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Ethics is very broad to understand. This is also is one helpful way for us to obey and respect one
another. To convey what is right or wrong so we can’t hurt other people plus not compromising
your self-respect. It may also make an appearance to clear position about some arguments and to
clear issues in real life. Ethical thinking also leads to change what a person thinks and also it
shows in today’s world. Honest, integrity, caring, and personal responsibility are values we do
ethically when we faced with ethical dilemmas in our personal lives. About ethics can always
be applied in our professions like Civil Engineering which helps today’s generation face some
newly enhanced products, shelter, transportation, and creating new things better to our
community which actually help our daily lives.

Other instances like respect the “rights of other people”, if a Civil Engineer encounters some
problem of the construction or project, he/she inform the client and wait for its consent before
continuing it because it is the proper way between the client to engineer business. Not only
respecting the people but also respect the lives of our environment because Civil Engineers are
also a destroyer. Destroyer but creating a structure, improving products, in a way on creating
new infrastructure. Think about the consequences of our actions, those actions can affect other
people. Engineers can do mistakes not only in their different field but also to our daily lives but
he/she should respond to the consequences of his actions like doing what is right. Problems like
infrastructure defects that never notice that creates a problem in the construction. Treat other
people fairly not only your family, friends but also the people around us because that what a
good thing to do. Engaging medical advances that create cloning, euthanasia, abortion that
creates problems in today’s practice of medicine. Act with integrity and must be careful about
what you say, think because that what you become according to Presidential Medal of Freedom
winner, James Q. Wilson, writes about “The Moral Sense”. Ethics is very useful and made our
lives different. Civil Engineer’s enhancing new improve production, shelter, transportation,
health, for protection to all living and non-living things which is good and convenient to our
everyday living.
Ethical Principle every action creates maybe what is right or wrong results but some
philosophers want to convey is that “practice makes perfect”. In this concept, it maintains the
well-being of others by showing in a way that it is not hurtful. It also instructs us what we
promised, not what we want to do. We ought to behave towards others with respect and
kindness. Remember, ethical professionals, are much better than professionals and become more
ethical in your career. However, keep in mind that being ethical in your profession can lead to
surprising results that you should prepare too. Most of us want is “treating others the way we
want to be treated” because it is nice to live in a simple and not complicated life.

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