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Name Surname Class 3B

Watch the video MODERNISM and answer the true/false

questions. Correct the false ones.

Modernism​ (click here to watch the video)

True or False?
1. Modernism literature was a genre of fiction writing during
the 1920s and 1960s. T

2. Its background was the period of industrialization after the

WW1. T

3. Ezra Pound motto was “Make it old”. F

Was make it new

4. Most writers used the stream-of-consciousness , based on

the 3rd person narration.
F they used 1st person narration

5. James Joyce was an Irish novelist. T

6. Modernist novels didn’t have a clear beginning, middle

and end. T

7. “The Lost Generation” was a group of English writers.


8. Ernest Hemingway wrote “Farewell to Arms. T

9. “The Great Gatsby” was a novel about the corruption of
England during the WW1. F The Great Gatsby
is about the corruprion pdf american dream

10. “The Wasteland” was written by T.S.Eliot. T

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