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The experience at the university has been very fun, I have made many friends from
different professional careers, now I am in my last semester and I attend university
very little because I was doing internships and also because it is closed due to the
national quarantine.
The best experience I have had was when I did my work placements at the
Campbell Clinic, there I learned many things about psychology, spoke with many
patients and helped many people to have a faster and more pleasant improvement
while they were hospitalized. Another of the most beautiful experiences I had at
university was when I presented my degree project, I was in front of some juries
who rated me and I presented my subject very well. To the last they congratulated
me and I received a lot of support to carry out all my research project together with
my tutor who is the director of the program.
Being in the university was very enriching, I learned many things for my
professional and personal life, the elective classes complemented my training and
the teachers were excellent, they are all very professional, the university has many
good teachers, who know how to teach to his students.
Many of my classmates are not going to graduate with me, but we still maintain
friendship and we are constantly in contact. This is very good because
interpersonal relationships at university help to grow professionally and personally.
In conclusion, all the time I was studying at the university it helped me a lot to form
myself and make very good relationships with students and teachers.

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