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Name : Gisca Syanitia Eka Putri

Npm : 18111031

1. Medicinal Leech

Leeches can be regarded as one of the methods of traditional medicine which is quite civilized
and popular from ancient times. The advantage of leech therapy itself is beneficial for
smoothing blocked blood flow.

In Europe in 1830, this method became big business. Finally, France can import about 40 million
leeches every year to cure various diseases.

This treatment method was abandoned, because there is no evidence to support leeches that
can cure various diseases. But some hospitals like UCLH in London are using leeches to help
patients get their blood flowing.

Now Wales is a center of beauty therapy and leech farms as well as suppliers of tens of
thousands of medicinal leeches to hospitals throughout the world.

2. Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a method of treatment by removing static (thick) blood that contains toxins from the human
body. by means of vacuuming the skin and expelling blood from it. This understanding includes two
main mechanisms of cupping, namely the process of vacuuming the skin and then proceed with the
removal of blood from the skin that has been vacuum previously.

- Cupping therapy is an alternative treatment that is quite popular since ancient times. Cupping is
believed to be able to remove toxins and harmful substances in the body. This treatment method is
done by sucking out the dirty blood in the body.

The way this therapy works is by heating the cup with fire using alcohol, and herbal concoctions. After
that the cup is directly placed on the skin, the skin surface will turn red because the blood vessels
respond to changes in pressure.

Cupping itself is divided into three based on the technique. Dry cupping is a cupping therapy that does
not produce dirty blood but only wind. Wet Cupping, is a therapy by giving a small puncture needle on
the skin so that dirty blood comes out. As for cupping, it can be done in both dry and wet cupping and
has a technique by moving the cup in various directions with the help of massage oil.
Benefits of Cupping

According to various sources, there are several benefits of cupping therapy including:

1. Blood circulation

Cupping therapy is proven to be able to help improve blood circulation. Dirty blood suction increases the
blood flow, making the vessels stronger.

2. Removing Toxins, Wind, and Cholesterol

Toxins, wind, and cholesterol can be withdrawn by sucking dirty blood so that the blood becomes clean.
Usually, toxins, wind, and cholesterol gather with blood in the skin layer.

3. Acupuncture
acupuncture is a method of traditional Chinese medicine by sticking needles at certain points of the
body. Acupuncture is claimed to balance energy and can cure several diseases such as headaches, blood
pressure problems, and coughs. So, how does acupuncture therapy work?

How Acupuncture Therapy Works

According to acupuncture therapists, human health is the result of a harmonious balance between "yin"
and "yang" from the life force known as "chi." Now, when we are sick it can be said that the "yin" and
"yang" in our body are out of balance. Chi flows through a pathway that is in the human body. Well, this
energy flow path can be accessed through 350 acupuncture points in the body. Inserting needles into
these points with the right combination can bring the flow of energy back into balance.

However, if viewed from a scientific point of view, the path of the energy flow or acupuncture points
cannot be proven. Therefore, this therapy is still often debated by various medical experts. Even so,
many studies have shown that acupuncture is effective for treating a number of conditions. Here are the
benefits of acupuncture that need to be known

Benefits of Acupuncture Therapy

Numerous studies have shown that acupuncture is indeed effective in relieving tension headaches and
migraines. In addition to headaches, it turns out that acupuncture is also useful for reducing symptoms
of the disease, such as:

Low back pain, Neck pain, Osteoarthritis, High and low blood pressure, Gastric-related diseases, Facial
pain, Morning sickness

Actually, there are many other types of diseases that are thought to be reduced by acupuncture
These diseases can be treated effectively if acupuncture therapy is done properly and can be combined
with other treatments.

Acupuncture Therapy Procedure

An acupuncturist will examine the sufferer and assess his condition. After that, the therapist will start
jabbing one or more sterile needles. While jabbing the needle, the therapist usually gives advice about
self-care or other complementary therapies, such as Chinese herbs. Sometimes the needle is heated or
electrically stimulated after it is inserted. The needle will be planted for approximately 5-30 minutes.

The person will be asked to lie on your back, front, or one side, depending on where the needle will be
inserted. Acupuncturists must use disposable needles that are sterile. Each time the needle is inserted,
the sufferer may feel a sensation of stinging or tingling in a very short time. After the needle is inserted,
sometimes it will appear dull pain at the base of the needle which a few seconds later automatically
subsides. Acupuncture is usually relatively painless.

The amount of care needed depends on the complaints an individual has. A person with a chronic
condition may need one or two treatments a week for several months. Acute problems usually improve
after 8–12 sessions of acupuncture therapy.

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