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Trade fair 1.

A: German client B: Admnistrator of Trade fair (me)

A: Good afternoon, dou you need any help?

B: Good afternoon, nice to meet you. I am Willy. May I tell you a little about our company and
our products?

A: Of course.

B: Our company is AvoLab from Peru and it is famous for innovating in the avocado value
chain. We export avocado in the Chinese and southeast asian market.

Trade fair 2. A: Supplier B: American (me)

A: Nice to meet you at last. I am Lorena from Jacksgap in Glasgow.

B: Nice to meet you too. I am Hans and I work for Logistics department in London.


B: Sure, i hope we will able to sort out the problems we have with deliveries.

Trade fair 3. A: American client B: Employer (me)

A: Good afternoon. Finally we get a chane for meet.

B: Good afternoon. Nice to meet you. I am Raul and I work in the Administration department.

A: Nice to meet you too. I am sure we will solve the problem.

B: I hope we can sort this problem, too.

Good afternoon. Nice to meet you. I am Claudio from

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