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NIM : 1911171042/19

1. a. Jealously
b. Happiness
c. Hope
d. Love
e. Permanence

2. Definitions of the :
a) Plumber is a person who installs and repairs piping, fixtures, appliances, and
appurtenances in connection with the water supply, drainage systems, etc, both in and
out of buildings
b) Butcher is a person who may slaughter animals, dress their flesh, sell their meat, or
participate within any combination of these three tasks. They may prepare standard
cuts of meat and poultry for sale in retail or wholesale food establisment.
c) Counselor is a person who is specifically trained to provide advice, or a person you
turn to for advice.
d) Carpenter is a person who works with wood. They can make cabinets, build houses, or
do other thing with wood, carpenters usually make very good foremen (people who
watch over a job) on large jobs as they deal with so much of the project from ground

3. Chose the correct words to fill in the blanks!

 I am very concerned to her problem
 Goods cannot be exchanged unless a sales guarantee can be shown
 Be very careful with painting, its wet
 The airlines are going to performance their fairs again
 We must try to protect and keep the environment
4. Write your own quotations to describe the following abstract noun!
 Freedom is an autenthic word that can fire our soul for the unlimited acces and
thinking for everyone.
 Imagination is same important like knowledge.
 Life is the most precious thing that human being.
 Curiosity is the best teacher to be creative.
 Friendship is the way to interact the other people for to understand each other.

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