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Database Management Systems


Paulinian alumnae
UP alumnae
Presently, the University Registrar
Previously worked with the
I.T. industry and government service.
This course investigates on the theories
and application of database management
that may include both manual and
computer-based database management
systems. It is designed to include
analysis, design, implementation and
maintenance of database management
systems, including efficient practices in
records management and operations.
Data vs Information
1 What makes up a database?

Data-driven Decision-making
2 Use of data by education leaders

Records Management
3 Registrar’s POV on Records Management

Technology-driven Database Mgmt

4 Using ICT in Managing Databases

Artificial Intelligence in Education

5 Role of AI in Education
Mode of Instruction
✓ Independent Reading,
Discussion Threads
✓ 2 Minor Course Requirements
✓ 2 Major Examinations (Midterm / Finals )
✓ 1 Integration Project
✓ Requirements in the form of, but not
limited to, Case Studies / SWOT
Analysis / Profiling of Best Practices

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