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(IU) Midterm Assessment

Department of Industrial System Engineering Duration: 1 week (Deadline: 08:00 am, April 27,


Write an Introduction Section and a Method Section of a research paper. The total word counts of the two sections
should range from 600 to 1,000 words (main text only).

Note: You may want to develop the introduction and method sections from your own assignments/ reports in previous
courses. However, you are NOT allowed to choose reports from group projects.

Your submission should include the following

1. Cover paper with your name, your student ID and other details
2. Title of your paper (no more than 12 words)
3. Your writing of the Introduction and Method Sections: You may want to use headings and subheadings, when
4. Reference list (list all references of previous research that you cite in your writing).
5. Wordcount

How to submit your ongoing assessment: Submit an e-copy onto our Blackboard system. Please name your file as
SW-1920S2-YourName-StudentID-midterm (e.g., SW-1920S2-NguyenVanA-4201751000-midterm.docx). Do not
include Vietnamese tone marks, diacritical marks, or dots.

Plagiarism policy
All forms of plagiarism and unauthorised collusion are seriously regarded and could result in penalties. Plagiarism
occurs when students copy or reproduce someone else’s words or ideas and then present them as students’ own work
without proper acknowledgement, including when students copy the work of their fellow students.

Plagiarism in student submissions can be detected by:

 some web-based programs such as SafeAssign or Turnitin, or
 examiner's judgments with evidence of originals

Penalties due to plagiarism include:

Degree of Description
Low (below 15%) Marked as it is.
Medium (15%- The rater will review the paper to check if citations or references are provided
40%) properly.
 If 25%-to-40% improper citations or references are detected, the score is deducted
by 50%.
 If 15%-to-25% improper citations or references are detected, the score is deducted
by 25%.
High (over 40%) The rater will review the paper to check if citations or references are provided
properly. If over 40% improper citations or references are detected, the score is 0.

Lateness policy
You should take a responsibility to complete your work on time (Technological trouble is not excused). The late
submission is NOT accepted.

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