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SQL statements help database administrators to generate queries from client

programs to databases. Users can use these statements to perform a wide range
of fast data manipulation. SQL is a standard language for accessing and
manipulating databases. (Ref;
server-and-how-does-it-work/ )

2. Database is a collection of related data and data is a collection of facts and

figures that can be processed to produce information.

3. Normalization is the process of reorganizing data in a database so that it

meets two basic requirements: (1) There is no redundancy of data (all data is
stored in only one place), and (2) data dependencies are logical
( Ref;

4. query is a question which is often answered in a formal way. The database

query can be either a selected query or an action query. A select query is a
query for data recovery, while an action query asks for additional data
operations such as insertion, updating, or deletion.

5. Auto-increment permits automatic generation of a specific number when a

new record is inserted into a list. This is also the primary main field that we
would like to automatically build each time a new record is inserted.

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