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Whether the petitioner proves that thousands of migrants labours and daily wagers are entitled

for a direction to the government to provide them basic essentials, and travel facilities to reach to
their destinations?

As been discussed above corona (COVID-19) is a dangerous pandemic spread not only in India but
also throughout the world attacking the lives of lakhs of people. The disease is spreading so fastly
without making any difference or choice between rich and poor, that whoever comes in contact with
the infected person has to face the risk to his life. Not only this, but such person can risk the life of
many others coming in contact with him. So it is very clear that it spreads with multiple number of
people getting infected. The scientists and researchers of whole world are struggling day and night
to find medicine/vaccine to cure and control the pandemic disease but in vain. Under the
circumstance the only way to get control is by avoiding contacts and maintaining social distance
between persons.

No doubt large number of labours and daily wagers in India migrate to other places and cities for
their livehood. If the government allows large number of people to travel at large either by road
transport or rail transport definitely it will lead to fast spread of corona virus which becomes
partially uncontrollable resulting in countless deaths all over the country. Because providing travel
facilities to large number of migrant labour and daily wagers with safety kits , sanitizers , masks,
oxygen cylinder medical and paramedical staff , ambulance facilities etc. is partially impossible. Also
maintaining social distance while travelling is impossible. This has become a global problem and it is
not with our nation alone. Therefore, to save the lives of people of our country lockdown and to
“Stay where we are” is the only solution. In this context it is to be noted that people are asked not to
walk out of their home. People are restrained from attending markets , malls, gurudwaras, temples ,
masjids, attending offices and all types of business and trade. All shops are also closed. Marriage
ceremonies and all types of social gatherings are postpone. Violation of any such norms laid by
government attracts legal action. These steps are taken by government in the interest of safety of
people of India.

Therefore , not only the migrant labours and daily wagers are suffering but in fact the people of
entire nation are suffering which is inevitable. Even many of the countries with advance medical
technologies are also suffering.

Now comes the question of the migrated providing basic essentials to the migrated labours and daily
wagers, yes, the government is duty bound to do it. Infact the government has made its endaur to
provide food, groceries, milk and other necessary materials through organized groups, NGO’s, social
workers, elected representatives of people from panchayat level, municipal level to assemble and
parliament segment levels. Apart from this government servants from various departments are also
engaged in this job. The owners of houses are warned not to oust the occupants of houses for non-
payment of rents. EMI payments of many financial institutions are also post ponded. Many such
concrete steps are taken by government which come to the aid of migrant labours and daily wagers

In the view of the above discussions the contentions of petitioner are not fenable and the PIL
petition is liable to be dismissed.

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