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I don't have to drink milk, I'm older for that and my stomach hurts
2. If I have a friend who eats a lot of junk food, he is arrogant.
3. I have to take this class to take my final exam.
4. I normally sleep eight hours to perform well during the day.
5.Of course, since we always have problems and work to do.
6. Occasionally since we are always busy at work and at home.
What do you do if you have a bad cough?

What do you do if you get an upset stomach?

What do you do when you have a fever?

1. When I am sick, I usually rest and take my medications to recover quickly.
2. When I have a strong cough I usually take syrup and pills that the doctor gave me.
3.When my stomach hurts, I usually stop eating and take a medicine that the doctor gives me.
4. When I get a fever I take a pill and go to bed to avoid getting worse.
1. I sleep a little, but it is not too much, how do you pay attention to the teacher?
2. I often do it during the week, but it is normal because I do the research work at night,
doesn't the same thing happen to you?
3. I did it because the university jobs were long, but as I was used to, I rarely slept on the job, it
was very dangerous; Doesn't the same happen to you?
4. I usually do it since I need to rest to act during the day; You too right?
5. The first thing I do is check if I have pending and I finish it; You are not?
6. I dream several things but specifically not in colors; but an occasion if he dreamed of a red
color but it was not something very important; What did you dream of?
• exercise
Daily exercise helps maintain a balance in our roganizmo, managing to release excess energy
that accumulates and damages us.

Exercise helps keep the physique in optimal condition to perform the work of strength work, in
turn, releases accumulated stress.

Exercise allows us to free our minds from the stress accumulated during the day, which helps
us to rest properly and perform at work.

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