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Nazi’s aren't happy with just that consolidated power,they want to ensure that

they stay in power.So, in 1934 they continue to consolidate their power and now
more directly start eliminating their opponents.
Three figures are the ones that are most notable other than Hitler:
- Joseph Goebbels who is the head of Nazi Propaganda
-Hermann Göring, who is the head of the Nazi's secret police, the Gestapo

- We have Heinrich Himmler who is the head of Schutzstaffel,more famously

known as the SS, which is the paramilitary group of the Nazi party,used to
intimidate and eliminate their opponents.

The most notable opponent was Ernst Röhm. So in 1934, June 30th, we have the
Night of the Long Knives, where under the pretext of a supposed putsch on the
part of Ernst Röhm, the SS and the Gestapo start rounding up Röhm,his allies
and any perceived enemies of Hitler. Start rounding them up and shooting
them.Ernst Röhm is arrested and when he refuses to kill himself in his jail cell he
is shot at point-blank range.
Gregor Strasser, who is a former rival of Hitler within the Nazi party, he is
Kurt von Schleicher who is a previous chancellor of Germany, perceived as a
rival to Hitler he and his wife are eliminated.
On those few nights over 85 major officials in Germany were eliminated.

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