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Shaun Anderson, Ransom Linder

Nutrition Trends Assessment

1. Why has this food received a healthy reputation?

Kale contains fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, vitamin K,
magnesium, copper, and iron which is important for humans to implement in order to be healthy.

2. Each team member will conduct independent research finding an article regarding this food and
possible health benefits. Provide a link to each source and include the group member’s name
that found that article.
a. Shaun Anderson,
b. Ransom Linder

3. Based on this research list 2 possible health benefits and 2 negative consequences/
contraindications from consuming this food.

Two possible health benefits from consuming Kale are that its one of the most nutrient-dense
foods on the planet and an excellent source of vitamin C. 2 negative consequences might be that
it could interfere with thyroid function if eaten in high amounts and Kale contains a sugar called
raffinose, which is hard for humans to break down compared to normal sugars.

4. Based on your research would you incorporate this food into your diet? Would you recommend
it to someone you know?

It’s very easy to incorporate into a diet because it can be cooked in a variety of different ways. It
can just be left raw in a salad, steamed, smoked or grilled. I would especially recommend grilling
it to friends who like cooking or are health fanatics.

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