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 For Dell Venue 8 Pro 5830 running Windows 10 Home/Pro 1511 10586.164 Intel Atom Z3740D.

This solution
was originally proposed in March 2016 by jjwatmyself with nobody31’s help. Testing completed by jjwatmyself and
nobody31. No known issues to-date (April 4 2016).

Solution is for Windows 10 and not tested on Windows 8 or 8.1:

o Download Windows 10 32 bit Bluetooth and Wi-Fi drivers for LG's 10T550 Tab Book Duo (same
hardware as DV8P)

Version with Atheros IHV Service / Libraries (tested by jjwatmyself)

o Copy the following files to a temporary location (needed after driver install)

 C:\windows\system32\athihvs.dll

 C:\windows\system32\athihvui.dll

o For each installer, right-click, run as Administrator

o Copy the files back

 C:\windows\system32\athihvs.dll

 C:\windows\system32\athihvui.dll

o Reboot

Version without Atheros IHV Service / Libraries (tested by nobody31)

o For each installer, right-click, run as Administrator

o Click start, type regedit, right click run as administrator

o Navigate to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet, search for athihvs.dll

o Delete Key (yellow folder) IHVExtensions

o Reboot

Wireless and Bluetooth will show as follows: 

o Dell Wireless 1528 802.11 a/g/n adapter 9/22/2014

o Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth UART Transport Driver 1/22/2015


Both solutions offer stable Bluetooth and Wireless, long battery life using connected standby. As of this writing, there
are no measurable advantages or disadvantages of either proposed config over the other.

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