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Assignment No.

Total Marks: 20
SEMESTER Spring 2020
Student id:mc170401069
CS502- Fundamentals of Algorithms Name:Mehvish noor
Due Date: 06/11/2020
Consider the given array having unsorted elements, and answer the two questions asked below.

Question no 01: (10: Marks)

Apply quick sort algorithm on below given array by taking value (30) as pivot element and write down the
resulted arrays till first pass only.

30 48 10 20 70 15 80 40 ∞

By taking 30 as pivot element
30 48 10 20 70 15 80 40 ∞

l=low h=high
i j
1: when i get the element which is greater than pivot (30) then i will move R.H.S.
2: when j gets the element which is smaller than pivot (30) then j will move L.H.S.

30 48 10 20 70 15 80 40 ∞

l=low i j h=high
Now by swap i and j ,we get
30 15 10 20 70 48 80 40 ∞

l=low i j h=high
according to 1 and 2,we get
30 15 10 20 70 48 80 40 ∞

l=low j i h=high
Now swap j with pivot and we get on its sorted position.
20 15 10 30 70 48 80 40 ∞

l=low h=high
Now the partition algorithm for above sort is as below :

Pivot = A[l]; i = l, j = h;
while (i < j)
} while (A[i] <= pivot);
} while (A[j] > pivot);

if (i < j)
Swap (A[i], A[j]);
Swap (A[l], A[j]); return j;
After partition algorithm the we get the following resulted array

20 15 10 30 70 48 80 40 ∞

Now by taking (30) as pivot element apply quick sort algorithm on resulted array

Quick Sort (l, h)

if (l < h)
j = partition (l, h); Quick Sort (l, j); Quick Sort (j+1, h);

Question no 02: (10: Marks)

Write down the recurrence relation of quick sort in case of average or normal case means when the pivot’s
element location is the middle of array.

The recurrence relation of quick sort in case of average or normal case means when the pivot’s
element location is the middle of array is
T n  1 if n  1 ,

2T  n / 2   n
T  n   2T  n / 2   O  n 
T  n   2(2T(n/4)+O(n)
T  n   4T(n/4)+O(n)
T  n   4(2T)(n/8)+O(n)
T  n   8T(n/8)+O(n)
T  n   8(2T(n/16)+O(n)
T  n  1 6T(n/16)+O(n

If n is a power of 2 then
n  2k
k  log n
T (n)  2k T ( n / (2 k ))  O( n)
T (n)  2(log n )T (n / (2 (log n ))  n(logn)
T (n)  2(log n )T (n / n)  n(logn)
 nT(1)  n logn
 n  n logn
T (n)  O (n log n)
Question no 02: (10: Marks)

Write down the recurrence relation of quick sort in case of average or normal case means when the pivot’s element
location is the middle of array.


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