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Nama : Debby Rizki Pratama

NIM : 21115013

Program Studi : S1 Keperawatan

Judul : Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Perilaku Mencuci

Tangan Dengan Air Bersih Dan Sabun Ditatanan Rumah
Tangga RT 40 Kelurahan Sukabangun Palembang 2019

Number of page : 91 Page

Background: Hand washing behavior is considered trivial, as indicated by the habit

before eating is rarely washed hands. One effort to improve handwashing behavior is
to use health education. Research Objective: To determine the effect of health
education on handwashing behavior with clean water and soap in household settings
of RT 40 Sukabangun Palembang Village. Research Methods: Quasi experimental
design through pre-test and post-test with control group design. The research sample
was 124 respondents divided into 2 groups, 62 respondents in the intervention group,
and 62 respondents in the control group using the random sampling method, the data
collection technique used a questionnaire. Results: Wilcoxon Test Analysis found
handwashing behavior with clean water and soap in the intervention group before the
average knowledge was 5.87, attitudes 21.68 and actions 7.44. After the intervention
was obtained knowledge 7.44, attitudes 30.68 and actions 9.19. Control group before
knowledge was obtained 5.82, attitude 21.77 and action 7.45. Control group after
obtaining knowledge 6.24, attitude 22.76 and action 7.74. Conclusion: There is an
influence of health education on hand washing behavior with clean water and soap in
the household setting of RT 40 in Sukabangun Palembang Village in the intervention
group with a value of p = 0,000. While the results of the comparison between the
intervention group and the control group after obtaining a value of p = 0,000. It was
concluded that there were behavioral differences in the intervention group with the
control group.

Keywords: Health Education, Hand Washing Behavior.

Bibliography: 44 (2003 - 2018)


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