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Reality shows, why everyone loves them?

Reality shows have had an icreadibly improve in audience in the past few years and the most part of
them were primary school graduated.
There are some of these shows, such as Jerry Springer Show where it always end up with a conflict
between the studio guest and the audience and sometimes it finish being physical confrontation. But
why these guests continue going to the reality shows if it´s nothing else but confrontation?

Firstly, to be in some of these shows people must be physically fit and also have a high level of
stamina, for example in Jungle Survival, which the candidates travel to australia where the have to
survive with other candidates to win. Certainly, in these type of programs the only thing they look
for is confrontaion so the audience is entretained and by that the people get famous very quickly.

Secondly, another thing that makes them go is the money they give them if they win, furthermore is
al lot of money and some people would kill to have it even if they are humiliate, the only thing they
care of is money and popularity

in my opinion, people embarase themselves being in these reality programmes because they only do
it because of money and to became famous. If I were one of the people who think its worthy being
there I would think it twice.

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