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Trendy: De moda
Bait profiles: Perfiles de cebo
Match: Partido
Blind date: Cita a ciegas
Love at first sight: Amor a primera vista
Accurate: Preciso
Notice: Aviso
Browse: Examinar
Sidestepped: Esquivar
Fickle: Voluble

Read the following text called “Online dating”. James was dating a girl he met in an
online dating app and he describes his experience

I consider myself as a shy person, so finding someone to date was not a piece of
cake. That was the reason why I decided to use an online dating app as I
considered it easier than a regular date and it was trendy among my friends.

I started exploring it and it was more difficult than I expected. I fickled so many
times; I deleted the app and reinstalled it again trying to convince myself it was the
best option. I was afraid some of those profiles weren’t real humans but bait
profiles. Then, I realized it was a good option in order to start making connections,
especially if you are not ready to meet someone face-to-face or go on a blind date

I consider myself as a shy person, so finding Another problem I found was the
superficiality on the internet. People try to post their best pictures so they can show
“how attractive they are”, but you can also I find several people you can talk with. I
focused on people with similar interests and beliefs and I noticed there were many
people looking the same as I did: Interacting with people outside the regular social
circle and meeting friends.

Plus, I was worried about going on a date with someone new so I started to
sidestep dates and the like. I wasn’t expecting to fall in love at first sight, but I
was really nervous about meeting someone I wasn’t sure was the person I was
expecting to. At the end, I realized an advantage these kind of platforms have is
that you can take safety precautions before meeting someone new and it gave me
a sense of security.
My conclusion, at the end of the day, is that although online dating apps could be a
life safer for shy people like me, there are also some problems that may pop up in
the process. As many problems or inconveniences may appear, there are some
alternatives to deal with these sort of situations. To tell the truth, in this moment I’m
going on a date with someone I met using an online app. We are meeting this
weekend and hopefully, it will be a great date and that she won’t fickle and change
her mind. Maybe we will fall in love at first sight, but if don’t like each other, we
will sidestep any conversation that will have anything to do with a possible future


Me considero una persona tímida, por lo que encontrar a alguien con quien salir no
fue pan comido. Esa fue la razón por la que decidí usar una aplicación de citas en
línea, ya que lo consideraba más fácil que una cita normal y estaba de moda entre
mis amigos.

Empecé a explorarlo y fue más difícil de lo que esperaba. Fui inconstante muchas
veces; Eliminé la aplicación y la reinstalé nuevamente tratando de convencerme
de que era la mejor opción. Temía que algunos de esos perfiles no fueran
humanos reales sino perfiles de cebo. Entonces, me di cuenta de que era una
buena opción para comenzar a hacer conexiones, especialmente si no estás listo
para conocer a alguien cara a cara o ir a una cita a ciegas

Me considero una persona tímida, por lo que encontrar otro problema que
encontré fue la superficialidad en Internet. Las personas intentan publicar sus
mejores fotos para que puedan mostrar "cuán atractivas son", pero también puedo
encontrar a varias personas con las que puedes hablar. Me concentré en personas
con intereses y creencias similares y noté que había muchas personas con el
mismo aspecto que yo: interactuando con personas fuera del círculo social
habitual y conociendo amigos.

Además, estaba preocupado por tener una cita con alguien nuevo, así que
comencé a eludir citas y cosas así. No esperaba enamorarme a primera vista,
pero estaba realmente nervioso por conocer a alguien que no estaba seguro de
ser la persona que esperaba. Al final, me di cuenta de que una ventaja de este tipo
de plataformas es que puedes tomar precauciones de seguridad antes de conocer
a alguien nuevo y me dio una sensación de seguridad.

Mi conclusión, al final del día, es que aunque las aplicaciones de citas en línea
podrían ser más seguras para las personas tímidas como yo, también hay algunos
problemas que pueden surgir en el proceso. Como pueden aparecer muchos
problemas o inconvenientes, existen algunas alternativas para lidiar con este tipo
de situaciones. A decir verdad, en este momento tengo una cita con alguien que
conocí usando una aplicación en línea. Nos reuniremos este fin de semana y, con
suerte, será una gran cita y que ella no se muestre caprichosa y cambie de
opinión. Tal vez nos enamoremos a primera vista, pero si no nos queremos,
dejaremos de lado cualquier conversación que tenga algo que ver con un posible
futuro juntos.

Name: Andres Felipe Camargo Rocha

Top Notch 2 - Writing assessment 3

People can be happy even online, for my part I am a very shy person who has
difficulty getting a partner, try to be curious and look at the way of meeting people
through the internet, people try to publish their best photos so they can show "how
attractive they are", but I can also find several people you can talk to. I focused on
people with similar interests and beliefs and noticed that there were many people
with the same appearance as me: interacting with people outside the usual social
circle and meeting friends

After interacting with many people I met a wonderful woman and I had a BLIND
DATE, I was very nervous about the date we had, I did not know how it was, when
I met her, she was beautiful and I started to FLIRT, to say beautiful things and
make her laugh too much; at the end of the date she told me that I was a good
MATCH; He wanted us to keep seeing each other and be able to have something;
but at a distance we had to connect every day online, it was ugly that everyone
was on one side of the screen; but if we wanted the relationship to last, it was time
to fight for it and for the love we felt; if one truly loves with the heart; fight against
the adversities of life

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