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News Reaches Hastinapura

In Varanavata the dreadful night was over. The house had been burnt down
completely. The fire had abated and the people could now cross the moat and see
had happened. It was terrible to see the charred remains of seven bodies. They knew
for certain that the Pandavas with their mother had been burnt to death. The
was Purochana. The people were happy to see that at least Purochana was punished
for his sinfulness. They were unhappy at the fate which had overtaken the Pandavas.
Their wrath was great. They said: "It is obvious that this has been done at the
instigation of the old king and his son". The miner, who had built the tunnel for
Pandavas, went in without being noticed, and looked for the opening of the tunnel.
found that it was completely hidden by the debris. He admired the wisdom of the
Pandavas and returned to Hastinapura to report to Vidura about the escape of the
Pandavas. The other agents of Vidura also went to him and told him about the safety
of the Pandavas. Vidura knew now that they had crossed the river Ganga and were
proceeding southwards as he had advised them to do.
News travels fast. The people of Hastinapura were sunk in despair when they heard
about the death-nay, murder-of the Pandavas. Hearing the news the wily King
Dhritarashtra pretended to be grief-stricken. His heart was full of a great
but he had to pretend. He looked as though he were overcome by the calamity that
befallen him. Like the cloud that roars in autumn making much noise without giving
any rain, he gave vent to his grief. He sent messengers to Varanavata to perform
funeral rites for the dead people. He ordered the treasurer to distribute wealth
clothing to the poor in accordance with the custom. All of them went to the banks
the river Ganga to offer funeral oblations. Vidura was there with them. He knew his
brother, and his exultation at the event. He knew him to be the home of insincerity
scheming. Vidura too mourned along with the others.
Vidura's heart was touched at the grief of Bheeshma. The old man was beside himself
with grief. Vidura could not bear to see it. He went near Bheeshma. As if by
he took him aside after making sure that there was no chance of their being
Vidura said: "Please do not give way to grief. This funeral oblation is unnecessary
since the Pandavas are not dead". Bheeshma was struck dumb with surprise. Vidura
told him the entire story. He added: "This plot was hatched by the king, his son
Sakuni. They are all now happy because they think that, their sin is not known to
anyone. But I know. I know that no harm can come to the Pandavas. They are now
going to Siddhavata, a forest on the southern side of Ganga. When the proper time
comes, they will emerge out of obscurity, like the moon after the dark fortnight. I
one day see them lords of this world. But we must wait. The time is not ripe
Bheeshma applauded Vidura for his wisdom and his farsightedness. They went to the
palace. No one knew about this conversation. The old king and his sons were now
happy. They felt that their days of worry were at an end.
28. Bheema's Marriage With Hidimbi
The Pandavas, having crossed the river Ganga, wended their way towards the south.
They reached Siddhavata. They were extremely tired and thirsty. Bheema's brothers
addressed him: "Bheema, the way is long and we are weary. But we have to walk a
long distance. You must help us once again. You must carry us as you did before".
Bheema willingly carried them all, and walked fast towards the south. The son of
Vayu travelled faster than his father. He was intent on only one thing: by daybreak
they should be far away from Varanavata. Duxyodhana's spies were everywhere.
The dreadful night was over. Bheema realized that they had gone quite a long
away from the city of Varanavata. They had travelled eighty yojanas. Kunti was
extremely tired. She said: "I am dying with thirst. I cannot proceed even a step
without water. I am extremely sleepy. I will rest under some tree. I have to. If we
captured by the Kauravas I do not care. I am past all caring". There were tears in
eyes when she said this. Bheema took them to a grove nearby and said: "You must all
rest here. I feel that there is water somewhere near. I can hear the noises made by
water birds". Yudhishthira asked Bheema to go and get some water for their mother.
Bheema went in search of water.
Not far away from there he saw a beautiful lake, its surface covered by lotuses and
lotus leaves. It was so beautiful that he could not believe it. Bheema also could
walk fast. He was so full of fatigue. He drank deep of that wonderful water. He
in it. It was so inviting. He forgot all his fatigue and sleepiness in the thrill
of bathing
in that cold water. He came out. He wetted his upper cloth with water. He made a
out of the huge lotus leaves and carried water in that. When he reached the spot
he had left his mother and brothers he found them fast asleep. He woke them up one
by one and gave them water. They drank it and again went to sleep.
Bheema sat there by their side, watching them. He thought that his heart would
into a million flinders. The sight of his mother sleeping on the ground which was
covered by leaves, was enough to melt a heart of stone. He looked at them one by
his mother and his beloved brothers. They looked so pathetic and helpless while
slept. He said to himself: "Here lies my mother. She is the sister of Vasudeva of
House of Vrishnis. She is the daughter-in-law of the great House of Kuru. She is
wife of the famous Pandu and she is the mother of five brave sons. Brave indeed!
Here we are, running away to save ourselves from the cruelty of a man who is our
father in name! Here lies my brother, a god-like man fit to rule the world. Here is
Arjuna, the greatest archer in the world. These twins, dark and handsome, looking
blue lotuses, can destroy the entire family of Dhritarashtra. Yet such is fate that
have to go about in hiding, afraid of that heartless man. Can anything be more
than this? They, the evil-doers thrive in the world while we have to suffer at
hands. Still, let us wait and see. The end is of importance and not the beginning.
river begins her course from some unknown crevice in the snow-clad mountain. But
her end is so glorious. We will also be great somewhen. It is not in the near
future. My
brother says: 'Wait'. I shall wait. The world will then see how I shall take
revenge on
the sinners who were responsible for this scene". They were all sleeping. Bheema
thought that it would not be wise if he slept too. Also, the bath had refreshed him
the cold sting of the water had banished sleep from his eyes. He decided to sit and
watch over them all.
The forest where they were resting was called Hidimbavana. It belonged to a
by name Hidimba. He and his sister Hidimbi lived in that forest, eating all the
beings who were foolish enough to enter that forest. While the Pandavas were
sleeping, Hidimba was sitting on top of a tree. Suddenly he smelt human flesh. He
looked around and saw the sleeping forms of the Pandavas. He spoke to hi", sister:
"Listen to me, my dear sister. There are human beings here. 1 can see them from
My mouth is already watering at the thought of the delicious flesh. I will wait
You must hurry hence and kill those human beings. We can then have a feast. It is
such a long time since I tasted human flesh". She agreed to do so.
Jumping from tree to tree, Hidimbi arrived at the spot very soon. She saw the
Pandavas and their mother. She saw Bheema keeping guard over them. She saw they
were all beautiful. They were more lovely than anything she had seen so far. Her
came to rest on Bheema. Looking at his body which was beautifully proportioned, she
was overcome with love for him. He was the perfect specimen of manhood with his
broad chest, slim waist and narrow hips. The name Vrikodara was a suitable name for
him. Bheema's figure was just as slim and graceful as that of a wolf. Hidimbi told
herself: "I have a feeling inside me which tells me that this dark handsome man is
meant to be my lord and master. I love him. How can I obey my brother when my
heart is given to this man? He is the only man fit to be my husband". She stood at
distance for a while looking at him all the while as if her eyes could not drink
fill. She now assumed the form of a lovely woman. She approached him slowly, very
slowly. Bheema turned and looked at her. Her dark form draped in chaste white, she
was beautiful enough to charm anyone. He was surprised to see her there and said:
"Who are you? You are so very beautiful. How 19 it you are alone in this dreadful
forest?" She looked at him with sidelong glances. She smiled a little and spoke to
in a sweet soft caressing voice. She said: "Who are you? You are so handsome. Who
is this dark beautiful woman who is sleeping here? Who are these young men? Did
you not know that this forest belongs to a cruel rakshasa called Hidimba? He
human flesh. I must confess that I am his sister, Hidimbi. He saw you from a
and sent me here to kill you all and bring him his favourite food. I came here with
intention. But looking at you and your handsome form, all sinful thoughts have fled
from my mind. I have fallen in love with you. I want you as my lord and lover. If
refuse me I will not be able to live. Please accept me. I will make you very
Bheema said: "This is my brother, my elder brother whom I honour as my god. This is
my mother. These are my younger brothers. They are all depending on my strength to
protect them. What you ask is impossible. I cannot marry you leaving them". She
"I will carry you and your mother away from here. I can assume any shape and any
form. I will go far away from my brother and live with you on a mountain top. Come
with me". Bheema said: "I am not so fond of this life of mine that I should protect
leaving my helpless brothers behind. As for your proposal I think it is wrong. You
cannot ask me to do something that is against all Dharma". With tears in her eyes
Hidimbi said: "I have offended you. I am sorry. I do not want to displease you. I
carry you all away from here. This place is dangerous because of my brother. We
must hurry. Please wake up your mother and your brothers. My brother will be here
any moment". Bheema said: "Never! They are sleeping so peacefully. I will not give
them a rude awakening. As for your brother, let him come. I am not a coward. I am
stronger than you think. I have immense strength. I can take care of your brother".
They heard a loud noise nearby. Hidimba waited for his sister for a long time. She
not come. He became curious about the delay. So he came to find out for himself the
reason. He drew near. It was his approach that they heard. Hidimbi was upset. She
said: "Even now it is not too late. My brother is very near. Still I can carry you
away from here. Please listen to me". Bheema smiled at her and said: "Do not be
upset. Your brother will today meet his match. I can defeat him easily. I am glad I
be able to rid this forest of this pest. Look at me. Look at my arms. They are
enough to crush the life out of the form of your brother. Do not insult me by
that I am not strong enough to tackle him". Tears came to her eyes. She said: "My
lord, there was no thought of insulting you when I spoke of danger to you. I have
fallen in love with you. You have become so dear to me that I am not willing to
you. I am afraid that I may lose you. I will wait and watch you kill my brother.
will then take me for wife". Bheema did not speak a word in reply. He smiled to
Hidimba had now come near enough to hear his sister. His eyes were red with anger.
He shouted: "So this is how you bring food for your brother. I will punish you.
First I
will kill this man who is impertinent enough to think that he is more than a match
me. Then I will take good care of you. You can meet him in the hall of death". He
came near Bheema. Smiling at the rakshasa, Bheema said: "Please do not make so
much noise. My brothers and my dear mother are sleeping. They are very tired. Do
not dare to wake them up. As for your talk to your sister, I will kill you for your
words. She came here fully intent on obeying you. But she fell in love with me. A
woman in love cannot harm her beloved. You say that you will kill her. Let me see
how you can do it when I am here. I will rid this forest of you, a monster which
been frightening all the forest dwellers".
The two began to fight like two angry tuskers charging at each other. Hidimbi was
watching, her eyes wide with astonishment at the sight of powerful Bheema. The
noise of the fighting roused the sleeping princes and their mother. A strange sight
their eyes. Bheema was fighting with a rakshasa, by the looks of him. By their
however, sat a beautiful woman looking at Bheema with eyes full of love. Kunti
to her softly: "Young woman, you are very beautiful. Are you the goddess who
protects this wild forest? Are you an apsara? Who are you and what are you doing
here? Why are you watching this dreadful fight? Tell me everything". With her head
downcast, with nervous gestures Hidimbi said: "This dense forest, looking like a
rain cloud laden with water, is the place where we live, my brother and I. The
rakshasa who is now fighting with your son is my brother". She told them all that
been happening. She told Kunti about her love for Bheema. Yudhishthira and his
brothers stood watching the fight.
After a while Arjuna said: "Bheema, give me a chance. This is not right. You have
been awake since two nights. You have walked such a distance carrying all of us.
must be tired. I am now feeling fresh after the sleep I had. Leave him to me and
take rest". Bheema laughed and said: "Arjuna, do not worry. He is almost dead.
Caught between my two mighty arms, who can escape death? Why should two of us
spend our energy to crush this little insect? You just sit and watch the fun. It
will be
over soon". Arjuna said: "You must hurry. Evening is drawing near. You know that
the strength of rakshasas will increase when night falls. You must kill him before
sun's rim touches the western hill". Bheema took up the immense form of the
in his hands and crushed the life out of him. With a terrible cry of pain, Hidimba
down dead. Bheema's anger did not subside even then. He pummelled the body until it
became a shapeless mass of flesh.
Yudhishthira embraced his brother and said: "I am fortunate, When I have you for
brother, when I have this Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva to protect me, why should I
think that I am alone? I am stronger than all the devas put together." Bheema was
made to rest for a while. Then Yudhishthira said: "Let us move away from here".
Arjuna said: "It looks as though there is a city somewhere about. Let us go there".
They began their journey.
Poor Hidimbi followed them. She approached Kunti and said: "What shall I do?"
Hearing her voice, Yudhishthira turned round. Hidimbi continued: "You are the elder
brother of this young man and you are his mother. I fell in love with him. I want
both to influence him and make him take me for wife I cannot live if he refuses
She looked at Kunti and said: "Mother, you are a women. You must know how much
I am suffering. You must grant me my life. You must grant me happiness. He is my
chosen load. I will protect all of you from all the dangers in the forest. I will
carry all
of you when you are too tired to walk. Only, please give me this young man". Kunti
was touched by the sincere love this woman had for her son. She said:
this woman loves Bheema. I feel that her desire should be granted. As for Bheema,
looks as though he is not quite averse to this". She looked at Bheema who looked
everywhere except in her direction. The brothers smiled at his discomfiture. This
a new Bheema. They had never seen him like that before. He smiled bashfully and
kicked the stones that lay at his feet. Yudhishthira smiled mischievously at him
said: "Bheema, I know what is worrying you. You think that since I am your elder
brother you must not take a wife until I do. Do not let that worry you. When eye
eye, then is a marriage performed. You can take her for wife. I want you to be
The two beings who were in love looked at each other and looked away.
29. Birth

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