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Salam & hello everyone.

This worksheet is for all students.

*Instruction: Write the questions and answer in your exercise book. If you don't have the exercise
book at home, you may answer on any paper and paste it in your book later when the school is
open. Stay at home and stay safe.*


_Answer all the questions below._

1) The term Covid-19 is derived from __________________________.

2) R.M.O. stands for __________________________.

3) During the R.M.O. in Malaysia, people are only allowed to go out from _ to _.

4) What are the *THREE* most important rules during the R.M.O.?


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5) What are the *THREE* crucial steps to avoid ourselves from getting infected by the virus?


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6) List down *THREE* most popular hashtags in the social medias during the Covid-19 pandemic in

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7) Name *THREE* government agencies that are considered as the most important frontliners
during the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia?


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_(For question no. 7, write the formal full name of the agencies)_


_Answer the questions below in a paragraph. Each answer must not be more than *50 words*._

1) One of the most popular hashtag during the Covid-19 pandemic is *#flattenthecurve*. As a
student, how can you help the country to flatten the curve during the Covid-19 pandemic?

2) Where are you during the R.M.O. period? How do you fill your time being at home?

3) In your opinion, how should the government act towards those who break the rules during the
R.M.O. period?

*PART C* (only for 4A, 4B & 4C)

_Write a short essay to answer the question below. Your writing must be between *120 - 150

Do you think online classes should be held during the R.M.O. period? Why? Support your answer
with relevant arguments.
(P/s: If your short essay answer is well written and supported, *10 marks will be added as a BONUS*
to your "Ujian 1" marks.)

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