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Principles and Patterns

1. You are NOT a mistake NOR an accident of birth.
2. You are the mother of all living, the heart of your home, family and society, created with capacity to
bring life to every dead situation around you.

B. Background
In Proverbs 31:10-31, the Bible outlines the picture of the woman God sees in YOU and, indeed, in every
woman. God sees a virtuous woman in you, a rare gem, far more precious than rubies! This woman is
highly esteemed by God Himself, because of her incorruptible beauty of a gentle or meek and quiet spirit
which, in God’s sight, is very precious (1 Peter 3:4-5). God is, however, looking and searching for this
woman, and asks the question, “Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies?”
(Proverbs 31:10). The reason God asks is that He knows He created this woman in you. However, He
can no longer see that virtue because something happened to you which buried that gem that is in you,
so much so that the gem appears to no longer exist. Instead, foolishness has taken the place of virtue
and wisdom. However, to excavate this gem, this hidden treasure in you, the Bible outlines a process –
the things that you must be taught (Titus 2:1-8), and this is the root to the fruit that is the virtuous woman
of Proverbs 31. The Bible further advises that, if you model your life according to these principles, and
remain PLANTED by the rivers of water, which is God’s word (Psalm 1), you are guaranteed to bear fruit
in EVERY season of your life – regardless of what that season is like – good or bad. And this is fruit that
remains, to bear more fruit, the fruit of the Spirit which is outlined in Galatians 5:22-23 and, as you bear
fruit, the virtuous, rare-gem of the woman of Proverbs 31 will emerge in you.

C. Let God be true and every man a liar (Romans 3:4 KJV)
• You are “far more precious than rubies”! Believe it.
God says your value/worth is far more precious than rubies, that’s how much he values you, and the
Bible describes FAR as the distance between east and west (Psalm 103:12). So you are a real treasure
and gem in His kingdom. Apart from the Blood of Jesus Christ, nothing else is valuable enough to “buy”
you. Lobola cannot “buy” a woman. It is just a token of recognition, nothing more. God sees you as the
very heart of life, a mother of all living.

To put this into perspective, a person can be declared “brain-dead”, but for as long as the heart
continues to function, every other part of that person’s body will continue to grow. However, the moment
the heart stops functioning, death is transmitted to the rest of the body. Everything stops! This is the
kind of treasure that God sees in a woman. You are the heart and at the heart of everything that is
supposed to give life on earth and meaning to life. So do not stop beating and pumping life. DO NOT
allow the devil to make you his instrument of death.

• Proverbs 31:10 question, “Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies?”
§ Know that the gem exists in you and that, typical of most precious stones, the gem is buried
under much dirt.
Take root downwards. Bear fruit upwards!
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§ God has not hidden this treasure from you but for you that you may value what God has put in
§ Proverbs 25 v 2 says “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search
out a matter.”
§ This gem, therefore, has to be excavated, to be found and go through some intense processing
which includes heat, pressure, water and chemical cleaning and polishing for its true value to be

• The outcome of this processing is the woman whom God describes as

§ WISE and not foolish,
§ A treasure to her family, household, God’s house, community, society and all that interact with
§ She is a woman whose character is such that, in ALL seasons, she shows a PATTERN of good
works; not a pattern of spontaneity, expediency, coincidence or of situational ethics.
§ In doctrine, she shows integrity, reverence, sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one
who is an opponent or of a contrary opinion, will be ashamed having nothing evil to say of her!
(Titus 2: 7-8).

This wise and virtuous woman is:

1. GROUNDED (unmovable and rooted) and knows HOW TO use the godly principles to boldly
engage God, extract real answers to real issues of life from His word and live above, not under
the pressures of this life.
2. So EQUIPPED BY GOD’S WORD and its principles that she knows how to pass on this wisdom
to generations after her.
3. BREAKS LIMITING BARRIERS of tradition, culture, religion, stereotype, prejudice, low self-
esteem, ignorance-to unlock her true potential and value.
4. KNOWS HOW TO CALL ON GOD when she comes to her wit’s end (Psalm 107).
herself in but she is not a mediocre woman.

The ultimate goal that God outlines in Titus 2:8 (KJV) is that “in all things (a woman’s life must) show
herself to be a PATTERN of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility,
sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having
nothing evil to say of her” so “that the word of God may not be blasphemed.” This helps to unlock the
mystery that it does not matter what the actual situation in a woman’s life may be, the timeless
principles that God says we must be taught prove that, in spite of the diverse situations that women
go through across the globe, if these principles are applied and if a woman develops a pattern of
behaviour moulded by these principles, she will manifest her true value and potential, which is far more
than the value of rubies.

D. Questions
1. Have you ever expressed regret about being a woman? If so, why?
2. Do you believe that you are as valuable as God sees you? If not, why?
3. Share with your other Cell members what you hope and expect to be transformed in your life as
you go through the ROOTS Grounding Sessions. Use this Outcome Lesson as a guide.

E. Commitments
1. Write down anything that stands out to you, including any questions that come to your mind, as
you read the passages of scripture from this lesson. This is a very important learning principle.
2. Take time to read and understand all the scriptures quoted in this Lesson. Ask God to reveal
Himself to you through that word as you read it. Memorise and keep speaking the words from
those verses that stand out to you from your reading of scriptures during the week. As you do
that, the Holy Spirit will give you more understanding and the light of God will shine through you.

Take root downwards. Bear fruit upwards!

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