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Organic Analysis

Carboxylic acids can be tested for by adding sodium hydrogencarbonate and then bubbling the products
through lime water, if the limewater turns cloudy then the organic compound being tested is a
carboxylic acid.

High resolution mass spectrometry can be used to identify compounds that appear to have the same Mr
but actually are different compounds which will have different Mrs when measure to a higher

In infrared spectroscopy, a beam of infrared radiation is passed through a chemical sample, covalent
bonds absorb different frequencies of this radiation so they can be identified by the frequency they
absorb. The fingerprint region is unique to a particular compound and is located between 1000cm-1 and

Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapour are better at absorbing infrared radiation.
So they can store this energy from the sun, causing the atmosphere to warm up.

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