial 12 25 NS
Temporomandibular 5 7.8 NS
Shoulder 2.5 3.9 NS
Spine 0 3.9 NS
Sacroiliac 0 1.3 NS
Hip 5 13 NS
Any peripheral large joint 75 84 NS
Elbow 22 9.1 0.045
Wrist 30 27 NS
Knee 55 64 NS
Ankle 58 48 NS
Any peripheral small joint 100 32 ⬍0.001
Metacarpophalangeal 38 12 0.001
Proximal interphalangeal 42 18 0.005
Distal interphalangeal 12 7.8 NS
Metatarsophalangeal 20 7.8 NS
Dactylitis, % 100 1.3 ⬍0.001
Enthesitis, % 35 52 NS
ESR, mean ⫾ SD mm/hour 26 ⫾ 16 24 ⫾ 22 NS
C-reactive protein, mean ⫾ SD mg/dl 0.7 ⫾ 1 0.5 ⫾ 1 NS
Platelet count, ⫻1,000 cells/␮l, mean ⫾ SD 394 ⫾ 106 340 ⫾ 92 0.017
White blood cell count, ⫻1,000 cells/␮l, mean ⫾ SD 9.6 ⫾ 3.5 8.1 ⫾ 3.8 NS
ANA status, no. tested/no. positive (%) 28/47 (60) 26/77 (34) ⬍0.001
HLA–B27 status, no. tested/no. positive (%) 0/2 (0) 5/9 (56) NS
Treatment, %
Sulfasalazine 52 56 NS
Methotrexate 62 43 0.044
Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors 18 12 NS
Any disease-modifying antirheumatic drug 82 75 NS
Course, %
Oligoarticular at first visit 75 97 ⬍0.001
Oligoarticular at 6 months† 67 95 ⬍0.001
Oligoarticular† 58 89 ⬍0.001
Uveitis ever, no. tested/no. positive (%) 2/31 (6.5) 3/37 (8.1) NS
Remission off therapy at last examination, %‡ 26 47 0.026
Remission at last examination, %‡ 54 59 NS
Duration to remission, median (IQR) months‡ 25 (8.6–52) 15 (4.4–41) NS
Steinbrocker class I at last visit, %‡ 82 82 NS

* Variables used in cluster assignments are shown in boldface. P values less than 0.05 were considered significant.
Bonferroni’s adjustment changed the significance threshold to P ⬍ 0.0013. See Table 1 for definitions.
† Among those with at least 6 months of followup (for cluster 1, n ⫽ 35; for cluster 2, n ⫽ 62).
‡ Reported for all patients with at least 2 visits (for cluster 1, n ⫽ 41; for cluster 2, n ⫽ 71).

the 2 clusters corresponded well with the features of our the sexes and were more likely to have oligoarticular
2 groups defined by age alone (Table 4 and Figure 2). disease.
The median ages of children in the 2 clusters were 2.7 Using cluster analysis, differences in both axial
years (cluster 1) and 9.5 years (cluster 2), compared with joint involvement and enthesitis became nonsignificant,
1.8 years and 10 years for the age-based grouping. Again, while the percentage of patients achieving remission off
patients in the cluster of younger children were more medications was significantly lower in the younger-age
likely to be female and to have small joint involvement, cluster. Most strikingly, the key defining feature of
polyarticular disease, and ANA positivity, while patients cluster assignment became the presence of dactylitis:
in the older cluster were again equally divided among 100% of patients in the younger-age cluster (cluster 1)

Figure 2. Comparison of subpopulations of patients with juvenile psoriatic arthritis as defined by age at symptom onset (left) and cluster analysis
(right). Antinuclear antibody (ANA) positivity is expressed as the percentage of patients for whom ANA data were available.

had dactylitis, compared with only 1.3% of patients in Using the Vancouver criteria, we assembled a
the older-age cluster (cluster 2). Age at onset, although series of patients with juvenile PsA; in our study, the
critical to formation of the clusters as determined by number of patients was approximately twice the number
repetition of the analysis without this variable, was less of patients in each of the largest prior cohorts (2,9,11).
clearly segregated: only 60% of patients within the Analysis of this data set provides the first statistical
dactylitis cluster had disease onset at an age younger evidence that children with juvenile PsA fall into 2
than 5 years, while 20% of patients in the nondactylitis distinct phenotypic subgroups. We observed that pa-
cluster also had disease onset at this age range. tients younger than age 5 years are more likely to be
female and ANA positive and to have dactylitis; they are
DISCUSSION also more likely to experience polyarticular onset. Al-
though the ESRs and the CRP levels at presentation
In the absence of a biologic gold standard, the
were equivalent between subgroups, an elevated platelet
classification of rheumatologic diseases is obligatorily
count suggested more systemic inflammation in the
based on clinical, laboratory, and occasionally genetic
younger children. In contrast, children older than age 5
data. For this purpose, close phenotyping is essential to
years were evenly split between males and females and
ensure that subsequent research is not hampered by the
were more likely to be ANA negative, to exhibit enthesi-
conflation of distinct disorders. However, the relevant
variables for such classification are not trivially ascer- tis and axial joint involvement, and to present with and
tained. This is evident in the uncertainty surrounding the continue to have oligoarticular involvement. Perhaps sur-
classification of adult PsA. Moll and Wright (18) cate- prisingly, uveitis was equally prevalent in both groups.
gorized patients into 5 clinical subcategories based on In addition to these clinical differences, younger
patterns of joint involvement, yet these subcategories and older patients appeared to exhibit divergent re-
have had limited utility in clinical practice and in re- sponses to therapy. Sulfasalazine is rarely prescribed for
search, in part because joint involvement may evolve children younger than age 2 years due to a paucity of
over time (19). safety data in this age group (22); therefore, it was not
This problem is compounded in pediatric rheu- unexpected to observe that younger patients were
matology by the observation that children commonly treated less often with sulfasalazine and more often with
present with arthritis years before the development of methotrexate. Despite therapy with what is generally
skin involvement (2,5,6,9,20). To the extent that such considered a more potent agent (23), disease in younger
patients can be identified, for example via the Vancou- patients took almost twice as long to enter remission
ver and ILAR criteria, observers have considered the compared with disease in older children, although nearly
possibility that important clinical subgroups of juvenile 60% of children in both groups ultimately achieved
PsA may exist (11,21). Southwood et al (6) and Truck- disease control during the study period.
enbrodt and Hafner (5) observed a biphasic age-at-onset These observations complement previous studies
curve, while Shore and Ansell (2) and Roberton et al (9) of HLA associations in juvenile PsA. Ansell and col-
noted that younger patients were more likely to be leagues performed HLA typing on 70 children meeting
female. However, none of these series had the statistical the Vancouver criteria for juvenile PsA (11). Compari-
power to discriminate clinical subpopulations. sons within the group suggested interesting HLA differ-

ences between patients with onset before versus after 6 subtypes observed by Ansell and colleagues (11) and
years of age. Indeed, it was recently proposed that age at invites speculation as to the manner in which the patho-
onset may be quite important in the identification of physiology of dactylitis (tenosynovitis, small joint arthri-
etiologically homogeneous subtypes of juvenile arthritis tis, periostitis, enthesitis) might reflect a distinct patho-
(24). Early onset may reflect an aberrant response to an genesis for this subform of disease (26,27). Our data are
endemic infectious pathogen encountered within the unable to adjudicate between the age-based subgroups
first few years of life, while later onset could represent a and the dactylitis-based clusters, because both are con-
response to accumulated injury or to an environmental sistent with all available information.
trigger encountered more rarely or at a later phase in Another alternate explanation for heterogeneity
life. Indeed, age dependence is evident in both psoriasis would be unmeasured factors, including perhaps most
and PsA in adults, with patients with disease onset at an prominently the presence of HLA–B27 as a known risk
age younger than 40 years exhibiting stronger HLA factor for axial disease in adult PsA (28). In this series,
linkage and a higher genetic risk of relatives being the number of patients tested for the HLA–B27 antigen
similarly afflicted (25). was low, likely reflecting the prevailing opinion of clini-
Although analysis by age at onset confirmed cians in our center that such testing rarely impacts on
indications from prior literature, we wished to refine our diagnostic or therapeutic decisions (29). Because previ-
analysis to explore further the clinical and laboratory ous studies have documented that the prevalence of
features that optimally identify subpopulations of pa- HLA–B27 among patients with a diagnosis of juvenile
tients with juvenile PsA. Cluster analysis is a statistical PsA according to the Vancouver criteria is ⬍20%, it is
technique that can detect latent relationships within a clear that this factor could not, by itself, define either of
complex data set between individuals with multiple the subgroups we identified (11,30). Published data for
distinct characteristics, in this case age at onset, sex, children meeting the Vancouver criteria for juvenile PsA
ANA status, oligoarticular involvement, dactylitis, en- suggest that HLA–B27 could be somewhat more com-
thesitis, axial disease, and psoriasis (16). Individuals are mon in children with an age at onset of ⬎6 years (3
grouped together in clusters in an attempt to minimize [11.5%] of 26 versus 11 [25%] of 44; P ⫽ 0.17 [analyzed
differences between cluster members while maximizing from raw data provided in ref. 11]). Correspondingly, of
differences between individuals in different clusters. the 6 patients in our cohort who were positive for
Discretion in the choice of input variables and in the HLA–B27, 5 had disease onset at age 5 years or older; 3
assumptions used to calculate similarity renders cluster of 6 HLA–B27–positive patients had axial disease com-
analysis, as used here, an essentially exploratory statis- pared with none of 7 patients who were negative for the
tical technique. Furthermore, the cluster analysis algo- antigen (P ⫽ 0.07, by Fisher’s exact test).
rithms we used gave equal weights to differences in the To address the concern that the observed differ-
various categorical variables, potentially distorting bio- ences between subgroups reflect the presence or ab-
logic relevance. For example, it may not be the case that sence of HLA–B27, we repeated our analysis excluding
2 individuals who are ANA positive are “just as similar” every child with axial disease, thus maximally depleting
as are 2 individuals of the same sex or 2 individuals who HLA–B27–positive patients from the cohort. Despite
share the presence of dactylitis. With these caveats, excluding these 28 children, we still observed that
cluster analysis provides an objective method to deter- younger children were more likely to be female, to
mine whether a heterogeneous group contains distinct demonstrate small joint involvement, to have a polyar-
subsets without assuming the primacy of any 1 variable ticular course, and to have elevated platelet counts and
(e.g., age at onset). ANA positivity, and were less likely to have enthesitis
Using cluster analysis, the optimum number of (all P ⬍ 0.05; data not shown). This analysis suggests
subpopulations in our cohort was found to be 2, with that, even in the absence of axial disease and HLA–B27,
clinical and laboratory characteristics that corresponded older children have different epidemiologic and clinical
well but not perfectly to those of the subgroups defined features compared with their younger counterparts.
by age at onset alone (Table 4 and Figure 2). However, Along with other findings in this essentially exploratory
cluster analysis using the specified input variables gen- study, the role of HLA–B27 in juvenile PsA will require
erated the provocative alternative hypothesis that differ- investigation and validation in other cohorts.
ences observed across the age spectrum result from the The finding that children with PsA fall into 2
nonuniform age distribution of a subform of arthritis phenotypic groups is open to at least 2 interpretations. The
featuring dactylitis. This hypothesis would also be con- first is that the arthritic manifestations of psoriasis change
sistent with the age-dependent distribution of HLA with the age of the patient at disease onset or with

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