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Stanch – check flow of blood

Ravenous –extremely hungry

Smug – self satisfied, complacent
Slake – satisfy(thirst), quench, sate
Domineer-rule over tyrannically

Prognosis-forecast course of a disease,prediction
Artisan-a manually skilled worker

Satiate-surfiet,satisfy fully
Mellifluous-flowing smoothly,smooth,melodious
Interpolate-insert between
Orgy-wild drunken revelry, unrestrained indulgence in an activity

Pith-core pr marrow,sponge like substance at the centre of the stem

Revulsion-sudden violent change of feeling, negative reaction+
Inquisitive-unduly curious,prying,seeking knowledge
Foray-raid,sudden raid or military advance
Hegemony-dominance,expecially of one nation over the other

Abut-border upon,adjoin
Asceptic-preventing infection,having a cleansing effect
Atypical- not normal, not typical
Aminities-convenient features,social courtesies
Ape-imitate or mimic

Avocation-secondary or minor occupation
Annul-make void or useless
Apoplexy-stroke, loss of consciousness followed by paralysis
Abjure-renounce upon oath

Destitute-extremely poor
Unbridled-voilent, uncontrolled
Sheaf-bundle of things tied together
Recalcitrant-obstinately stubborn
ANECDOTE: short account of an amusing or interesting event 
ABASH: Embarrass 
ALTERCATION:Noisy quarrel 
ABROGATE: Abolish 

Utopia-imaginary land with perfect social and political system

Proviso- stipulation,condition in an agreement
Barefaced- shameless, bold, unconcealed

Agape-openmouthed surprise
Talons-claw of a bird
Rabid-like a fanatic(fan), furious
Decimate-kill(usually one oyt of every tenth person)
Stolidity-dullness, impassiveness

 AUXILIARY: Offering or providing help; additional or sub-sidiary 

Arcane-secrete, mysterious
Macabre-gruesome, ghastly, of death
Gait-persons manner of walking
Pertinacious-stubborn, persistent

Advert-refer to
Dissension- disagreement that leads to discord
Factious-causing dissension

Begrudge-envy, resent, grudge

Bluster-blow in heavy gusts, threaten emptily, speak in noisy or bullying manner

Serendipity-gift for finding desirable and valuable things by accident,accidental good fortune or luck
Dispel-scatter,drive away,cause to vanish
Helm-steering wheel of a ship, position of control
Cozen-cheat,hoodwink; swindle
Harbinger-forerunner,a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of something

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