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1. Can the engineer manager avoid making management decision? Why or Why not?
An engineer manager cannot avoid making management decision. A manager
who avoids making decisions is not fulfilling one of the important aspects of
their job function. That makes them a less competent, and probably ineffective,
manager – regardless whether they are managing engineers or anyone else.
Decision making is not to be avoided, if you are to be a competent and effective
7. Why is it important for those who will be involved in implementation to understand and
accept the solution to the problem?
Implementation is the culmination of all your work in solving a problem and
requires careful attention to detail. It is important for those who will be involved
in implementation to understand and accept the solution to the problem
8. What are the approaches in solving problem?
There are two approaches in solving problems namely: qualitative and
quantitative evaluation. Qualitative evaluation is used for solving fairly simple
problems. It refers to evaluation of alternatives using intuition and subjective
judgment. While quantitative evaluation is applied to complex ones. It refers to
the evaluation of alternatives using any technique in a group classified as
rational and analytical. This technique may be useful in decision making of the
following: inventory models, queuing theory, network models, forecasting,
regression analysis, simulation, linear programming, sampling theory and
statistical decision theory.

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