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Administrative Procedure

Chapter · January 2016

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_1020-1


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Dacian Dragos
Babeş-Bolyai University


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Administrative Procedure Introduction

Dacian C. Dragos In all countries that are attentive to the idea that
Center for Good Governance Studies, Babes the public administration is bound by the rule of
Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania law and needs legitimation by the people, there is
an ongoing debate about the importance of admin-
istrative procedure (Pierce et al. 2009; P€under
Synonyms 2013a; Barnes 2010).
The advantages of administrative procedure
Administrative process are well known: protection of rights of parties,
information gathering, sound decision-making
and thus an increase in the legitimacy of the final
decision, and pre-litigation remedies. At disad-
vantages, we can list the need for resources in
terms of time, personnel, and financing for an
Administrative procedure relates to the methods
effective decision-making procedure.
and processes before administrative agencies, as
GAPAs were adopted all over the world: most
distinguished from judicial procedure, which
European countries have such a procedural law,
applies to courts. The administrative procedure
and then outside Europe, the GAPAs are to be
can be defined as a succession of acts and opera-
found in the USA, Japan, South Korea, China,
tions issued or performed by an administrative
Taiwan, Chile, and Peru, just to name a few. In
body on its own motion or upon request, in order
the formation of GAPAs in the world, we can
to adjudicate on rights, interests, and obligations
identify three historical stages: the founding
of parties of the procedure or decide based on the
models were established in Spain (1889) and Aus-
public interest, according to the laws and other
tria (1925) and the latter then inspiring other
regulations in force. There is no widely recog-
European countries. Postwar laws that also
nized definition of the administrative
influenced other systems were adopted in the
procedure – many General Administrative Proce-
USA (1946) and Germany (1976). From the
dure Acts (GAPAs) only refer to the term and do
1990s on, the GAPAs have flourished, sometimes
not define “administrative procedure” as such
as a response to the need to reform former com-
(except the German GAPA and the
munist regimes in Eastern Europe.
Portuguese GAPA).

# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_1020-1
2 Administrative Procedure

Administrative Procedure Versus Court Administrative Procedure: Phases

Procedure. Hybrid Procedures: Tribunals
The stages of administrative procedure follow the
First, we have to distinguish between administra- usual trajectory of a request from its formulation
tive procedure and the procedure by which courts to its resolution and beyond. Depending on the
adjudicate on administrative acts (Auby 2014a). way in which the administrative procedure laws
In the first one, administrative bodies are in charge are drafted, the content of the procedure may vary,
with issuing administrative acts and then but generally the following stages are considered
reviewing them through administrative appeal, to be part of all administrative procedures:
on reasons of legality and/or opportunity
(exercise of discretion). In the latter, the courts (a) Initiation/commencement. Generally, the
review administrative acts on legality reasons administrative procedure is initiated by peti-
and only exceptionally on the use of discretion. tion/request addressed by an individual or a
Generally, the scope of the administrative proce- legal person to an administrative body or ex
dure is wider than that of a court procedure. officio by an administrative body. Some-
In most of the administrative systems, this times, the obligation to initiate an adminis-
distinction is strict and easy to understand, but trative procedure flows from the law or other
recently there is a development called legal norms that are binding on the
“tribunalization” which means that administrative administrative body.
procedures become more jurisdictionalized and (b) Parties of procedure. Rules on how to inter-
tribunals that are in charge of such procedures pret the notion of “party in the procedure,”
are gaining more and more influence. In countries “administrative body” or “public authority,”
who experiment with tribunals and also have a “legal person,” or “individual” are to be
GAPA (such as the USA), the GAPA also applies observed, if they are enshrined in the
to quasi-judicial bodies (for instance, to adminis- GAPA, because the different features of the
trative law judges in the USA). administrative systems may entail different
A tribunal is an administrative body with interpretations. Also, rules about representa-
quasi-judicial nature, a hybrid that aims at dealing tion of parties during procedure are impor-
with administrative disputes outside courts of law tant, as well as the communication with such
but still assuring a proper and balanced protection parties.
of the rights of parties. Its main function is to (c) Incidents of competence/jurisdiction. The
adjudicate disputes between citizens and govern- administrative body has to verify its compe-
mental agencies. Although tribunals adjudicate tence to deal with the administrative matter
many more administrative disputes than courts, at hand or else to transfer the matter to the
their role as “dispensers of administrative justice” competent body. Rules on conflicts of com-
(Cane 2009) receives relatively little scholarly petence and delegation of competence are
attention. An effective administrative tribunal also laid down in the dedicated sections of
addresses in the same time the shortcomings of the GAPAs.
an administrative appeal procedure (lack of inde- (d) Investigations/evidence. The administrative
pendence) and those of court proceedings (length, body carries out investigations in order to
associated costs, in some cases lack of specializa- establish the facts of the case, if the case is
tion), providing for independent review and quick either ex officio or at the request of the
redress in (sometimes) less complex matters, parties. The evidence may be comprised of
which do not need the intervention of a court. statements from parties or other persons,
documents, and site visits. If the administra-
tive body needs an expert opinion on the
object of the investigation, such opinions
are included in the procedure files. The
Administrative Procedure 3

burden of proof lies with the party that has the administrative appeal or judicial review.
initiated the procedure, but the administra- The form and content of administrative acts
tive bodies have the obligation to make are determined in GAPAs or in other laws or
available to party’s information under their in the case law of the courts when no codifi-
possession. cation of administrative procedure exists.
(e) Consultations with interested parties or Acts need to be reasoned in order to justify
parties that might be affected by the final the solutions envisaged in them and to inform
decision are necessary in order to establish the addressees. Administrative acts might
all the facts and legal implications of have effect only for the future or even for
the case. the past (retroactive effects), under the con-
(f) Right to be heard. Potentially aggrieving ditions established by law. They enter into
decisions are to be adopted only after the force by publication (rulemaking, general
parties that might be affected by the decision acts) or communication to the beneficiaries/
are heard and their statements recorded in the addressees (adjudicating/individual acts).
file. All interested parties must be given (j) Administrative operations. Sometimes the
access to their files and the possibility to administrative procedure does not end with
comment on the way the procedure is the issuance of an administrative act, but with
conducted and on the findings. other forms of administrative activity, called
(g) Principles guiding the discretion exercised generically administrative operations. They
by public bodies during administrative pro- are actions that do not have legal effects by
cedure and the conduct of procedure itself themselves, but either serve the issuance of an
include legality, transparency, access to administrative act or serve as modes of execu-
information, fairness, impartiality, equal tion of such acts.
treatment and nondiscrimination, objectiv- (k) Administrative contracts. The outcome of an
ity, confidentiality and protection of personal administrative procedure may be also an
data, proportionality, informality, control administrative contract, concluded between a
and liability, conflict of interest, and recon- public body and a private person or another
ciliation of parties. public body, for the execution of works and
(h) Time limits for the conduct of procedure provision of services or goods, financed
have to be observed by all parties in proce- entirely or partially by public funds, under a
dure. Extension, reinstatement of time public law legal regime – for instance, public
limits, and calculation of time limits are inci- procurement and concessions.
dents in the procedure. Usually, the admin- (l) Administrative appeal is an administrative
istrative silence (failure to observe the time remedy for unlawfulness or inopportunity of
limits for answering a request by a public an administrative act or for the refusal (explicit
body) means rejection of the request, but or tacit – administrative silence) to solve a
sometimes the presumption is reversed, and request. Administrative appeals may be man-
for expressly identified acts, administrative datory before going to court for judicial
silence might mean acceptance. review, or optional, with certain benefits for
(i) Administrative acts. Defining and the appellants such as the extension of dead-
interpreting the notion of administrative act lines for court action. The competence for
is important in order to establish the scope of solving the administrative appeal lies with
judicial review. Interim decisions are neces- the issuing body, the superior administrative
sary if the danger of irreparable damages body, or the control body. The appeal to a
occurs, and they can be challenged separately tribunal is a hybrid, quasi-judicial procedure,
on administrative level or in court. Final but still different from the court procedure per
administrative acts are the ones that have se. Some GAPAs provide also for alternative
legal effects and can be challenged through means of dispute resolution – arbitration,
4 Administrative Procedure

mediation, conciliation, or just refer to the The Importance of Codifying

possibility to resort to such ADR tools. the Administrative Procedure
(m) Execution of administrative acts. After enter-
ing into force, acts are executed either volun- Codification can be defined broadly and
tary or forcefully, and the rules for forceful nontechnical as “the process of repealing a set of
execution are provided by the GAPAs or by acts in one area and replacing them with a single
other laws. act containing no substantive change to those
(n) Suspension of administrative acts refers to the acts” (Mandelkern Report). However, some codi-
stay of execution for acts that may produce fying processes are also creative and reformatory,
damages that could be irreparable. Suspen- in the sense that they change some rules that may
sion can be decided either by the issuing be redrafted in a clearer or simpler manner or
authority or by the review bodies. In some insert new provisions.
jurisdictions, the administrative appeal sus- The advantages of codifying administrative
pends de jure the execution of the act, and procedure rules (Ziller 2011, Mir-Puigpelat
the issuing authority may reverse this effect 2011) are generally applicable:
by invoking the public interest in execution.
In other systems, the suspension may be (a) Increased legal clarity and certainty. Based
granted only upon request and proper on the experience of jurisdictions that have
reasoning. codified their procedural administrative law,
(o) Reopening of the procedure. Some GAPAs it is clear that a written code, which summa-
provide for instances where administrative rizes, coordinates, and systematizes the pro-
procedures may be reopened – new circum- cedural provisions that are spread across
stances entail a different outcome surfaced, secondary legislation, courts judgments, and
court decisions that contradict the solution codes of conduct adopted by institutions, bod-
adopted by the public body are issued, a pre- ies, offices, and agencies, is a significant
viously lawful act with continuous execution improvement in terms of legal clarity and
becomes unlawful, etc. certainty and would help to achieve the prin-
ciples of simplification and accessibility asso-
These are roughly the main phases of an ciated with the imperative of quality
administrative procedure. In identifying the most regulation. Of course codification means that
relevant of them, we looked at the most referred to the rules of procedure will be more abstract
GAPAs (the USA, Germany, Austria, the Nether- than they would be in a specific sectoral reg-
lands) and at the more recent ones, developed by ulation, but this would also allow its provi-
SIGMA OECD for countries in Central and East- sions to be applied to all areas in which the
ern Europe – Croatia (2009) and Albania (2014) – administration acts, without the need to adopt
as well as at the Research Network on European any more rules for specific fields. Other
Administrative Law (ReNEUAL) Model rules of advantages include a better knowledge of cur-
Administrative Procedure (2014) that will consti- rent law among authorities and citizens which
tute the basis for a codification of the administra- also favors its acceptance and observance by
tive procedure in the EU. both: the reduction of costs to business for
Apart from the stages discussed above, GAPAs obtaining information on the applicable law
usually include also provisions regarding infor- and increase of the competitiveness of the
mation management and institutional issues respective territory. Greater clarity in legisla-
(conflict of interests, decision-making by collec- tion also results in less litigation and lower
tive bodies). costs for administering the judicial system.
(b) Standardization of procedural rules and
guarantees and coherence of principles – to
the benefit of citizens, who would enjoy
Administrative Procedure 5

certain uniform procedural guarantees in their federal courts to directly review agency decisions.
relations with the whole administration, It is one of the most important pieces of the US
boosting the efficiency of the administrative administrative law, as it applies to both the federal
action. As is commonly known, a well- executive departments and the independent agen-
designed administrative procedure not only cies. The text of the APA is included in the US
serves to guarantee the rights and interests of Code at Title 5. Based on APA, a similar Model
citizens but also, and very importantly, helps State Administrative Procedure Act (Model State
to increase the quality of administrative deci- APA) was drafted, but not all states have adopted
sions and their acceptance by their intended the model law.
targets, the uniform application of the law. According to the Attorney General’s Manual
(c) Default procedures to fill gaps in existing on the Administrative Procedure Act, drafted after
laws. Gaps exist due to sectoral legislation the 1946 enactment of the APA (Attorney General
and procedures and also due to the develop- 1947), the basic purposes of the APA are to
ment of the administrative law through case require agencies to keep the public informed of
law which addresses specific issues and not their organization, procedures, and rules, to pro-
the procedure in a uniform manner. vide for public participation in the rulemaking
(d) Opportunity to reform. Codification that is not process, to establish uniform standards for the
limited to summarizing, coordinating, sys- conduct of formal rulemaking and adjudication,
tematizing, and resolving the contradictions and to define the scope of judicial review. The
in the existing rules and principles, but uses APA’s provisions apply to many federal govern-
this opportunity to improve the rules, by pro- mental institutions. An “agency” is defined as
viding innovative solutions to current chal- “each authority of the Government of the United
lenges and problems, is a drive for reform in States, whether or not it is within or subject to
public administration. review by another agency,” with the exception of
(e) Stability of legal rules. A code is intended to several enumerated authorities, including the
resist a long time, thus giving stability to the Congress, federal courts, and governments of ter-
legal rules it encompasses. The codification ritories or possessions of the USA
should incorporate the technical elements [5 U.S.C. 551(1)]. Courts have also held that the
ensuring that it is resistant to the passage of US President is not an agency under the APA
time and that it can be duly adapted in line [Franklin v. Mass., 505 U.S. 788 (1992)].
with the rapid changes that are currently
occurring, in order to thus reduce the risk of
petrification and obsolescence. The sectoral Codification of Administrative
legislation cannot be stopped altogether, but Procedure in the EU
it will at least have to take into consideration
the general legal framework. Many European jurisdictions have administrative
procedure acts that regulate the conduct of admin-
istrative procedures: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Codification of Administrative Spain, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Den-
Procedure in the USA mark, Sweden, Poland, Italy, Portugal, the Neth-
erlands, Greece, Czech Republic, Lithuania,
The codification of administrative procedure in Slovakia, Estonia, Slovenia, Finland, Norway,
the USA was finalized in 1946 with the adoption Latvia, Switzerland, and recently Albania. They
of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), a usually follow the content discussed above, with
federal statute that governs the way in which few differences.
administrative agencies of the federal government In a European comparative perspective,
of the USA may propose and establish regula- English and French law are well worth mention-
tions. The APA also sets up a process for the US ing as both countries lack an exhaustive
6 Administrative Procedure

codification of administrative procedural law – in Book I contains a summary of principles, which

spite of the tendencies toward codification in other guide administrative behavior and the interpreta-
European countries, which to a good part follow tion of all subsequent norms in Books II to
the German (or the comparable Austrian) role VI. The latter books cover more in-depth admin-
model. However, the English and French admin- istrative procedures in the EU that have the poten-
istrative procedural standard is comparable to tial to directly affect the interests and rights
German and American law (P€ under 2013b). The of individuals. The books address nonlegislative
explanation lies in the fact that in the UK and implementation of EU law and policies by means
France, the administrative law is a judge-made of rulemaking (Book II), single-case decision-
law, and judges want to keep the control over making (Book III), contracts (Book IV), and,
vital aspects of administrative law (Auby 2014b). very important for the composite nature of
Codification of EU administrative procedure is EU administration, procedures of mutual assis-
a new topic in recent years, as European public tance (Book V) and information management
law scholars have been debating whether the basic (Book VI) (Hofmann et al. 2014).
rules and principles of administrative procedure
applicable to both the EU administration and the
administrations of the member states when Conclusion
implementing EU law should be codified at EU
level (Mir-Puigpelat 2011). Such codification Administrative procedure is at the core of admin-
would have an evident influence within the vari- istrative law, thus the interest in its codification
ous member states through cross-fertilization of and stability in time. National systems of admin-
standard institutions and procedures, helping in istrative procedure, traditionally different and
the construction of a European identity and the largely considered to be incompatible with the
resulting increase in Union integration. The exten- process of convergence, are more and more con-
sion of the codification to national administrations vergent under the pressure of international and
is also an envisaged path in the future (Harlow regional (European) commonly shared values
1995; Schwarze 1988; Chiti 2004; Mir-Puigpelat and principles or under the influence of court
2011), although other scholars consider that there decisions (ECHR and CJUE for the EU members
is no legal basis for the EU to attempt this (Vedder states). Thus, the ideal of having convergent
1995; Kahl 1996). administrative procedures globally is not an illu-
As a result of these debates, the Research Net- sion any more. Different national GAPAs are
work on European Administrative Law comparable, and they feature the same principles
(ReNEUAL) has drafted the Model Rules of and institutions of administrative law. The codifi-
Administrative Procedure, which have been cation touches upon fields that were intangible a
presented to the European Parliament who then few years ago, such as the common European
adopted a resolution (15 January 2013) with rec- administrative law. Living without GAPAS is
ommendations to the Commission on a Law of also possible, as long as administrative procedures
Administrative Procedure of the European Union. are regulated in different laws and feature the
The ReNEUAL Model Rules of Administra- same principles and institutions that are com-
tive Procedure are organized in six “books.” monly shared by the legal doctrine and offer
These books are designed to reinforce general proper standards of protection for citizen’s rights
principles of EU law and identify – on the basis and interests.
of comparative research – best practices in differ-
ent specific policies of the EU. Book I addresses
the general scope of application of the model Cross-References
rules, their relation to sector-specific rules and
member state’s law, and the definitions of word- ▶ Administration Law
ings applied in all the books. The Preamble of ▶ Administrative Appeals
Administrative Procedure 7

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