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Hh, 60 jo. Woe Andantino J. mf “ith great feel) ~ 850 Miter an “ey Mandate Line Ba fen I wants to stay here, but I ain't wor- thy, You i8 too Po. Andantino J. 59 a —_—_ ~~ BD aspr: e cantabile meane at jer We re ee For when I ce him he hyp-no - —_ de-cent a he to un-des- stan’; —_———__. is Bt a pocd Saye Renal Jas i tize me, ‘When he take hol’ of me ° with his hot hunt M. ae wT Se EP Ng er { abt anittalfn ae vehjay.. Finer han At~ bake : SS : oa know he’s com - in’ back to call me, == Hh He's goin’ to Its goin’ to nen Har ban Keller Kon /25 fara pe. tan kowwor, @ da @ [2 han- dle me an’ Be ike dy - in, fen. for- gy, deep In - + faut valde et = yl ‘But when he calls, I. b = know Ihave to go. = SS Es O Pe Posy 14 the da Cons Zerg, ti He tee fa lam dd a. ad? 1S vel am PORGY freely wes Ss Us a2! = Ie dere wart no Crown, Bess, If dere was on - ly juv you ar BESS (trembling __ tet te . HVO yan Hy ons a es = = oy a+ ia he a I loves you, Porgy, don’ let him ==" ; ee = Fa what Wdantino molto espressiyo “RAtino molto espressizo 2 SSS take me, Don’ let him han-dle me stay he Wid you for - ev-er, ~ ———~ poco rit, Bid] Allegretto deine = SSS fg vt ~ = + ¥ ae ; i # : —— Fé rm <——+ + “i . ie be : ‘ 8 PoRGY pith ln my, la har Gygen Ting a fruk- ta = =e et po 5 There, there Bese, _you don! need to be a - fraid no = : = os ad a oS Se marcato" Hn as . . as : m5 4 = == + z oF Mex , ead fort va a bar ttt lotp abs! Wyekhs hor, Le Po. mo, ‘You's picked up hap-pi-ness an’ laid yo’ wor-ries down, fou (e anne ? ° at va Oy ber on, & hi tha fA te olive. high, — Fomere Coun be 4 — = oe <- - town. bhir de be $$ SSF he when Crown come thats my __What you think Tis Pia appassignato,ma ben ritmato mf ber fy wl vera, o Don’ ly him take me, War eu Jen Jom fake Wy Po. ny- way, “to Iet an - Oth- br nig- ger steal way, g W' thal of MhiGar Mer Fi 'nng 2 Don’ Iet him han-dle me Y hfe O0' Hg Ou eergitbt tow War you wants to stay 356 i °° fren cena dae. Ih shish Por Ja Own te Por “2 dé, 28) (Biel ss =e = £ 5] ——- fare Bit awa lent mk were Taga Teta SSS = SS Hon- ey, an’ you got * love. So no mo’ cry - 5 1} iH + aH unl an an har | thy Varhet . 1 its to stay here Vl fan vota av. eh vba cant you un-der-stan’? =i to go a-bout yo

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