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Profesora: Liliana Pérez

Alumna: Daniela Ugarte



by Oliverio Girondo

Freshness in the glass when leaning the forehead against the

window. Sleepless lights that leave us even lonelier when they are
off. Spiderwebs woven by the wires over the rooftops. Hollow
trotting. What does the howling of the cats in heat remind us of,
and which is the intention of the papers dragged in the empty
backyards? Time of the night which the od furniture uses to get
out one’s lies and when the pipes yell strangled shouts, as though
suffocated inside the walls.
Sometimes, it is thought, when switching the light, how horrified
the shadows could feel, and we would like to warn them so they
could have time to curl up in the corners. And sometimes, the
crosses of the telephone poles, on the rooftops have something
sinister and oneself would like to graze the walls, like a cat or a
Nights in which we would like someone to sweep our loin, and
when we suddenly realize that there is no comparable tenderness
to caress something that sleeps.
Silence! −Hoarse cricket in our ear−. Chant of the dripping taps!
−the only cricket that suits the city−

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