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Tincy Varghese

As a future educator, I know I must set the tone to manage my classroom. Each

classroom is different and especially in my classroom because I will be a science teacher at a title

one school. Good classroom management is more than being an authoritative figure with your

students and strong organizational skills. The process of managing a classroom is a big

component for creating a structured learning environment.

From My personal experience, I have noticed some of the components in managing a classroom


1. Building a relationship with your students and parents.

2. Training your students how learning takes place in your classroom.

3. Praise and Showing you care

Building a relationship with your students is a key component for running an effective

classroom. Especially working at a low-income school understanding the mind of a student who

lives in poverty “Compared to suburban settings, urban schools are more likely to draw their

student populations from neighborhoods that have higher poverty levels, unemployment, single-

parent households, immigrant populations, and crime rates (Clewell, Campbell, & Perlman,

2007; Milner, 2006)”. Also, getting the parents involved if possible, sending emails and making

calls to the parents. One way you can make point of contact would be” back-to-school night is a

very important point of contact. It usually will be the teacher’s first opportunity to form a

relationship with parents, so warmth and openness in greeting and meeting are critically

important. Naturally, teachers are interested in giving parents an overview of classroom activities

and of the curriculum to be covered, but parents often are more interested in how well the teacher

will connect with their child” (Evertson; Emmer ,2016).

Tincy Varghese

Training students how learning will take in the classroom will be a set routine for my

students. I will start off the class with the opening “chief concern of the opening activity is to

help the students make an orderly transition into the classroom and be ready for the rest of the

period, while the teacher handles administrative tasks such as the attendance check and takes

care of previously absent students” (Evertson; Emmer, 2016). Next I will Present the new

content to my students. “One chief management concern is making sure that students are active

rather than passive. Therefore, you will have to find ways to involve them in the development of

the lesson” (Evertson; Emmer, 2016). I believe this will be one of most challenging areas in my

first year of teaching will be, keeping the students busy. Especially students who tend to get off

task easily, behavior problems, and students who are gifted and talented. Group discussions and

class discussion is another way I will teach my students to learn. When using a discussion

format, plan your questions carefully. “Students should be made aware of your ground rules for

participation (raise hands, listen carefully, respect each person’s right to self-expression). Some

secondary classes, especially at the middle school level, have difficulty sustaining a discussion

for very long, so plan short ones (e.g., 10 to 15 minutes) until you have an idea of what you and

your classes can handle. Setting the routine down for the students will the list of the agenda and

the objectives on the board (Evertson; Emmer, 2016)”. In order for my students to learn

independently. In this process, I will demonstrate to my students what working independently

looks like. I do have concerns in this area because students often pretend to know what the

assignment is and wait to the end to tell the teacher “I did not understand it”. I handle the

problem accordingly by leaving assignment posted on the board to avoid confusion and help

guide my students.” Teachers are expected to provide a relevant, engaging activity and by simply

doing the activity kids would learn something. The shift now is toward establishing a clear
Tincy Varghese

learning outcome up front. This has proven to be more effective in achieving the learning

outcome and appears to be more motivating for the student. By first communicating to the

students WHAT they will learn and HOW they are going to demonstrate success, the objective

helps explain WHY students are being asked to perform a certain activity” (Brent, 1998).

Especially in a science class students need direct instructions when completing an individual lab

assignment. The last thing that will take place in my classroom will be assessing and closing the

class. My students will have a list of expectation in how I want the class to flow during our

learning. I will train my students, until it becomes a norm.

I also will promote a warming and inviting classroom. I will praise and care for my

students by complementing them. I will constantly tell my students I am their number one fan.”

Research findings have also suggested that praising students for engaging in appropriate

nonacademic behaviors such as hand-raising, picking up trash in the lunchroom, sitting

appropriately, and entering a classroom without talking can encourage students to follow rules

and may even decrease the number of office disciplinary referrals issued schoolwide” (Wilmott,

2011). Also I will have a wish well wall where a student can post good news or if they think a

classmate did a good job.

One area I know I will be well prepared in my first year of teaching will be is to identify

when a student is having a difficult time learning. I believe this could lead to behavior problems

and disturbing the class. For the students who are having trouble I will offer the small group

table and pour in all my care in to them. I believe this is something I specialized in. I also feel I

am well prepared for students who have dyslexia and text anxiety. Any of these special needs

cases can also disrupt learning in the classroom.

Tincy Varghese

I highly feel I am able teach science before I was doing teaching I was a science major

and I feel very comfortable with the subject. I know I can engage my students with the material

because I enjoy science and I have a passion to teach it. Also keeping the student interesting in

using web quest, online assignments, projects, labs , group work , and whole class discussions.

“a study that over 300 students from two different Arab middle schools in Israel. Half of the

students learned science using project-based learning strategies and the other half learned using

traditional methods (non-project-based). The classes were heterogeneous regarding their

achievements in the sciences. The adapted questionnaire contained 38 statements concerning

students' perceptions of the science classroom climate. The results of the study revealed that

students who learned sciences by project-based teaching strategies perceived their

classroom learning climate as significantly more Satisfying and Enjoyable, with greater Teacher

Supportiveness, and the Teacher-Student Relationships as significantly more positive. The

differences between the experimental (project-based learning strategies) and control (non-

project) groups regarding their perceptions of the science classroom learning climate could be

explained by differences between the two-science teaching and learning strategies” (Hugerat,


In conclusion, I believe my first year of teaching science will be a huge learning

experience but I know I will feel prepare when I start teaching. I believe with the classroom

management Ideas I have in place I can obtain a structured learning environment.

Tincy Varghese

Work Cited

1. Davis, B (1998, May 1) Improving student Achievement and Behaviors in Middle School

In applied science laboratory.

2. Hugerat, M. (2016). How teaching Science using project based learning Affects

classroom learning environment. Learning environment research, 19(3), 383-395.

3. Parents and Partners: A Workshop for Promoting Positive Parent-Teacher Relationships in

the Early Education Classroom Isabelo, Eula V. San Diego State University, ProQuest
Dissertations Publishing, 2016. 10027831.

4. Edmund T. Emmer and Carolyn M. Evertson 2016. Classroom Management for Middle
and High school teachers 10th edition.

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