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A long time ago 3 bears lived in a pretty little house.

One day the 3 bears after making all the beds, cleaning the house and serving the
3 bowls of ice cream for dinner, the 3 bears went for a walk.
That same day a young man called Goldilocks was walking through the forest and
found the house of the 3 bears, and seeing that the window was open without
thinking twice, he entered the house, because when he was little they never taught
him manners.
When he entered the house the first thing he did was sit down to watch a movie in
the living room of the house, they had 3 chairs, first he sat in Daddy Bear's chair,
but he was too uncomfortable; then it was sent in the bear's seat, but soon it broke;
and finally he sat down in Mommy Bear's chair, it seemed quite comfortable and he
started to watch the movie. After the movie he got hungry and thought about going
to the kitchen for something to eat; when he opened the fridge he found 3 ice
cream bowls: one strawberry, one chocolate and one vanilla; When he saw them,
he picked the vanilla one because it was the one he liked the most, when he
picked it up he realized that in the bowl called "daddy bear", but he did not care,
when he finished the ice cream he looked too tired and took a short nap in the
bear's bed, because this was the one with the most comfortable mattress.
When the bears came home they saw that someone had sat in their chairs and
broken the bear's, when they arrived at the kitchen, papa bear saw that they had
eaten their ice cream, they found themselves angry at the room where they found
the young man sleeping, in a Attack of anger began to hang the young man until
he killed him, and to compensate for his ice cream he ate the young man.

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