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444 ESTIMATOR'S REFERENCE BOOK sii 170 “1020 ah 685 same as given for "Press Brick,” under “Brick Masonry. Quantity of Mortar Required to Lay 1,000 Conerete Brick of Monge, Jets im 9 cu R. i wenie zi'twit 7 bait The above table is bated on a brick 28°x38"38" in size, having $6 sq. in. covered with mortar, ise, bed, end and side joints, plus'a small allowance for waste. Concrete Blocks and Partition Units Gonerete blocks and partition units are manufactured in two ‘weights of concrete, one weighing approximately 145 Ibs. per ex, (Gand, pebbles, erushed stone or slag aggrecates) and another of Tighter weight conerete weighing about 100 ibs per ct. of burned clay or cinder azgrerates. ‘These two types of units may be used interchangeably for all purposes although the light weight units afford @ saving of ‘eight to secure economy in design; they afford increased heat and sound insulation and provide a satisfactory nailing base without the use of grounds, Estimating the Quantity of Concrete Blocks and Partition ‘Units—Conerete blocks and partition wnits should be estimated by the square foot of wall of any thickness and then multiplied by the number of blocks per 100 sa. ft. as given in the fllowing tables ‘When estimating quantities, always take exact measurements and do not count eorners twice r Make deductions in full for all openings, regardless of sire ‘The result will be the actual number of sq. it. or number of locks required for the job. Mortar—The same kin of mortar should be used in laying sup concrete Blocks as given for concrete brick: on pase 43. Colitet in Mortar for Setting Concrete Blocks —Used to make ‘cement and lime mortar work better under the trowel, increases Blastiis, and gives the mortar exceptional spread. and “fae CONCRETE MASONRY 445, For average job conditions, figure 342 bbls. portland cement; 1004 Ibs. Celite and 1.52 cu. yds. sand to make sufficient mortar to lay 1,000 pes. 8°x8°x16" Concrete blocks. Celite costs about 2s cts. per 1b. ‘Sizes, Woights and Quantities of Load-Bearing Concrete Blocks and Tile anne ane 8 Seg ae Frxigtaas” Bioce 12" ss S"xl0"xi6" Block 10” 70 Sx 8x16" Block 8" 50 "8x12" Tile 8" 230 Hs 8x12" Tile 8" 165 Sex 6rxi2" Tile 6" 145 Sx x12" Tile 6" 28300580 Sex fx" Tile 4 99M Hes Tile 4" 85 MO SB rxi2"x16" Blok 12 Ie TB Tx S16" Block 8 27-32. 110 Sxl2" Tile = 108-127 200 Sex12" Tile 8” «89106 30 600 2 300 2 500 oe wewesely & 530 3100 325 s4ou-6s00 325 3300-3850 ‘Son 2900-8300 3300-3800 6x2" Tile BLS 490 2200-2500 Gx 6x12" Tile 6” 68-80 S50 2600-3000 Sex 4x2" Tie | "5.4.53 450, 1700-1950 Beez Te 4654 550 2000-2200 ‘The sizes listed below, under Partition Units, may be secured % Load Bearing grades of both weights for back-up in 8" walls Lightweight Partition Blocks oer gk MY 3.25 2900-300 Srey 1-325 0-20 exe sD M83 n89-23550 Sexes | sis 110325. aomn-2550 max a NSS 4.00 2000-2300 fess? ey) 250 1450-1700 Gees 2s 250 1450-1750 Bassi” | 5 30275 —1500-1700 Ox 5 81045 5.80. 1300-1800 ROSES mortal ean SS ove soaneiuce co donee pon 2 for ae

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