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I've got a lot of experience growing meme accounts and making money with them, and i am

willing to share 80% of my knowledge for you, for free!

I try to keep this guide as short and informative as possible, without writing too much, since I
don't want to flood you with useless stuff. But there is lots of important information. So, if
you are really interested in growing a good meme page, then I would suggest you to read it

I will separate this guide in parts:





I try to keep this as short and important as possible, since this is basic knowledge everyone should know.

First of all, don't post too much, unless you're a private account. Post 2-5 times a day max.

Make sure your bio looks good, and you've got a solid profile picture.

And don't forget the most important one: Your content. If you struggle with knowing what kind of content is
good, then just look at other meme pages and inspire yourself from them. And take also a look of which kind of
posts perform the best for you.

And don't forget to use hashtags! (The most important part)


Now we are coming to the most important part of the guide: The growth of your account.

There are many ways of growing your account.

From paid shout outs and power likes (fastest success), to private accounts need the most work) to
follow/unfollow with auto tools.
So, let’s assume you start with no money or don't want to invest money. Fine, but keep in mind that you'll need
to invest some more time and that you'll need also some more time to see results. That’s the hard reality.

So, let’s start with the best way to grow an Instagram account.

• Use the follow/unfollow method.

How it works:

Follow the people who liked the most recent post of a meme page. Unfollow them 1-2 weeks later. Do
this until you reach 2-4k follows. Then move on to other methods, since using the unfollow/follow
method won't make your account successful on the long term, speaking from experience.

Now after you've reached 2-4k followers, you can start growing your account organically, by reaching
the explore page.

• Use hashtags under your posts.

Meme specific hashtags. You can make your own or search them on the internet.

Post constantly and hope you reach the explore page.

If you have money, buy power likes, and you'll reach like 10k followers in a month, by hitting the explore
page constantly!

Now there are also some other little bonus methods to grow.

• Shout outs. Do SFS if you reach like 2-4k followers, or buy them from bigger pages.
• Going private.

I suggest you going private after you've reached like 15-20k followers.? This method works well if you
post a lot, like 15-25 posts a day, but you have to invest a lot of time then and if you aren't constant with
that, you can lose followers or get stuck. You can grow as I said fast with that, but I don't prefer this way
of growing. But it you want, go for it. The best way of growing will be after all hitting the explore page or
getting shout outs.


Now we are coming to the last topic of this guide.

There are two main ways of monetizing:

• Shout outs
• Ads
Make sure you start selling your shout outs cheap. Like 8-10 euros if you're just a 15-25k page.

Type in your bio ''cheap shout outs'' or advertise them via stories. But don't shout out too much or advertise too
much, or you'll just get unfollows and DM's of annoyed people.

You can make some quick easy cash with that. I suggest you to invest with them by buying shout outs of bigger
pages, so you grow more and profit more. But that's your decision

And by AD's, you either get asked by some companies or you write professionally to them, and ask them if they
would like to cooperate with you. But be also realistic and cheap at first. Don't expect that companies who work
with meme pages will charge you 100 bucks for a 24-hour ad with your 20k follower page.

I hope I helped you with this guide. I am open for criticism. Good look with your journey!

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