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NAMA : Muhammad Nafis

NIM : 1707201087

Exercise meeting 4

Task 1
Pair Work
Interview your friend
Fill in the blanks with his/her personal demographic data

Name : Adel Puna

Age : 21 years

Sex : Men

Address : puloe naleung Bireuen

City, State  : Aceh

Phone : 082237482798

Religion : Islam

Marital Status  : Single

Health Insurance  : BPJS

Current Occupation and Title : College student

Family status  : Biological Children

Reason for contact  : Patients who came to the emergency room complained of

diarrhea and vomiting for more than 3 days

Date, time of contact  : 2 April 2020

Nurse : How are you feeling today?

Patient: I feel bad nurses

Nurse : What’s troubling you?

Patient: I feel very sick in my stomach and my throat hurts from constant vomiting

Nurse : What is your chief complaint?

Patient: I have diarrhea and vomiting for more than 3 days

Nurse’s report /diagnose /how to report about patient’s condition/complaint

Reporting :

He/she complains about
his/her  + Part of  body
(He complaied of stomach and throat
pain due to vomiting continuously).
Has  + Health problem
(He said diarrhea + vomiting had
been more than 3 days).
Suffer from + health problem
(He said he did not have other health
Diagnosis :
He/she may have Vomit Diarrhea+ disease/health problem
Seems to have (Defisit volume cairan)

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