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UNIVERSIDAD MICHOACANA DE SAN NICOLAS DE HIDALGO i DEPARTAMENTO DE IDIOMAS Unit 4d quiz 7th Semester i Student's Name _ Teacher's Name i Total Score 150 points, |. These people are taking a friend out to dinner for his birthday tonight, and they are talking about the evening. Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of be supposed to or was / were going to, (There Is more than one correct answer in some cases.) 40 Pts. Example: Ken | thought we planned to go to a different restaurant Lihouaht we were suonosed to go to a different restaurant OR Lthouaht we were aoing to go to a different restaurant | 4, Andrew Do we have to bring birthday presents? 2. Bob | planned to go to that r rant fast night, but I didn't |_Helen They say th 0d is very good. 4, Mike They say the food isn't expensive, 5, Janet | said I'd invite Jack, but | forgot |. Write the expressions from the box that have the same meaning as the underlined words and phrases. There is one extra expression. 42 Pts getgoing gethome gett getover _gatthe feeling —_getto know getusedto 1. It's really late. We'd better hurry. I've told my brother about my problem, but he just doesn’t understand. Ittakes a while to become comfortable in @ new apartment Your friends seem really nice. I'd like to become more familiar with them. 2 3 4, My sister broke up with her boyfriend years ago, but she can't forget about him. 5 6 I think our friends want us to leave It's getting late, | guess. _ " 10 Pts, Complete the sentences, Put the words in order and use the correct form of the verbs. 1. One of my classmates tried to {out / of / get / write) his essay. ting at §:09. 2.Ncan’ (work J off / get) early. | have am 3.Ittekes me weeks to _[eround | get / do / to) ey laundry. ight. t's a formal dinner party 4. You cant 1 get | wear J with) sho 5.It's probably going to be @ boring iacturs i hope | cam _ (it through 94) Escaneado con CamScanner IV. Complete the sentences. Put the words in order and use the correct form of the verbs. 5 Pt 4. One of my classmates tried to (out/ of / gat / wnted nis essay. 2.cant (work off get) early {have 2 meeting at $00 3, It takes me weeks to (around # 9 10 /t0) my laundry 4. You can't (away / get wear with) shorts tonight. It s a formal dinner party 5 It's probably going to be a boring lecture. tnope I can (through J get, \V. Check your understanding, Choose the correct question to respond to each comment. Change the questions to “statement questions.” Use So .... to start the topic. There is one extra question. ore, | ‘Are you a real party person? Do you want to go aut tonight? ‘Are you always late? Do you have to get up early tomorrow? Didn't you enjoy yourself? 1. A | didn't know anyone at the party. 3, A The party was so much fun! B 8 2. Al'd rather not be out late tonight. 4. A I's difficult for me to be on time. 8 B Vi. Rédi the article: Theiread the Statements and circle True or False. Teens Growing Up with Technology There's no doudt about it — U.S. teenagers are spending more time with technology tan ever before. In a recent study, 78 tof the teenagers surveyed have a cell phone, 74 percant senc text messages, and 75 percent Sxchangs messages on social networking siles. This trend in tesnage Internet uss is However, other experts argue that teans' causing 2 debate about the possible effects on their sociai development Some studies show that teens involvement with media of all kinds can reach up to eight hours every day. including several hours of watehing TV. This means that they have less time to spend face-to-face with family and friends. Many parents fear that to mulch time in the virwal ‘world is Keeping thelr children from developing normal social relationships, Internet skilis actually promote their social development. For example, its clear that texling and messaging make it easier for teens to stay in touch with old fends, and that social networking enables them to make new ones round the world, Teenagers themselves tend io agree with the positive effects. Some even say that tachnology actually allows them to be more “social,” bacause now they can stay in touch with friands all day, every day. 41. In a recent survey, more than half of U.S. teens said they have @ cell phone. True False 2. Almost three thirds of U.S. teens send text messages. Experts agree th: Teens the rising use of the Internet is 2 pr end to see the advantages of technology. Th True False Most U.S, teens spend eight hours a day online. True False lem. True False 2 False Escaneado con CamScanner

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