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¿What is Biomass?

Is an alternative resource that use unusual materials to produce energy, this

material most of the cases are organic and come from the nature
This idea of Biomass is try not to use fossil fiuls, because we are very
dependent of that and let me stress that in this way we are reducing the
pollution that a fossil fuel produce.
The advantages of using Biomass are that is a renewable energy and in that
way does not contribute to global warming, don’t forget that the use
Biomass depend of the nature, so that mean that is very abundant and I
think that it´s fine to use that because as I say Biomass depends of nature
so the cost is very cheap.
And for last by the time we are using Biomass, we will have created a lot
of jobs for people in rural centers.
On the other hand Biomass requires a lot of quantity of materials so we
need a big space where put a fabric of biomass and It´s wrong to destroy
the environment when supposedly we are trying to safe that, another
disadvantages is that excessive use or wrong use can be end destroying
the habitat of many animal and experts say that by 2030, we will have
been destroying a lot of parts of jungle for years.

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