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Francis Anne Edeza


Marina meets Ulay participation task

There’s this episode of Documentary Now! - Waiting for the Artist that I’ve watched years ago and it
was based on The Artist is Present by Marina Abramovic, that’s why when I watched the clip it’s all
very familiar to me and I got really excited answering this task because I like Marina and her
pehenomenal performances, I think she’s a really great artist. I’ve seen that video of her performing
the minute of silence where she and Ulay met again, I also know they broke up but what I didn’t know
is that thing they did on the Great Wall where they were on both ends and then walk and meet in the
middle then hug and then finally call it off, it’s such a curious thing, I don’t know what to feel about it
though, it’s sad but I don’t know why I see it as a performance still, maybe because they’re both
artists? Maybe that’s how performance artists break up. No, but with all seriousness, that time when
Marina saw Ulay in one of her performances again, you can see the sudden change of emotions
because having that person you loved or still love sat across from you after not seeing them for a long
time will definitely make you feel things, and it’s obvious seeing both of them in tears.

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