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Thursday's (June 11th) Chat Reflection

Why do you love theater? Why do you make sure it is a part of your
From Laddie: 1.) performing is so exhilarating 2.) 99% of the people you will meet are amazing

From Noemi: The community is absolutely incredible. Performing in front of other people scares me and
will probably always scare me and I think it is so important to get out of my comfort food. Also, there’s
such a power in creating art with other people and the bonding experience you have.
*comfort zone!! lol

From Eme: Theater brings me joy. I get to meet so many amazing people in theater. I also get a chance
to escape from reality for a little while. Some times getting to escape makes it easier to come back to
reality. It also has helped me to become more confident in myself.

From Wayne: I love theater and performing because doing anything else doesn’t make sense in my
head. I feel like it is what I was called to do; it’s such a unique and magical medium that allows you to
reach into the hearts and minds of others, learning about the people around you through stories and
characters while also discovering so much about yourself. There’s nothing else like it.

From Brianna: I love theater because it makes sense to me.

From Jules: I do theater because of the effect it’s had on my life, my identity, and my confidence. I’ve
never met a more open minded community than the Rose.

From Sarah: The thing that I love most about theatre is getting to create new worlds with new groups of
people. Theatre teaches you so much about working with others and the bonds that you create are like
no other bonds in life. I love that I still get to play pretend every single day and expand and use my
imagination. Theatre is what I am going to do for the rest of my life.

From Isabella: I love theater because I love telling stories and I love how uniquely collaborative theater
is as a medium for doing so in comparison to other art forms. You have so much agency to change the
world when you are standing on a stage in front of an audience and that is something I want to be able
to do for the rest of my life. Theater has been so important in helping me coming out of my shell and
explore my identity and I owe so much of who I am to the theater I've helped create.

From Stephanie: I love that you can get lost in a story and at the same time found.

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