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The legend that I am going to tell you is Muki, the mining goblin.

This character is popular in many mines in Peru, particularly in the central area.
Muki have a small height and a long white beard some miners affirm that Muki can
help or steal their equipment, block some tunnels; it depence of his humor and
sometimes he does some sounds to scare miners.
Never anyone has seen him but miners agreeing to his existence.

The sun, seeing the painful state of men, created a couple: Manco Capac the man
and Mama Ocllo, his wife; the sun gave them a golden scepter and ordered them
to go around the world to civilize the people. He commissioned them to found an
empire, and implant in it the worship of the sun. Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo
emerged from the foams of Lake Titicaca and advanced north. The golden scepter
would serve them to find the ideal place for the foundation of the Empire, since in it
the scepter would sink until it disappeared.

The inhabitants of the entire valley will soon recognize them as supernatural
beings. After a long journey, the scepter sank into the Huanacauri hill. Manco
Capac and Mama Ocllo settled there

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