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Choose your analysis

We both choose Buffer Analysis which consists of two method in it . Firstly, Variation in
Buffering which is the buffer distance/ sizes does not have to be constant, vary based on
value given. Secondly, Applications of Buffering which is, buffering creates buffer zone data
The applications:-
a) Often treated as protection zone & used for planning/regulatory purposes
b) Act as a neutral zone & as a tool for conflict resolution.
c) Represent the inclusion zones
d) Serve as a screening devices/may become the object for analysis
e) Buffering with multiple rings- useful as a sampling method

2.Introduction : Your introduction should explain your objectives on the GIS part, for
example viewshed analysis; explain about the data involve (data apa yang kamu perlu guna),
data obtained (data tu kamu dapat dari mana), sample of projects (case study) that using the
analysis and how would you use the analysis in your project

Buffer Analysis
i. Variation in Buffering
ii. Applications of Buffering

1. Data involve
i. Water body
ii. Forest
iii. Residential
iv. Land
v. Agriculture

2. Data obtained

3.Case study
4.How we use the analysis in our project

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