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ASTROLOGICAL | JOURNEY OWita ita HISTORY MYSTERY and ‘ HOROSCOPES PART I Jaya Prakash Narain The Chain Ends Raja Saheb Maqsoodpur Raja Dinesh Singh Anand Singh Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi Kanad Rishi Bhatnagar Changez Khan Franklin D. Roosevelt Gauquelin Page No. 21 25 47 4 88 116 129 134 PART II Page No. 1 RN. Singh Deo aie we a 175 2. George Bernard Shaw a a ao 202 3. Dhirendra Brahmachari 7 221 4. American Tour One : te ot 233 5. American Tour Two za a a 259 6. American Tour Three = 289 7. American Tour Four oe ee 301 8. Indian Politics 1996, One a oa te 315 9. Indian Politics 1996, Stage Two a 326 10. Indian Politics 1996, Stage Three = aes 7 339 11. Indian Politics 1996, Stage Four 8 9 7 348 12. Gauquelin’s Failures . 362 JAI PRAKASH NARAYAN (An article of mine on the great Indian leader, Jai Prakash Narayan whom I will refer to as J.P. appeared in the January 1989 issue of the Astrological Magazine. It was writfen one year before the General Elections of 1989 in which this prediction was clearly made, when no one had yet expected the Congress (1) party of Rajiv Gandhi, to be defeated. It is reproduced here with some elaborate discussion. Additional discussion has been done in brackets, in ital- ics and footnotes. Since most other astrologers have used different lagna for him, a more elaborate discussion with more horoscopes be- comes necessary. It was a great historical movement which he spear headed. I watched it grow in Bihar.) As 1 write this (14 September, 1988), Jupiter is in Taurus, which according to my own research in mundane astrology brings about, in post independence India, radical changes in the central government, and then as Saturn prepares to move into Poorvashadha’, the two major planets will transform the national political scene, through a poll, not a revolution but a poll which will have the tones of a revolution through a ballot? Jupiter was last in Taurus in 1977, when something of a rey- olution through ballot had taken place; earlier transitting between Aries and Gemini, this planet, Jupiter, had taken away Nehru, brought in Lal Bahadur Shastri, whose brief tenure ended tragi- 1 This is the classical piece taken fom ancient books on mundane astrology. __ 2 This was my original fundamental research in mundane astrology which a well known astrologer tried to lift unsuccessfully. In November 1988 in an interview for the magazine Onlooker, I had clearly predicted a change of Central Government in 1989, This was made more than one year in ad- vance when no political assessment about the downfall of Rajiv Gandhi, the then Prime Minister, was even dreamed of by anyone. 2 Astro-Journey cally and then came in Indira’. Now Jupiter is there again and I remember J.P. on this oceasion, particularly when Saturn is pre- paring to effectuate the classical “chattra bhanga yoga”. The horoscope of J.P. as got cast by his elder sister and shown to me in 1973, when I was in Patna, was on the borderline of Vrischika (Scorpio) and Dhanu (Sagittarius). Later, the horoscope of J.P. as discussed in astrological journals was either with Cancer Lagna or Capricorn, none with Scorpio or Sagittarius.‘ I worked on the ista ghati (15) given in the horoscope and arrived at the following data. The sunrise on that day was 6:24:53 AM Add 6 hours 12:24:53 Deduct LMT correction 00:06:44 The time taken in his horoscope was 12:18:09 I corrected it to 12:17:23 It can be seen that my correction was very marginal, by 46 sec- ond only.* 3. All this happened between 1964 and 1966. 4. Most of the horoscopes discussed in astrological journals are unverified and fake ones, 5, I have given elaborate data. Those days I used to do annual horoscopes, prashna and astakvarga always before giving any major prediction. These days the emphasis is on Jaimini astrology, Jeya Prakash Narain 3 JP. Lith October 1902 12:17:23 PM Balia 22N50 Long 75E50 Ketu 02-50-41 13°11'33" Sat 28°51'59" IP é LL October 1902 12238, 12:17:23 PM Sun upiter | balia 22N50 . Mars aaa og rp0-25) Long:75E50 — |o0.03.22 11-47-55 ir 02-50-41] ereary(R) 11-06-40]24-3 1-08} Satum Sun Jupiter Venus AK. AMK BK MK PK GK DK Moon Mercury Mars NAVAMSHA, /Mercury| Saturn NAVAMSHA 4 Astro-Journey | Jaya Prakash Narain 5 Dasha Ending | DASHAMSHA | Lagoa Moon 6 June 1911 | Ketu Mars 5 June 1918 | Rahu 5 June 1936 DASHAMSHA Jupiter 5 June 1952 Mere Be Saturn 5 June 1971 ah Venus Mercury-Mars }5 December 1979. Moon Rahu | Satum Jd DRESHKONA DWADASHAMSH Lagna Lagna_| Moon Nites Iupiter Ketu FS Keun | 8a Mere. Mere: DWADASHAMSH Venus Mars Sat. Rahu | SARVASTAKA Sasa Lagna| Keta | Venus | Satum 2 29 3 Pf 30 }+—|__ Saptamsha SARVASTAKA Mars 2 Sun Juy | ‘Mercury Raku | Moon | 27 32 27 | L__] 6 Astro-Journey As an astrologer I must have my share of percentage of fail- ures, but when I take a bold risk as I did in this case, there was a deep prayer in my heart that I should not go wrong.‘ Since the horoscope I am discussing can be disputed by many, as Sagittarius Lagna,’ being different from what others have discussed, let me refer to the three major predictions I had given to J.P. through JN. Sahay, a lawyer of Patna. He had brought the horoscope to me and, together with his Kashmiri wife, adored J.P. as few men could, and never exploited his intimate contacts with J.P. for any selfish gains. Sahay’s intelligence-imbued idealism, with such streaks of mel- low ruggedness, as some people occasionally reveal, helped him re- tain his equipoise in difficult days, Somewhere in my portrait gal- lery of unsung heroes self-relegating themselves to minor roles, jump- ing into the fray of social reform with controlled ferocity and with- drawing from it before the starlight of publicity fell upon him, Sahay figures prominently. J.P. was his hero in a rather intelligent way, and he respectfully commented on some traits of J.P.’s character, which I made use of, for Sagittarius lagna only. Prabhavati Devi, wife of J.P., died of cancer on 15-4-1973 when Rahu/Ketu axis fell on his Lagna and 7th house, and Saturn from Taurus and Mars from Capricom afflicted his 8th house, terminating a very unusual married life. (J have given now the annual horoscope of 1972 in which the lagna is Scorpio and retrograde Saturn in the 7th house gives a clear indication also. In Vimshottari it was Mer- cury-Mercury-Jupiter. Mercury is the 7th lord of the birth horoscope and is in the 7th House in the navamsha, In the birth horoscope Ju- piter aspects the 8th house and in the navamsha the 7th). She was an ardent worshipper of God and began her day with the recitation of the Vishnu Sahastranam and the Gita, among whatever other stotras she might have recited. When married, she blended in her con- jugal life the spiritual resilience of an ancient tradition and the het- 6. Those days I had started an evening three hour bhajans for the uni- versity boys of Patna four of whom attended them regularly. When the spiri- tual discipline is good, astrological predictions come out mostly correct 7. After I have shown the calculation based on the ista ghati, there should be no doubt left. As it is, no one has disputed this lagna after my article appeared. Jaya Prakash Narain a erodoxy of a nationalist plunging full scale into the liberation struggle.® Ideologically, she stood miles apart from her husband and how she, with her own orthodoxy, became heterodox, without ever becoming an enigma must first be seen in J.P.’s horoscope. Given Sagittarius ascendant, JP’s horoscope will show one malefic in the Sth house and one in the 9th house-the classical por- trait of a heterodox character born in an orthodox family of eastern India, who became a Marxist, a non-Gandhian socialist advocating the use of both violence and non-violence, whichever might succeed, to win India her freedom. Yet having clarity of thought and courage of conviction to keep away from Indian communists who had criticised Gandhiji in a language which appears to be incredible now.° He seemed to respect the Mahatma from a distance and through a con- jugal bond. In those days JP had discarded all puja (worship) with a grace - he never uttered words against it in any hurtful way unlike, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, known for his feigned and opportunistic het- erodoxy and pretentious ‘scientific! outlook, who yet consulted astrol- ogers privately, while he condemned them publicly. In J.P.’s horo- scope, Moon and Jupiter in the house of speech, a very fine Moon of shukla paksha, marked him out for the sincerity and truthfulness of his utterances. The egoless harmony of JP’s ratiocination was an unforgettable experience which the combination of the Moon and Ju- piter in the 2nd house, Ketu in the 5th (good in Aries) aspected by Mercury from the 11th house, gave him, From Sagittarius lagna, the 7th lord is retrograde’ with Rahu, and in Mercury major period and Mercury sub-period and Jupiter sub- sub period, his wife died. Rahu’s association with the 7th lord gave to her just that streak of unorthodoxy as was necessary to inspire her to work first with Kamala Nehru", later with Gandhiji breaking the 8 Most of the people in the westem countries do not know that Indi- ans are very progressive. With all their orthodoxy they took part in the free- dom struggle and did not raise anti-male slogans as they do in the west. 9. Not incredible in 1995-96 when the Bahujan Samaj Party has used worse language Mayavati who was the Chief Minister of U.P. had done it very Vociferously many times. 10. Wife of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, who then lived in Anand Bhawan at Allahabad. 8 Astro-Journey more difficult barrier of orthodoxy of eastern UP and Bihar style of life six decades ago." Gandhiji once wrote to JP to concede the wish of Prabhavati to lead the life of a Brahmacharini (cclibate), and JP the Marxist had the grace to concede. He never criticized her for her wish and never blamed himself for his decision to concede it.” On her death bed, Kasturba Gandhi'* had allowed herself to be nursed by Prabhavati Devi only and had died in her lap - the wife of one great man died on the lap of the wife of another great man, both intrinsically great themselves. Prabhavati Devi was Gandhiji’s adopted daughter but her hus- band, JP, was a non-Gandhian. From their date of marriage in 1919 till Gandhiji’s death in 1948, JP had never accepted Gandhism as In- dia’s need, A day before Gandhiji’s assassination, 30th January, 1948 Prabhavati had met him in Delhi, and the next day when she heard the terrible news, she had fainted. But on the second anniversary of Gandhiji, 1950, J.P. had declared that Gandhian non-violence was In- dia’s need, after freedom, when democratic institutions could be built peacefully."* JP’s Dashamansha shows this radical volte face, which was graceful but which his critics mistook for extinguishment of rev- olutionary fires in his life, and not astrological culmination of an hon- est Indian thinker. This was Prabhavati’s first ideological victory over her husband - JP’s 7th lord being stronger than the lagna lord. In Saturn-Mercury (1952-55), J.P. openly accepted the Sarvodaya philosophy. The erstwhile Marxist revolutionary had now 11. In 1994 a woman astrology student of mine who was with her husband in Gorakhpur in eastern UP was laughed at by males when she ex- pressed her desire to do astrological reading. 12. For some period JP did some philandering with a famous woman leader and had apologised to his wife for this lapse 13. Kasturba Gandhi was the wife of Mahatma Gandhi and had to lead a celibate life after Gandhiji had decided to become a celibate. Bertrand Russel had criticized Mahatma Gandhi for this unilateral decision without knowing anything about the superiority of Hindu culture and tradition. s along 14, It happened in Jupiter-Rahu period, Rahu with Mercury S/L1 axis, and Jupiter is aspecting the 10th house in the birth chert. Jaya Prakash Narain 9 become a brilliant Gandhian, through his own original dialectics, un- like the borrowed ones’ of Indian communists. It was Prabhavati’s second triumph. The sterling example of J.P.'s intellectual honesty was manifest in an incident less known to people. Sometime before her death Prabhavati had met Satya Sai Baba and had mistaken some ut- terance of Baba as indication of the cure of her cancer. But JP told his intimate friends that it was not so. More likeable Indian rational- ists (not the pseudo rationalists who attack astrology and Satya Sai Baba with all the vigour of their ignorance), some of them in Varanasi then, had prevailed upon JP not to issue any statement in favour of the supernormal he had witnessed, as it might be detrimental to their ‘rationalist movement’ When helpless and on her death bed, Prabhavati may have looked wistfully at her religious books. JP, now the Sarvodaya lead- et, had vowed at her death bed that he would do Vishnu Sahastranam and the Gita recitation which she was doing, perhaps, till his last days. Vaguely feeling happy, perhaps, and smiling wanly, Prabhavati may not have known that Saturn was aspecting the 8th house of her husband’s horoscope with Mars joining in from Capricorn, and Rahu Ketu in 1/7 axis was putting the last flicker of their conjugal life out. In JP’s horoscope it was Mercury-Mercury period. It was the first day of the Vaishakha month and a Hindu year had closed and with that too had closed an era. A religiously pure Hindu woman leader, mar- tied honestly'’, devoted to her husband, suffering in the liberation struggle, like her husband, imprisonment, and refusing, like her hus- band, again, when offered to seek office and power in 1936, and later, departed from the world of mortals, And died too with her death a great unsung heroine of Indian history, and died also an cra of pure patriotism of pure women - pure in so many ways."* Saturn in Lagna Saturn as Atmakaraka must be in the Lagna of JP, as in the fast, Dig net there is fies mixing of sexes extia-marital relations develop GSE During the sbuggle for independence men and women marching in pro- ions had fallen victim to the darts of Cupid often. 16. The any : Te are so many women in Indian politics now, We do not dis- cuss their scandals s ‘SN Our newspapers c % ee se papers but we know so much about them that 10 Astro-Journey case of Indira Gandhi, to give to him his stature as a giant leader of the world’s most populous democracy.’ Such a Saturn must create, as is his nature, unusualness and spells of separation from wife. Mrs Gandhi’s brief married life of 18 years was full of disharmony and disturbance, accentuated by the affliction of Mars to her 8th house, and Venus combining with Rahu, was a worse feature of her horo- scope." JP's 8th house has the Moon-Jupiter aspect, and a chaste and a devoted wife died in his own lap. Saturn’s 10th aspect on Venus in the 10th house with the aspect too of Jupiter, completes the pic- ture of his karma-pattern, two superb benefics, both debilitated, and Saturn kodanda" in Dhanu (Sagittarius) portray, in deft touches, the idcalist in his long journcy from Marxism to the Gita, an intellectu- ally honest individual evolving higher and higher till he reaches the fringe of the realm of spirit. Notes. It was the dasha of Mercury representing Lord Vishnu influencing the Sth house. The 5th lord Mars is in the 9th, one trikona lord in another. Ketu is in the 5th house. From Jaimini’s angle from Karakamsha, Dhanu, the 9th lord Sun aspects the atmakaraka. Now see the Vimshamsha. 17, Dhanu is the Karakamsha with Saturn in it because Karakamsha must be put in the birth horoscope and not in the navamsha, J had explained it in my book on Jaimini’s Mandook Dasha 18. Mrs. Indira Gandhi's Horoscope Peas Pupiter(R) Ketu Lagna (Mrs. Indira Gandhi Saturn Horoscope Moon Mars ‘Venus, eS ee 19, Denoting a bow or power of authority. Jaya Prakash Narain ret VIMSHAMSHA Lagna | Reha Seturn Venus Ketu VIMSHAMSHA Jupiter Mars mercury, Sun | “Moon The iransformation had started in the dasha of the ninth lord, Jupiter as it was ending, (5 June 1936 to 5 June 1952) On the eve of the Durga Puja in 1974, JP had addressed a vast gathering of students in Patna and had asked them whether the way they had worshipped Goddess Mother Durga, was worship at all, 1 had seen many Durga Pujas celebrated in Lucknow, Calcutta, Gauhati and Patna, (not the ones in the ashrams but the public oncs) but do not remember a more enthralling experience of true spirit of devo- tion in public pandals of Pujas by a respectful mass of Patna stu- dents, as in Patna that year. In J.P., students had seen the embodi- ment of an idealism they wished to see but it had become elusive then, and more now.” Childlessness Ketu in the 5th house and Jupiter, the putrakaraka, is an indi- cation of childlessness. Mars in Ketu’s nakshatra in gandanta-khesira isa bad Place for the Sth lord while Venus, the Sth lord, from Jupi- ter, is again debilitated. That completes the story of JP's childless- ness, though self-imposed, Events-based Verification As is my habit, I verify the past events of any person above the age of forty to assure myself that I am working on correct data for my own astrological research. It is being done again to reestab- ish that Dhanu alone is the correct lagna JP was married very ear- ly, those being the days of carly marriage His marriage was either 12 Astro-Journey finalised or solemmnised in Junc 1919 when Saturn, in transit first aspected his lagna lord and later from Leo aspected his 7th lord, while Jupiter was in Gemini, covering the 1/7 axis. Notes The period was Rahu-Rahu-Mercury. In the birth horo- scope Mercury is the 7th lord while in the navamsha in the 7th house. It can be seen in other ways also, ANNUAL HOROSCOPE OF OCTOBER 11, 1918 g Mars Rahu ANNUAL HOROSCOPE OF OCT. 11, 1918 Tapa Satum Moon | Mats Mee Raho Sun 2°We must remember that it was the era of Indira Gandhi who was not known for any scruples. Refer to my book, the Nehru Dy- nasty. The culmination of the Indira legacy has disgusted the coun- try so much that in refusing a bail application (27 Feb. 1996) to an Indian parliamentarian, Kalpnath Rai, arrested under the Terrorist and Disruptive (Prevention) Activities Act, a Delhi Judge, S.N. Dhingra, made some pungent observations thus: “\« in the past, most of the time, the nation’s prestigious in- stitution - the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha have wasted at huge cost to the national exchequer by walk outs, creating fish market scenes, shouting, protesting and even going to the extent of using muscle power inside the House. .. in ancient India kings and emperors thought it a privilege to sit at the feet of learned men. In today’s India MP’s and minis- ters think it a privilege if they get a chance to sit at the feet of underworld dons to get donations and seek their blessings.” In the annual horoscope, the 7th lord receives the aspect of Ju- Jaya Prakash Narain 13, piter from Mithuna which is the 7th house of the birth horoscope. In Jaimini’s Chara Dasha” The sequence is: Dhanu 1902 to 1903: Vrischika from 1903 to 1908: Tula from 1907 to 1919. From Tula the navamsha of the darakaraka, Mars (darakarakamsha) is in the 7th house, Mesha. | In Rahu-Jupiter (possibly Venus pratyantara) he left for the USA for higher studics. The dashamansha shows (Jupiter the 12th lord with the 5th lord Sun) and also Mercury. His biographer, Abhijit Bhattachajee’s biography (Bell Books) gives some good details about this period of the life of J.P. in the USA Notes It had to be a period of distinction as the annual horoscope of the year of his departure for the USA shows ANNUAL HOROSCOPE FOR OCT, 11, 1921 HOROSCOPE FOR OCT 11,1921] ars In the Chara Dasha it was the period of Kanya (1919-1930), the 10th house of distinction from his lagna and a period of distinc- tion. From Kanya the Sth house of education has two benefics, Ju- piter and the Moon, aspected by Mars. Few men have talked of the praise JP won from his professors. Some of them are worth reproducing from his biograghy. While J.P. maintained a monastically innocent air, Ozer recalled, “that when he entered the library to study, it wasn’t more than five minutes before 21. See my book “Predicting through Jaimini’s Chara Dasha” for the method of timing events including marriage. OTHER BOOKS BY K. N. KAO Astrology and Karma Predicting through Jaimini's chara Dasha Predicting through Karakamsha & Jaimin's Mandook Dasha The Nehru Dynasty Adyanced Techntques of Astological Predictions Vol-| Ups & Down in Career Astrology Destiny & the Wheel of Time Planets & Children Yogis Destiny Wheel of Time Timing of Events through Vimshottri Dasha K K. Joshi & Muhurta Traditional & Modern Edit. K. N. Rao Shivraj Sharma & Mystery of Rahuin Horoscope Edit K. N. Rao M.S. Mehta & Planets & Travel Abroad Edit. K. N. Rao : Write or visit for Books on Astrology Palmistry & Tantra-Mantra etc. Ranjan Publications 16, Ansari - Darya Ganj, NEW DELHI-110009 (India) Telephone ; 397 88 35 Rs. 225.00

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