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Research Intern Program

Statement of Intent

Your Name Abdelrahman Abuserriya

Desired Host
Fluid Mechanics - Complex Fluids and Flows Unit
Research Unit(s)
Please describe the kind of research you are interested in and what you hope to accomplish at OIST.
If you already have a specific project in mind, provide a description in detail. Please save as PDF
format, not Word.

Fluid mechanics is wide science and it is interference with many other disciplines. The fluid
mechanics and geotechnical engineering are connected in many topics like soil stress, dams,
seepage. I studied the motion of water in many soils types in my master research. The equipment and
labs in OIST are a dream for students and researchers in my university. We establish our knowledge
with practical applications and experimental experience.
I studied many course in Bachelor degree related to fluid mechanics. I studied fundamental of fluid
mechanics and hydraulic. Also, I studied hydrology and pipes design with three labs courses.
I would like to share my knowledge and your capacity to help in these research projects and open the
domain to myself to understand the lab works and real research concept over scientist and researcher
in this field.
I like to write a research paper with your staff to increase my opportunity to have scholarship in
Japan or western countries.
The hot topics in geotechnical engineering at present time is linked to fluid mechanics and I hope I
can make a small addition to science and research.
The dream is writing my name beside people like Bernoulli and other. Your Foundation and
internship is a great opportunity to help me and achieve my dream.

No more than a single page please!

Research Intern Program
Statement of Intent

No more than a single page please!

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