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Subatomic Particles

a proton is a positively charged particle of an atom which has a charge of +1 and a mass of
1.67 x 10−24 amu. It is located at the nucleus and was discovered by Eugen Goldstein in the year 1886.
An electron is a negatively charged particle of an atom which has a charge of -1 and a mass of
9.11 x 10−28 amu. It is located outside the nucleus and was discovered by Joseph John Thomson in the year
A neutron is a subatomic particle that is neutral in charge which has a charge of 0 and a mass of
1.67 x 10−24 amu. It is located at the nucleus and was discovered by James Chadwick in the year 1932.
Atomic Number and Mass Number
The number of protons in a nucleus is called the atomic number.
Mass number (atomic mass) is the sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons.
To represent the composition of any atom, a short hand method called atomic notation is used

Where in
X = symbol of element
Z = atomic number which = number of proton = number of electron
Atomic number can be seen on the periodic table at the upper left side of the element.
A = mass number (atomic mass) which is = number of proton + number of neutron
Number of neutron = mass number (atomic mass) – number of proton.

Lithium A=7 ( mass number) Z= 3 (atomic number) # p= 3 #e=3
No. of Neutrons = mass number- no. of proton
#n = 4
A 7
Z X 3 Li

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Chemistry Worksheet
Write first the Atomic Notation then Identify the no. of Proton, Electron and Neutron of the following
1. Bismuth

4. Iron

2. Gallium

5. Cobalt

3. Tin

6. Palladium

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