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Alone on the streets

Alone not being the point
The point being that I can’t do what I want
to do with my own body because I am the wrong sex

There by myself thinking about God

Christianity sees us as filthy animals
Believe that we are immoral and unnatural
Said that we are condemned due to our wrong choice

Not right in the head, they say

The clinic will cure us
With torture and abuse
Is the medicine for our people

The memorial incident on 27 June 1969

Police violated our rights with brutality
With the reason of our appearances
Friday night, Stonewall Inn

The belief of God’s punishment was the AIDS

They called ‘Gay Disease’
Yes, a harmful stereotypes
How prejudiced they are

I am the history of the rejection of who I am

I am the history of discrimination
I am the history of assault
I am the history of rape

It something is beyond the norm

It automatically considered as prohibit
Nevertheless, all I want is equality
In the name of LOVE

Love is not about gender

It’s how deeply you care and respect
It doesn’t matter what they say
There is no limitation in warmth feeling
We will make the world hear our voice
We will not stay in the shadow anymore
We will step out and shine bright like the rainbow
We’re proud to be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer…

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